The laboratory was silent, only the mechanical sound of the mechanical arm moving, and Leon stood aside, quietly watching everything in front of him.

Tony closed his eyes and lay quietly in the nutrient trough, the tiny needle tube on the robotic arm piercing his skin and injecting the genetic stock solution into his body.

Svija calculated in advance to arrive at the most perfect modification formula, the gene stock solution is modulated into the most suitable model for Tony’s ontological genes, and the so-called transformation is just this step.

Because the fusion process is already very mature, and the more mature the technology and means, the simpler it will be, so all Leon has to do is to wait.

Thanks to Tony’s own radiation reception, the gene itself is destroyed, so the exclusivity from the genetic level is suppressed, so that the role of the gene stock solution is far greater than before, and the fusion is more direct.

Ten minutes after the genetic stock solution was injected into Tony’s body, Leon saw Tony’s body change.

I saw that the original pale color of Tony’s body surface gradually became bloody, and the fist-sized magnetic coil on his chest was gradually squeezed out by the new flesh and blood.

In addition, in the position of his chest, gradually there was blood seeping out of the skin and melting into the nutrient solution, and in that blood, you could still see the tiny residue, which was shrapnel.

When Tony woke up, it was less than half an hour, he stood up from the nutrient solution, ripped off the surveillance patch attached to his body, pulled off the breathing mask and looked at his hands in a daze.

“Is it already okay?” He asked with some uncertainty.

Li Ang shrugged and said, “It’s already.” ”

“What time is it?” He asked again.

“It’s only been half an hour.”

“How can that be?”

Tony was a little incredulous, he was also a frequent person who worked in the laboratory, and he knew how time-consuming and laborious scientific research would be, and in his mind, Leon would definitely take a lot of time to transform him into a mutant, after all, this is a scientific and technological ability that ordinary people cannot master.

“That’s true, and don’t you want to know what abilities I have given you compared to this?” Leon laughed.

Tony looked at Leon with a complicated look before asking, “What power do I have right now?” ”

“Saber-toothed tiger Victor you know?” Leon asked rhetorically.

“Of course I know.”

Tony naturally knew that there was a way to understand some things that ordinary people could not know, and then he looked at him and said, “Isn’t it… Is that resilience? ”

“Yes, you are now a mutant, and what I implanted in your body is derived from the restorative ability of the saber-toothed tiger Victor, which is a healing factor, no matter how badly you are injured, you can recover in a short time, unless you lose your head.”

Victor’s recovery ability is indeed extremely strong, but it is still not insoluble, and after cutting off his head, his recovery ability is naturally useless.

And Leon’s healing factor is much stronger than Victor’s, he is growing every minute, getting stronger, in his current body, even if he loses his head, it can grow a new body from under his head.

He could be so sure, but certainly wouldn’t have tried it that way.

“O God.”

Tony was dumbfounded, and even more incredulous.

“Now that you have recovered from your previous injuries, you don’t need to carry that funny magnetic coil with you anymore, and there is also a point that the after-effects of radiation have disappeared, and you are now a normal person.” Leon said.

Tony looked complicated, he knew the place and situation of mutants in society, but he didn’t think that one day he himself would become one of them.

“But I would like to advise you that until the situation is clear, you had better conceal this identity.” Of course, in fact, with your mind and position, it doesn’t matter whether you hide it or not, it mainly depends on your own will. ”

Leon stunned Tony with these words, and then he said, “Don’t you need me to do anything?” ”

“I definitely need you to do things for me, but not now, now you are no different from ordinary people in my eyes, and the money capital that you are proud of does not have the slightest bright spot in my eyes, after all, I am richer than you.” 」 So, grow up as soon as possible, or you will die if I take back your powers. ”

This was Leon’s advice to him.

Tony was silent, did not open his mouth again, there may be unwillingness in his heart, but at this time he did not show it, he did not know what kind of ability Leon had, but now he could not deny it, because he was the beneficiary.

“Oh yes, don’t you want to get the energy of the suit?” Go back and let Jarvis figure out a map of Stark Industrial Park for you, and then think about it, and you’ll get the answer. ”

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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