However, in the face of Luodi's sweep, the Ten Commandments Gang also immediately retaliated, increasing the frequency of terrorist activities, and an explosion incident in a few days caused panic among the Americans, and everyone was afraid.

At this time, the call for letting the Avengers out of the mountain was high, but the government side had not moved, and Carl and they had received a warning from Fury not to meddle in these matters.

Faced with this situation, Carl of course does not care, but Tony is different.

Tony's state this year was very bad, he couldn't sleep all night long, and as soon as his eyes were closed, he saw the picture of the Zitari army pressing.

Carl was dragged by Tony to drink several times, but unfortunately Tony's problem was not physical, but psychological, and Carl couldn't do anything about it.

Unless Tony can figure it out on his own, no one can help him.

Tony's situation Pepper has not yet discovered, every time Pepper goes back, Tony will try to stay with Pepper, wait for Pepper to fall asleep before going down to his laboratory and banging.

On this day, Tony, who was very concerned about the terrorist matter, called Carl and Roddy again, wanting to get something out of Roddy's mouth, and called Carl to make Roddy more confident in their strength.

At a news-themed bar, Roddy, Carl, and Tony sat at a table and asked for three times as much drink, and the bar was filled with televisions showing the opinions of various TV stations on the events of this time.

Superheroes Magic Swordsman, Iron Man and the newly minted "Iron Patriot" sitting together are certainly eye-catching.

However, apparently everyone could see that the three of them were just out for a drink, so no one came to disturb them, let alone watch them.

"People have reacted well to the name, haven't they?"

Roddy said to Carl and Tony.

"Wow, 'I'm a Steel Patriot, lay down your weapons!'"

Tony is funny and lively.

"Hey, listen, 'Gears of War' sounds too strong, this one is a lot better, just like your nickname with Carl!"

Roddy said speechlessly, he had always cared about his nickname, although he preferred the title 'War Machine'.

"Roddy, what is the situation of that Mandarin, has your military shared information with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Tony asked pretending to be casual.

"It's confidential Tony!"

When Roddy heard this, he immediately understood Tony's purpose and hesitated.

"Seriously, tell me about this Mandarin, I'm curious!"

Tony obviously knows Roddy very well, and since Roddy hesitates, it means that Roddy also wants to say that if Roddy really can't say it, it will definitely not be like this.

"Well, it's like this, there were nine explosions in total, the public only knew about three, and the problem is, it was not known what the explosive device was, and not a single remaining debris could be found at the scene!"

After looking around, Roddy whispered to Carl and Tony.

As soon as Carl heard it, he knew that it was an explosion that the desperate virus soldiers could not control, of course, it was also possible that they were deliberately thrown there when they were about to lose control to produce an explosion.

"Roddy, I can help, I have a lot of new inventions, a warframe that can attach automatically, a device for checking bombs, and a device for intercepting bombs in mid-air, in short, just look for me!"

Tony said and pointed at Carl:

"And little Carl, he can sense the situation around him, very useful, is your military really not going to think about it?"

"Listen, the Department of Defense is really frightened, the New York alien incident has made them know how fragile the defense of the United States is, and they must pretend to be strong!"

"Although the most important thing now is to stop that Mandarin, but... But it's not about superheroes!"

Roddy said and showed an apologetic wry smile to Carl, who shrugged indifferently and did not speak.

Although Tony was helpless, it was not good to say anything more.

At this time, two more children cute ran over and took out their drawings for Tony and Carl to sign, but Tony's state became more and more wrong, and Carl even felt that Tony's breathing became rapid.

"Uncle Tony, there is no problem with your heart or brain, but blood circulation slows down abnormally, blood pressure begins to decrease, I judge it is a psychological problem, you have a very serious anxiety disorder!"

Carl whispered to Tony as he signed autographs for the two children.

"Anxiety! Me?"

Tony was stunned when he heard this, he couldn't believe it, but he was never anxious, even when he was caught in the cave, he was very calm, so he couldn't accept it.

However, Tony also trusts Carl's judgment, and Tony knows that he has met the heart knot, that is, the New York alien incident, and he must find a way to recover.

In fact, Pepper and Carl had long persuaded Tony to go for surgery to remove the chest things, but after the New York War, Tony became a little paranoid.

Tony thinks that he is safe only if he has a reactor in his chest, and he feels that he and the armor are one and inseparable.

"No, I'm going to go first!"

Tony said and stood up directly, out of the bar, his steel armor was placed outside, and by the time Carl and Roddy followed out, Tony had already broken through.

"Little Carl, what the hell is going on!"

Roddy turned to Karl.

"The New York alien incident has affected Uncle Tony too much, and he has always been afraid that the earth will not be able to stop the next time the aliens arrive, so he keeps studying the armor and even researching a legion, but this is not enough, isn't it?"

Karl said lightly.

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