The ability to fuse x genes, this is not the first time he has done it, he has successively fused the ability to deform and perceive danger, if the light is on the power of the phoenix, he who only masters the power of the phoenix is not a mutant, because the power of the phoenix is fused with his soul, which is an innate thing and does not belong to the genetic level.

After fusing other X gene abilities, he is considered a mutant.

In the sixth district laboratory, Li Ang’s figure appeared directly in it, the pale red smoke around him dissipated, and he took out a test tube from his arms, which was the original liquid of the saber-toothed tiger gene that was pure before, and a mechanical arm hung from the ceiling, and the test tube was clamped and retracted.

Seeing this, Li Ang said loudly: “Open the test area, deeply analyze the target x gene, and then combine my own gene to calculate the optimal fusion formula.” ”

“Okay sir, please wait, this process may take about half an hour.”

Li Ang nodded and came to the test area by himself, making preparations before the fusion.

He has two fusion x gene experience, there is no half worry about this, the fusion conditions have been quite mature, even the worst plan, is just fusion failure x gene failure, once does not work to come twice, two times will not work, three times, will always succeed.

As for what gene collapse or the like, there is no such thing, he spent more than a billion dollars on gene isolation and extraction, and in the X gene fusion, he used tens of billions of funds.

The dark part of his hands is basically the product of the fusion of x genes, he has only fused two x gene abilities for himself, but he has fused dozens of times for his subordinates, and the wealth of experience is not just talk, the accumulation of relevant data, he dares to say that it is the first in the whole world now.

In short, the conditions are quite mature, and there is no need to worry about it at all.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Leon’s preparations were complete, at which point he took off his coat and lay naked on the test bench, allowing the nutrient solution to soak his body, a snorkel attached to his nose and mouth so that he could keep breathing.

Even now, even if he can survive without breathing, and even if he is exposed to the space environment, he will not die, but breathing has become an instinct, and during the fusion of other x genes, any negligence will lead to fusion failure, so he still follows his own comfortable way.

He was awake and conscious at this time, able to sense everything that was happening around him, and at this time a robotic arm was stretched out on the test bench, with a slender needle at the top, and two robotic arms hanging from above, and the top was also a needle.

Then these three robotic arms pierced the needle into Li Ang’s body, namely the heart, spine and brain gate, and saw that there was a reddish x gene stock solution inside, which was injected into his body.

After the x gene stock liquid enters the body, it will fuse with his own genes, which is a slow process, and at the same time, several robotic arms are stretched out and inserted into his body, and various extremely small operating instruments are moving in his body.

Some are combing through his physical activity, such as blood flow and pulse, while others are cutting and settling at the cellular level to adapt to the changes brought about by the new X gene.

This process lasted for more than three hours, and Li Ang floated motionless in the nutrient solution, closing his eyes as if he were asleep, but in fact his consciousness was very clear, and he could clearly feel everything that was happening on his body.

For three hours, he endured all kinds of severe pain, but he survived it hard.

The fusion of the new x gene by the body can be said to have disrupted and reorganized itself from the genetic level, which is equivalent to evolution, directly compressing the hundreds of thousands of years of ordinary organisms in three hours, and it is conceivable what kind of changes have just been carried out in his body.


The liquid in the nutrient trough suddenly trembled, rippled layer by layer, and then he saw a layer of reddish light oozing from around his body, like thin smoke, and his body slowly floated up from the nutrient trough and slowly rose into the air.

The robotic arm linked to him had been withdrawn, and by this time he was floating in the air, wrapped in reddish soot.

“Sir, the integration was successful.” Svija’s voice came.

Li Ang also opened his eyes at the same time, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

His body changed from lying flat to upright, the muscles on his body were clear, his complexion was a healthy white, his eyes were extremely energetic when they were opened, and there was a faint red light in the depths of his eyes, which looked a little strange.

The corners of Li Ang’s mouth were slightly cocked, and with a stroke of his hand, a scalpel flew in the distance, easily cutting a deep bone opening in his arm, and the blood immediately flowed.


Li Ang’s face remained unchanged, watching the wound recover quickly within three seconds, and the joy on his face became more and more intense.

“The x gene is indeed very successful in fusion, and recovering from the injury consumes my own energy and energy, and for me now, even if I am slashed by a thousand knives, I can recover in a short period of time, and this recovery ability is stronger than that of saber-toothed tigers and Wolverine.”

“In addition, the Phoenix Power that has been silent for more than three years has just had a sense of loosening, and I think that in a few days, the Phoenix Power will have a new improvement.”

As he said, the shackles of the body are opened, thus opening the chain reaction, can withstand more phoenix forces, and in the future it will gradually grow like a snowball.

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