Therefore, Svija’s computing power is terrifying, especially on the Internet and the stock market, and it is a god-like existence, which is why Leon feels that he will create Ultron first.

“By the way, how is the expansion of the Dark Side?” Leon asked suddenly.

“It’s going well, sir, now the Dark Ministry’s staff has expanded to a hundred, each of them has been implanted with a healing factor, and their respective abilities have been improved to a considerable extent.” Svija replied.

“Very well, increase that number to three hundred, and then it’s time to find something for the S.H.I.E.L.D. gang to do.” Li Ang said lightly.

“Okay sir.”

The CIA people will appear here, apparently at the behest of the top level of the American government, and if the top level of the United States is not a ghost, it is a complete insult to his intelligence.

And S.H.I.E.L.D., as the driving force, is obviously the initiator, and the American government must also want to see if he has any hidden power, and he is now going to retaliate, it’s as simple as that.

Disrupting the stock market plan is just a warning, and what he has to do next is the real hard dish.

“Make a new plan, tentatively named Superman, and then send out sixty percent of the existing shadow personnel, create a new identity for them, let each of them spread across the country, become a hero in the fight against crime, remember, it must be high-profile, but leave some clues to some people in the shadows, so that they can find out the provenance of these people.” 」 He laughed.

“Okay sir, I’ll assign a plan and choose a chaotic area to make the arrangements.”

“Very well, then do it, of the hundred people now, forty of them will be enough, and the other sixty will be sent out now.” Leon Road.

“Okay sir.”

This was his plan, and since there were people who wanted to know from him whether he had the ability to transform ordinary mutants, he simply put this ability in front of the stage and let those people take a good look.

The reason why the people in the dark side are made heroes to fight crime, which is obviously to give the American government and S.H.I.E.L.D. people eye drops, he would like to see how ugly the faces of the American government and S.H.I.E.L.D. will be when all the ordinary people like and rely on this group of heroes in the end.

Leon wants them to know one thing, that he can make these people heroes and he can make these people criminals, and he can do it if he wants to.

In Leon’s plan, he will not appear in front of the stage at this stage, but this does not mean that he will always hide himself, at least he must let people with hearts know of his existence, but also let these people know that he cannot provoke him, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

Svija’s ability to act is unmatched, and with its super-computing power, it has made a plan to sabotage the stock market in a very short period of time, and it reports melee to Leon at every moment.

The next few days will be the end of the day for those who are involved in the stock market.

In the stock market, the companies with market capitalizations in the top fifty to thirty in the country ushered in a nightmarish turmoil, and on the first day, I don’t know who found someone selling the shares of these companies in large quantities, and more than one person sold them, which was simply a planned and premeditated stock market turmoil.

These twenty companies, whose stock prices have been frustrated in three consecutive days, cover a wide range of industries, most of which are manufacturing, or the kind of manufacturing that is world-famous, and others such as entertainment companies, retail industries, cultural industries, etc., involving many jobs.

In this way, it is easy to form a chain reaction, some people sell stocks in large quantities, naturally driving those individuals, one by one, unclear, thinking that the stock market winter has arrived, they will join it, and then it is like a snowball, more and more people join it, the industry affected is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more jobs are involved.

In three days, the stock market evaporated more than 400 billion US dollars, this momentum can not be stopped, affecting hundreds of large and small enterprises, some enterprises capital chain broken, directly into the dilemma, while some companies have begun to plan layoffs.

For three days, the whole of America was shaking, and the people in the government had already sensed that someone was behind it, and it was easy to find out who it was, and when all the spearheads were pointed at Leon, these people were looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

At that moment, some people contacted Li Ang, warning and begging, but Li Ang simply ignored it, because he knew that these people did not dare to do anything with him.

So his plan to disrupt the stock market went very smoothly, and it took just over four days to reach the expected goal, and then, naturally, he entered the market with a huge amount of money and began to bottom out.

(Ask for everything!!! )

(Ask for everything!!! )

(Ask for everything!!! )

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