The shocking statue has four or five floors, a bit like the telescope of an observatory, a ball cracked from the center, with six tubes sticking together in the middle, and like the barrel of a Gatling machine gun, from which the previous high-energy laser beam was fired.

This is obviously a turret, all of which are made of vibranium, and I think that the shield of the original captain of the United States, Steve, was synthesized from the original Edelman alloy and a small piece of vibranium, and that small piece of vibranium was extremely valuable at the time, even if it is put into the present, it is absolutely priceless.

But now in front of Li Ang is a turret made of vibranium, and it is estimated that the weight alone has rushed through a thousand tons, and the value of vibrating gold alone cannot be measured by money.

Others don’t know Wakanda’s vibranium production, but Leon knows it very well.

Vibranium gold is one of the hardest materials in the Marvel Universe, second only to Edelman alloy in the hardness of the alloy itself, and ranked first in defense because of the characteristics of absorbing kinetic energy.

It is very hard, and the special molecular structure makes it almost indestructible, because its molecules are relatively stationary, so that it conducts almost no heat and kinetic energy, which can make it absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy.

Because of its particularity and practicality, Zhenjin has always been the most precious treasure pursued by many forces, and Wakanda, in order to avoid disasters, has used clever technology to hide the entire country from a long time ago, and has never revealed real science and technology to the outside world.

The impression they leave on the world is always that poor and backward tribal country with low international influence to the dust, but it is such a country that is the most technologically advanced country in the world, and no one believes it at all.

But Leon knows that Wakanda has a vibranium gold mine, and that vibranium gold mine is a natural meteorite, and the Wakanda royal family has been excavated for generations, and it has not been fully mined until now, which shows the degree of rotten streets inside Wakanda.

But it is a bit ironic that this kind of mineral deposit, which is already huge, is rare and uncountable to the outside world.

Li Ang’s mind power spread out, enveloping the entire turret, and at this moment, the gun barrel shrank into the inside, and then quickly closed, followed by a dazzling split combination, the original spherical appearance, suddenly turned into a sci-fi atmosphere of large fighter.

I saw that the belly and tail of the fighter were simultaneously spewing out azure flames, and the random fighter quickly took off, and then quickly flew into the distance, the speed reached supersonic speed in a very short period of time, and the speed was still increasing rapidly.


Li Ang looked slightly embarrassed, and then showed a smile, and he said to the two women: “You go back first, I will deal with some things, and I will go back in a while.” ”

Qin nodded, Lorna was also very knowledgeable without asking, Li Ang opened a time and space passage for the two women, and after watching the two women leave, he directly chased after the direction of the fighter plane flying away.

The speed of the fighter is indeed extremely fast, and it has reached Mach six at this time, but for Leon, this is no different from the ants crawling, he is just a flash, and the figure appears on the top of the fighter.

Nian Li could clearly perceive the inside of the fighter, there were more than ten people hiding inside, they seemed to have sensed Li Ang’s presence, and their faces became ugly, and they were a little nervous when they said words that Li Ang couldn’t understand.

Li Ang took a moment, and as soon as his thoughts moved, the figure disappeared directly, and when he reappeared, it was already inside the fighter.

As soon as he appeared, he was immediately discovered, and more than a dozen eyes looked at him together, with shock, and then he was pointed at by more than a dozen energy weapons, and a black man in the lead shouted: “Don’t move, stand there!” ”

Li Ang turned his head to see, there were men and women in the dozen people, all of them were black, or the black one was very thorough, the leader he did not know, but the height was two meters a meter, extremely large.

In the face of such a person, Li Ang only waved his hand slightly, and the leader was bound by an invisible force, and his body became immobile for an instant, and then in the frightened eyes of his companions, his body began to gradually become distorted.

First of all, the hands and arms, inch by inch were twisted into twists, the bone joints crackled, followed by the legs, and then the body, the leader’s eyes were wide open, and his face could not see any change, but the trembling body and the whimpering throat could explain what terrible pain he was now enduring.

Finally, the leader was crushed by the invisible force into a ball of flesh, a ball of flesh and blood, only the size of a basketball, and he had already died and could not die again.


Finally, some people couldn’t stand this situation and screamed out loud, with a thick fear and horror in their voices, and they finally remembered the horror of this person in front of Ming.


Li Ang snapped his fingers, and the ball of flesh exploded in the middle of several people, and the power of the flesh and blood explosion was stronger than the bomb, and with a roar, the flesh and blood splashed, and the fragments were like bullets, piercing a person with one, but in a blink of an eye, all the remaining people were killed.

Looking at the flesh and blood filth and dead bodies in front of him, Li Ang just casually flicked his fingers, and a wisp of reddish flame fell on the flesh and blood, as if there was a spirit, and in a few moments these flesh and dead bodies were burned into fly ash.

And Li Ang’s look was still very plain, as if he had done something extremely insignificant, and his face did not change a bit.

When he came to the cockpit, he saw a technical operation problem and a window like the cockpit of an airliner, but Leon knew that it was just a display.

Leon took out an object that only had a thumb hit, found a secret slot, inserted it, and then said, “Svija, hack the master control program of this fighter.” ”

“Okay sir, I have come into contact with the fighter master control program, and now I am starting brute force cracking, and it is expected that the time will be calculated…”

Three seconds later, Svija’s voice came to his ear again.

“After the calculation is completed, it is expected to take twenty-six minutes.”

“Okay, let’s get started.” Leon ordered.

“Okay sir, please wait.”

At this time, the fighter was still very fast, and it was an astonishingly fast one, but Li Ang just thought about it, and the speed of the plane began to plummet, even if the tail flame was still thin, but it had been fixed in the air.

“Such a good thing, you have to take it back and study it well.”

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