"So Thor, are you going to continue looking?"

Natasha was shocked when she heard this, and then asked, and everyone else looked at Thor.

"Don't look for it, there is something wrong with Asgard, I seem to dream about something often, it seems to be about Asgardian prophecy, I am going to go back to my father to ask about the situation!"

Thor was relieved when he figured it out.

"I'm afraid that when you go back, you will find that your father is not your father!"

Carl thought that according to the current situation, Odin should be Loki pretending to be, and as for the real Odin, it should be on Earth, and only Doctor Strange knows his whereabouts.

"Well, the ship is straight to the bridge, so let's throw you a farewell party, just a few days, right?" You're going to stay until then, right? "

Tony suddenly got excited.

However, this is not the excitement of thinking of the party, but the excitement of going back and starting to study the Mind Gem.

"Oh, of course, of course, victory is for celebration. Although I didn't find the ether particles, didn't I also take the base of so many Hydra? "

Saul also likes to celebrate banquets, which is a tradition in Asgard after victory, sometimes for a month.

"Rogers, what do you say?"

Tony was a little worried that the old antique didn't agree.

The captain did not disappoint Tony this time and said:

"Hopefully, this time really ends Hydra." So, no problem, binge."

After the plane was parked at the Avengers Building. Sol Banna and Natasha pushed Hawkeye's stretcher out, and outside Helen Zhao was ready to treat Hawkeye.

Yes, although there was no Pietro to mess around, Hawkeye was still injured.

Leaving Tony, the captain and Carl slowly stepped off the plane. Hill also ran to report the situation.

"Boss, the lab is ready"

Hill said to Tony competently.

And Tony gave Hill a helpless look:

"Oh, and the fact that Rogers is the boss, I'm just paying for everything and designing all kinds of things to make everyone look cooler."

The captain ignored Tony, got off the plane, and asked Hill as he went:

"Did the World Security Council go to the aftermath? Where is Strack locked up? "

Over the past year, every time Karl and they captured Hydra's base, the Security Council would take the initiative to clean up the aftermath and take Hydra's weapons by the way.

The Avengers and they have reached a tacit agreement.

The main thing is that the people of the World Security Council do not dare to do anything to the Avengers, and the three of Carl, Hulk and Thor alone can give them a headache.

"Strack is in the hands of NATO"

"What about the information of the two enhanced people?"

Hill handed the information over and said:

"Wanda Maximov and Pilo Tekmaximov are twins"

"At the age of ten, he was orphaned by a shell in an apartment building. Sokovia has been through a lot because of its location."

"What superpowers do they have?"

"Pietro has extremely fast metabolism and excellent thermal balance, and Wanda has mental distractions, telepathy, and brain manipulation. It is possible that there is also the ability to visualize mental power."

Carl was also listening, and Carl knew that Wanda was not possible, but had the ability to make the spirit concrete. You can control objects with your abilities just like you can think of power.

The captain looked at Hill with a confused look at this time.

Seeing this, Hill said helplessly:

"Pietro is fast, Wanda is weird".

The captain nodded and said:

"They will definitely appear again".

"Yes, the data says that they volunteered to participate in the Strack experiment. It's crazy! "

The captain did understand the twins a little, and looked at Hill with a slight mockery:

"Yes, what kind of monster would let the scientists of Dé Country experiment on themselves in order to protect their homeland?"

Hill heard the captain's taunt and retorted:

"Captain, we are not in a time of war!"

"But they are!"

The captain who entered the elevator left this sentence and went down to the lounge below.

The new Iron Legion, which had been dispatched for fear of endangering the city next to the Strack base, was also withdrawn at this time. Flew into the Avengers Building for overhauls.

"What's so much trouble!"

Half an hour later, Banner looked strangely at Tony, who had pulled him and Carl to the lab, and said.

"Yes. It's a gem for the mind! "

Tony looked at Carl and Banner excitedly and continued:

"Haven't we always wondered how Hydra was so creative all of a sudden? So I looked at the information on this harvest."

"You might be able to tell who this is!"

Tony projected a very beautiful orange blueprints of Jarvis' source code in front of Banner.

"Hi Jarvis!"

Banner recognized Jarvis at a glance.

"Initially, Jarvis was just a natural language user interface. As I kept strengthening it. Now it handles more things than anyone other than Pepper, and can even override the Iron Legion of no more than 50! "。

Speaking of Jarvis, Tony is proud:

"It's top".

"I suspect soon I'm not a top doctor!"

Jarvis laughed at himself.

"Let's look at Jarvis' opponent!"

Tony projected the blueprint for the internal structure of the Mind Gem in Trax's profile.

"Wow, this is, I mean, it's beautiful, isn't it?. It looks like, thinking!? "

Banner looked at the blueprints in front of him that resembled a brain mental model and marveled excitedly.

"This looks like the human brain, I mean, if you look at this, it looks like the elements of the nerves are emitting radio waves."

Banner continued.

At the end of the day, Banner has always been a scientist, and he has the potential that every scientist has, that is, --- crazy!!

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