179 You picked the wrong opponent! (please order first)

“Damn, it’s that sketch.

Stark’s face froze, and then he understood why Obadiah Stan had such a terrifying armor, but the battle continued, Stark didn’t have time to think so much, and could only fight Obadiah Stan.

But because of the relationship of force, it is difficult for Stark to defeat the Iron Overlord. After all, Stark originally designed this set of steel battle suits not to be used as a killing tool at all.

However, Stark thought of a method of freezing and flew directly into the sky, intending to lure Obadiah Stan into the sky.

“You actually want to escape? I won’t let you escape, but now I still have a bug to kill. If it wasn’t for that bug, you probably wouldn’t have come back!”

Obadiah Stan said with a sneer, looking directly at Xia Zuo who was watching all this from a distance.

Before, Obadiah Stan already knew that there were two people who helped Stark. If there weren’t those two people, he didn’t need to get to this point. As for who those two people were, Obadiah Stan had already checked. Qing, after all, not many people can come and go in Stark’s house at will.

When he was fighting with Stark just now, Obadiah Stan’s radar had already detected that Xia Zuo appeared on a building not far away, so he wanted to kill Xia Zuo to relieve his anger!

For a time, huge amounts of Tie Bawang ignited instantly, and huge amounts of figure flew to the high-rise building where Xia Zuo was located, and he wanted to smash this bug into pieces!

“No, Obadiah Stan, here I am!”

Stark saw Obadiah Stan’s intention at once, and hurriedly called out to Obadiah Stan, trying to attract Obadiah Stan’s attention, the steel battle suit flew directly to Xia Zuo the direction in which it is located.

But Obadiah Stan simply ignored Stark and decided to get rid of Xia Zuo first.

“If you set the target on me, then you picked the wrong opponent~~.

Xia Zuo smiled indifferently, and did not take Obadiah Stan in his eyes at all. After all, in his opinion, even if Obadiah Stan was wrapped in a layer of iron, it was just a slaughter of ants.

At this moment, Xia Zuo stood up slowly, and the two-color eyes also turned into golden eyes at this moment, and the clock of time beating inside, slowly beating the position of a tick.

One shot!


Step out!

The next moment, Xia Zuo’s figure has appeared on the side of Tiebawang, and he punched the Tiebawang lightly!


Tie Bawang’s bloated body slammed to the ground in an instant, as if he had been attacked by some powerful force, he directly smashed a huge pit out of the ground!

“Well, it looks like I don’t need my help!”

Stark then stopped and looked at this scene with self-joking, but Stark under the mask contracted his pupils and was shocked.

Because he didn’t expect Xia Zuo’s power to be so terrifying, and even the Iron Overlord was so terrifying that he punched him directly. You know, even now wearing a steel battle suit, he didn’t have the ability to defeat the Iron Overlord.

On the other hand, the speed of Xia Zuo just now was also extremely terrifying. When he stepped out, he appeared on the side of Iron Overlord at the next moment. Even J.A.R.V.I.S did not capture Xia Zuo’s figure.

Although Stark was shocked, he felt that it was reasonable to assume that Xia Zuo was mysterious and powerful, and it was normal to have terrifying power, but the power was still beyond his imagination.

In fact, the power that Xia Zuo showed was more terrifying than he thought. After all, Xia Zuo was someone who could beat Hulk, and Hulk was not comparable to the Iron King.

The swollen geese slowly climbed out of the pit, but there was a depression in the position where Xia Zuo hit just now, and there were even some tiny cracks on the fuselage, and even now it’s a little sluggish in action , It can be seen that the blow just now was not good.

However, Obadiah Stan didn’t have time to pay attention to the situation on the Iron Overlord, but stared at Xia Zuo with a solemn expression, because he never thought that Xia Zuo was so scary, this is definitely not something that humans can do, like this Power is like a monster.

“Damn, who the hell are you?!”

Obadiah Stan cursed, because from before to now, he always thought that Xia Zuo was an agent at most, but did not know the true identity of Xia Zuo, after all, when he went to the cave, the outside of the cave had already been burned Almost there, he only found the sketch in the cave.

Thinking about it now, there seems to be something wrong with Xia Zuo’s rescue of Stark before. After all, when they first appeared, it was already at Stark’s home, not the airport, and there are other details that show that Xia Zuo’s power is not simple. .

“You are really stupid. You dare to do it without even checking the identity of Xia Zuo. I can tell you that he has a name before, and that is the person with different pupils!”

Stark’s figure has slowed down, after all, with Xia Zuo here, he doesn’t need to rack his brains to make a freezing plan.

“Different pupils? Could it be the werewolf who ruined HYDRA for so many years? Damn it, why would the alien pupils get involved in this? Pregnancy!”

Obadiah Stan’s pupils shrank, only then did he understand Xia Zuo’s identity!

At that time, the matter between Xia Zuo and HYDRA was circulated at some level, and Obadiah Stan was one of the people who heard about it, so now I am hearing the word “different pupil” Time to understand the identity of Xia Zuo. (good good)

You must know that although he feels that he has the Iron Overlord, he does not have absolute confidence to oppose HYDRA, but such a terrorist organization has fallen into the hands of one person, and more importantly, this person is actually his enemy!

Obadiah Stan suddenly had a headache, and was even thinking about how to retreat!

Obadiah Stan is not a fool, if the reputation may be a rumor, but at that time, the blow of Xia Zuo has completely demonstrated the power of Xia Zuo, how could he still be willing to fight Xia Zuo hard.

“Aren’t you going to crush me as a bug? I’ll give you this chance, why don’t you come!”

Xia Zuo slowly fell to the ground, looked at the Iron Overlord who had smashed into the ground lightly, and said that he could hear Obadiah Stan’s words just now.

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