The days returned to normal, but Carl also began to get busy, Daisy went to work during the day, and Carl ran to the Avengers Building.

Only on weekends, Carl would come back to spend weekends with Daisy without caring about anything, so Daisy never complained about anything, but was happy that Carl would finally not practice all the time when she went to work, but had someone to accompany her.

Time flies, and soon, another face of time passes.

In the past year, 79 bases have been lost. Eight of them made Hulk sorties.

There were 5 times it was a small base, it was not to trouble anyone, Karl directly went over and casually threw an Asura awakening move "Dark Sky Fluctuation Eye" and got it.

More than a year of battles large and small has also made the feelings and tacit understanding of the Avengers increase rapidly.

With Carl here, the Avengers' combat ability has increased N grades, Karl's heart has a wide range, any situation is faster than the satellite can detect, and any base Carl can go alone and easily break.

The eight times that let the Hulk dispatch were still because it was a large base, in order to speed up the speed, not 24 Hydra's deletion of information, and then in order to make the Hulk more familiar with everyone, the Hulk was let out.

Otherwise, there would be no need for the Hulk, and Karl's strength was vividly displayed in the battle and was recognized by everyone.

Moreover, Carl does not like to dictate, is very obedient to commands, and the tasks assigned can be completed quickly every time, so it has become an indispensable and important combat force among the Avengers.

It has also been well received by everyone.

Natasha, Barton, Captain, Saul, and Banner all had a great affection for Carl, the youngest, strongest, and somewhat silent but definitely not indifferent to his companions.

And this year's non-stop fighting, although it is against some ordinary people, but the large number of battles has also made Carl more experienced, and he has actually learned a lot from several other people!

I learned "flexibility" from Tony, no matter what the situation is, I will use the tricks in my hands to achieve the goal in the smallest and simplest way.

I learned from captain Rogers the tenacity, no matter at any time, no matter how bad the situation is, never give up, walk and walk, as long as you get to the end, your eyes will be bright.

I learned from Hawkeye Patton that combat literacy is not to mess around with strength, but to plan first, and then execute your plan without making mistakes.

Learned from Natasha... Well, it's about the same as what you learned from Hawkeye (can't make it up!). )。

At this time, Helen Zhao often runs on both sides of the country and Fuxia, and the research of the cradle of regeneration has taken a big step, and it has helped Tony a lot, and Tony has decided to start working on his own ideas.

And Helen Zhao herself is still a powerful Barton, Natasha and the captain have been treated. After all, in so many battles, the opponent is still Hydra, how can no one be injured.

This time, the Avengers have to face the last large military base of Hydra that was previously funded by S.H.I.E.L.D., and now it is actually funded by the Ten Commandments, which lets Carl know that Mandarin is still moving.

This base has a lot of large weapons, tanks, shells, pillboxes.

Carl knew that this was the base where he took Loki's scepter last time. It is also where the plot of Avengers 2 begins.

A few people came to the bottom of this mountaintop base, discussed and waited to raid directly, it was best not to give the other party time to react.

But as soon as they rushed up, everyone noticed the difference in this base.

This base actually has a lot of energy weapons, tanks, cannons and everything else are energy weapons, similar to the weapons developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. through the Cosmic Cube in the past.

And when Tony tried to directly attack the main building of the base, he crashed into an energy shield.

"Jarvis, what do you see from above? What about Carl's heart's eye? "

The captain noticed that the raid was not working well and immediately asked Jarvis.

"The center of the building is protected by some kind of energy. The technology of this Hydra far exceeds that of any Hydra base we have taken before, and the head of this base is called Strack, a notorious evil Hydra"

Jarvis replied.

After a year, Banner and Tony's anti-Hulk armor was finally developed and loaded on the satellite Veronica.

To ensure that Hulk suddenly goes berserk and Carl may need time to come when someone can stop him.

In this year, the Hulk made 8 sorties, each time it was Natasha who went to help the Hulk recover, and the Hulk will become less violent when facing Natasha, making everyone very speechless.

After that, after the battle between Hulk and 770, everyone asked Natasha to help Hulk recover. It also makes the relationship between Banner and Natasha more delicate.

"I'll just say the two of them have an affair, right?"

Tony said this to Carl, leaving Carl a little speechless.

"The etheric particle must be here, without it Strack could not have such a level of defense. Finally. Found it"

Thor said as he blasted a tank away.

Natasha also dodged left and right under the fire of the other party:

"It's been a long time, guys. Who's going to help me, okay? Not everyone is not afraid of bullets"


Carl appeared in front of Natasha directly with fluttering wings and said:

"Need help with anything?" Beautiful young lady! By the way, here I came here two years ago, the Loki Sceptre was obtained here, and their technology should also be because of the research on the Loki Scepter! "

The year-long battle also made Carl have deep feelings for several people, after all, they carried guns together.

However, Carl still never said anything about the Infinity Stones to them, after all, Carl couldn't explain how he knew, could he? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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