People who don’t live in this world never know what the comic book that this world comic fans long for is.

Since the publication of “Captain America” and the popular love of the United States, many cartoonists have imitated it, forming countless waves.

So far, the comic book market has become deformed, this book is a routine template, and the similar plots are full of each other, and there are few excellent comics.

There were seniors who wanted to draw a line with superheroes, but they didn’t expect to die directly in the barren market and swept into the tip of history.

People have to look at the money, since the risk is so great, of course, the cartoonists who want to try it take back their feet and gnaw the old book.

It is in this context that readers look at traditional heroes and vomit, as long as they read comics that are okay in the past, they will buy them to see, just to see if there are new ideas, and urgently need new comics to fill their troubled hearts.

But the result did not go as they hoped, but this idea led to a significant reduction in innovation, and some thick-skinned cartoonists seized on the reader’s fluke mentality.

Directly change the names, superpowers and place names of the previous comics, and the plot will become a new comic book without changing it, defrauding readers of money.

For example: two works by the same cartoonist.

Protagonist: I think in New York, I got the ability to penetrate walls.

Protagonist B: I think back in Washington, I got the flame ability.

A protagonist: My good friend is missing.

Protagonist B: My good friend is also missing.

Protagonist: I was forced to embark on the road of heroism.

Protagonist B: Me too.

Protagonist: My girlfriend asked me to dance, but I broke my word.

Protagonist B: Me too, but I’m about watching a movie.

Protagonist A: I fight criminals and never kill, but they always run out of prison.

Protagonist B: Me too.

Protagonist A: Just as the earth was destroyed, I fought to get in the way, and finally I died.

Protagonist B: Me too.

This is not a minority in the comic book market, just like the American team fan, and just when they are desperate and ready to give up the entertainment spirit of comics.

“One Punch Man” was born, he is not the work of a big-name cartoonist, nor is it a routine template, and even the distribution company has changed its name, and the person in power has heard that it is a young man.

Just the setting of the painting style and reshaping the three views has only 4 episodes, which makes the comic fans fall into a carnival.

Just like drugs, the more tasteful, the more flavorful, making comic fans feel that the past comics are simply tasteless, and it is not a pity to abandon a little.

The comic book industry was like a stagnant water, and no trace of life was completely stirred up this afternoon, and the entire industry involved was shocked.

Marvel Comics

“Hello, yes, this is Marvel, what! You also want a thousand copies, I’m really sorry that we are also out of stock, we are reprinting, and we will notify you as soon as it arrives. ”

At this time, the office area was hot, full of ringing and answering phones, and only 7 employees plus editor-in-chief Andy were busy.

The new issue of “Teenage Jump” has been printed in 50,000 copies, and finally Andy even found a few temporary workers to answer the phone and ran to the printing house to ask them to work overtime to print.

Everything was normal when it was released in the morning, but just after noon it was doping, and the phone kept ringing.

As an old man of the company, Andy was extremely excited, his face was red, and he danced on the way to the printing house, asking pedestrians to point.

But Andy was unmoved, and still went his own way.

Today is the first day of the release of One-Punch Man’s comics, and even in the afternoon, the number of direct printing has reached 55,000 copies, which is definitely the first case since the establishment of the company.

Andy knows better that such a speed bursts out for 24 hours, that is, 100,000 copies after the first day, and 200,000 copies can also be touched.

And such a record is completely the strength of the phenomenal comics published by “Team America”, and this crazy buying boom has never broken out again for decades.

There is no doubt that Xu Mo’s comics can become the pillars of the industry alongside “Team America” as long as they do not collapse later, even if they slow down.

The New York Times and other media have thrown themselves into this unpopular comic book market, and they have a keen feeling that this is a reshuffle.


Xu Mo didn’t know that his comics would be so popular that they attracted the attention of the relevant media, and after he and Gali had breakfast, the two continued to test “One Punch” in the study.

At the same time, he is also waiting for the fans to arrive.

With the passage of time, the fan value slowly increased from 0 to the explosion at noon, looking at the changing numbers, Xu Mo directly smiled and was ecstatic.

You must know that these fan values are all consumables of the lottery, and the things drawn are the foundation of his foothold in the Marvel Universe.

Just when Xu Mo was beautiful and Jiali looked at him with a caring fool’s gaze, the phone suddenly rang, Xu Mo gently put down the brush and connected the phone.

“Xu Mo, you are really good, your father is not as powerful as you, “One Punch Man” is completely popular, and the Twitter hot evaluation index has been in the top five.”

“At present, the printing has reached 55,000 copies, and the accurate data must be calculated after 0 o’clock.”

“Do you know how the industry is described? A pillar alongside “Team America”. ”

Xu Mo picked up the phone, and there was Uncle Andy’s crackling cry, and he wanted to share it with him.

When Xu Mo heard the last sentence, he raised his eyebrows and scolded flatly

“Uncle Andy calm down, this is a killing.”

Don’t look at “One Punch”, so fierce, but he is a short and medium-length comic, and even the original author ONE is not much more, all supported by the secondary author.

It is really impossible to compare with “Team America”, especially after many of his future comics enter, the popularity of “One Punch” will decrease, and then someone will specifically pick on it.

He occupies many factors to become popular, and now he still can’t change the setting of no logic and random assumptions.

The weakness will be exposed at that time, and Chengya kills with one punch, and defeats with one punch, losing the necessary “passage” of classic comics.

After all, “One Punch Man” can indeed be called a phenomenal comic that has been the focus of discussion for a while, but it will not become a classic comic that is still popular decades later.

There are many phenomenal comics, but it is rare that they become masterpieces and classics that will remain in people’s minds forever.

To be a confrontation with “Team America” can only be defeated according to the classics, “One Punch” is just a pioneer.

“…… You’re right, of course. ”

Andy was immediately awakened from his complacency by Xu Mo’s reminder, others don’t know the world after a punch, but he passed with Xu Mogou earlier.

Today’s “One Punch Man” is just a wave of momentum that stirs up the stagnant water, in fact, when this wave is over, other comics will take over, “One Punch” will begin to regain its status.

Most of the comic fans who advocate “One Punch” are irrational and desperately grasp the life and death straw of the superhero theme, and they will only wake up after the wave and face this comic squarely.

That’s when the new comics really start to roll over the entire comic book world.

Ask for flowers! Collect it! Ask for flowers! Collect it!

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