This time, Leon put the backbone members of the Brotherhood of Mutants into a pot, but only spared the saber-toothed tiger, who although he hated Leon to the bone, knew very well that the gap between his own strength and Leon’s previous was too big, and it was basically impossible to take revenge, so he fled on his own after Leon left.

Leon didn’t have much interest in him now, and keeping the saber-toothed tiger was just a casual move for him to be bored, and it wouldn’t have any impact on some of his plans.

After he finished the work at hand, he directly sealed Magneto and his men, which was not to kill him and seal his body, but to freeze it in a state of deep coma.

He will not kill Magneto for the time being, because this will also become a pawn for him, keep him, and he will gather more mutants around him, which is far stronger than Leon sending people out to actively find mutants.

After idleness, Leon’s life went on as usual, as if none of this had happened, and in the blink of an eye, two days had passed.

Leon’s wealth is huge, but he is not the kind of person who is devoted to work, and to put it seriously, he works for no more than twenty-four hours a month, and most of the rest of the time is used for fun, and some of it is to carry out various complicated experiments.

Li Ang felt that if he lived a new life, he would have to make himself comfortable, so the requirements for life were still quite high.

Thanks to his clever brain, he has built a huge business empire single-handedly, and thanks to his long-formed outlook on life, some of his ideas and ideas are extremely firm, and they will not change because of other words and deeds.

After coming into this world, there were very few people who cared too much, and Adeline was one of them, he had been hiding from his titular adoptive mother for a long time, and early this morning, he received a call from Aunt Adeline, who told him very clearly on the phone that if he did not meet with her today, she would go to the TV station for a search advertisement.

This is not a joke, Adeline really did it, Li Ang is very rich, ordinary people can not imagine that there is money, so he is also very generous to Adeline, after all, it is a person who has lived together for several years, or his own nominal elder, he will give Adeline a large amount of money every month, a month’s living expenses, are enough for normal people to live for decades or even a lifetime.

Therefore, compared with ordinary people, Adeline also belongs to the category of rich people, and these money began after Li Ang earned the first deposit, until now it has been almost five or six years, so accumulated, the net worth is naturally not small.

But she did not yearn for any high society, as a high school teacher, she has her own social circle, but in the past few years, she has changed a lot of boyfriends, which really makes Li Ang have some headaches.

Not only women worship gold, there are also such people among men, and it is very unpleasant, Adeline has encountered several such scumbags in succession, three of whom were sunk by Leon, two of whom were sent to prison by him to pick up soap, only one is not too much of a problem, but he is a mutant, in order not to involve Adeline in the dispute between mutants, he also used small means to get rid of the egg.

So in this way, Adeline has not been married, and Leon has been self-supporting at the age of thirteen, and it is usually rare to see a face, so it is indeed difficult for Adeline to live alone without a family and love.

So today Li Ang really has no reason to shirk, he can only obediently go to meet her, and has been mentally prepared to be preached, after all, his private life… Don’t say it.

The good news is that the self-healing ability that comes from the saber-toothed tiger has reached a balance with the power of the phoenix at this time, and the appearance of his body has not broken from time to time, but the inside of the body is still suffering from some changes because of the growth of the phoenix power, fortunately, it is no longer very painful, because this change is the onlooker level of the cell.

Leon got up early today and drove to a high school in downtown New York, where Adeline was teaching, a chemistry teacher, popular with some adolescent teenagers in school, and some of the bold often asked her out for coffee, and she often used this matter in front of Leon as a joke.

Li Ang got out of the car in a casual suit, holding a bouquet of indigo roses in his hand and walking on campus, his handsome appearance brought him a lot of return rates, thanks to his exposure rate comparable to a star, so many people in the student group also know him, girls see him cover their mouths and exclaim, boys are showing a unhappy look.

He knew the road lightly, went straight to the classroom office, no way, he knew it too well, who made him graduate from this high school.

(Please, please, please!) )

(Please, please, please!) )

(Please, please, please!) )

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