The severe pain that Victor was suffering at this moment was unimaginable to ordinary people, like countless knives cutting the flesh, and it was like being burned in the flames, and all kinds of pain hit his brain, making his consciousness on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Leon had to use his ability to cut off several of his main nerves and prevent pain from being transmitted to his brain, but unfortunately this method did not cure the cause, because of Victor’s own self-healing ability, the severed nerves were often connected in a few seconds, and then they would fall into all kinds of severe pain.

Unable to do so, he could only cut it off again before his nerves recovered, lest he really collapse because he could not stand the severe pain.

Time passed slowly, the speed of injecting the melt of Edelman alloy was not fast, the process took nearly twenty minutes, when the Edelman alloy was all injected into the saber-toothed tiger, at this time the liquid in the entire cooling tank was boiling, and a burst of hot gas gushed out of it.

At this time, Victor’s body trembled violently, as if it had been convulsed, stirring up the liquid in the entire cooling tank and stirring up the water splashes.

Leon stood by the test bench, quietly watching the changes that had happened to Victor, and Svija’s voice came from his ear.

“Sir, the target person’s heart rate is too fast, but it does not affect life, the brain wave is disordered, but according to the observation he has returned to a state of consciousness, and now the bones of the whole body have been replaced by Edelman alloy, and it is expected that there will be thirty seconds to cool down.”

“Very good, keep observing.” Leon nodded.

Only the moment these words fell, the liquid in the cooling tank of the test bench directly exploded, and countless splashes of water burst out, obscuring Li Ang’s vision.

In the splash of water, a cold light flashed out, Victor’s ten fingers were narrow and long, and his nails were glowing with bright silver light, and the cold light flashed, piercing the water droplets, and the claws struck directly at Li Ang’s throat.

Even after the completion of the Edelman alloy injection, Leon had already released his control of his thoughts, and at this time, Victor had a normal self-perception, knew what had happened to him, and did not need to repeat his hatred for Leon.

The sharp claws pierced the air and the water droplets, and there was actually a faint sound of breaking the air, and time seemed to be frozen, and Li Ang saw through the water curtain and saw the leaping Victor, whose face was full of vicious anger, and his eyes were like beasts that wanted to choose people and devour them.

From a moment of outburst, to a sharp claw attack, the time is less than 0.5 seconds, this nerve reaction speed, that is, some powerful mutants can not react, if it is an ordinary person, it will only kill in an instant.

But in the face of such a blow, Li Ang’s reaction was very flat, just slightly sideways to open his body, that sharp and swift claw, just close to his nose.

The next moment, Li Ang wiped his hand on the test bench, and the two scalpels had already been copied into his hands, and he lifted it up casually, and with a thud, followed by Victor’s terrible scream.

I saw two scalpels inserted into his eyes, directly piercing a pair of eyeballs, and blood mixed with muddy liquid flowed down.

Even though Victor has unparalleled ability to recover, the sharp pain of being pierced in both eyes is just as unbearable.

Li Ang’s hand went up, grabbed Victor’s hair, and used his ingenuity to hit his head on a mechanical arm on the side, with a muffled sound, which made an ordinary person’s skull absolutely broken, and Victor’s current appearance was also extremely miserable.

His eyes were pierced by two scalpels, and the scalp of his forehead was torn apart directly, revealing the silver and shiny Edelman alloy color inside, and the blood gushed out, staining half of his body in the blink of an eye.

The impact was extremely strong, even Victor’s physique also produced a strong sense of dizziness, Li Ang let go of his hand, he fell straight down, and smashed the cooling tank into a large splash.

The splash of water splashed in front of Li Ang and slid down as if it had hit an invisible barrier, and he whispered, “Fix him.” ”

“All right, sir.”

The robotic arm straightened Victor’s body and fixed it in Edelman alloy as before, and then the wall of the cooling tank of the test bench fell, and the coolant inside was also extracted, leaving Victor lying inside and gasping violently.

I have to say that this person’s recovery ability is really too strong, two scalpels have been squeezed out at this time, the latter’s eyes have recovered at this time, and he is looking at him with a look full of hatred.

“To be honest, I don’t like your look very much.” Leon’s voice was still flat.

Victor’s face twitched, the corners of his eyes jumped, but he still stared at him with an angry and hateful look, as if he wanted to tear him apart.

“There is good news to tell you, I guess you also perceived, the injection of Edelman alloy was very successful, and now you are the same as your brother Wolverine, the bones on your body have been replaced with Edelman alloy, I think the name saber-toothed tiger should not be suitable for you, you should be called a steel-toothed tiger in the future.” 」

(Thank you for the flowers, three or four chapters a day before the shelf will be very stable, this point everyone rest assured, I will try to write well, try to write out of the things that everyone likes, so please support more!) )

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