In the following days, the whole of the United States, and even most of the world, had a lot of turmoil because of Leon’s actions, and when the mutants knew that such a fierce man appeared in their own race, they were very happy, and some simple-minded guys immediately couldn’t resist their impulses and ran out to do things.

And there are many such people, and for a time there has been turmoil in many places throughout the United States, and many thugs have begun to wreak havoc, and in their simple minds, there is no fear of this at all.

The American conquest also has intelligence agencies and the military, and in these few days, Leon has broadcast a live broadcast to let an unknown number of ambitious people run out.

At night in New York City, no one dares to go out these days, because New York has been chaotic for several days, and many mutants have turned into thugs at night, robbing, strong, killing, which has become the main theme of the New York City night.

Leon sent the Dark Ministry in other cities, but he did not send the Dark Ministry in New York, which led to the fact that New York was a bit chaotic these days.

Tony transforms into Iron Man, carries out his justice, and goes out every night, but even if he is beaten by iron, he is almost tired and half dead, and he has wandered between life and death several times.

Fortunately, he is not only a hero in New York City, there are also people in X Academy who have come out to do justice during this time, but what Leon did not expect is that Magneto’s gang actually ran out to insert a foot, but also stood on the side of superheroes, which made people scratch their heads.

Perhaps they didn’t want to see the order completely destroyed, but Li Ang then denied this idea, Magneto’s ambitions were not small, as for why Magneto did this, he couldn’t figure it out, and finally didn’t bother to think about it.

However, these days Li Ang is very relaxed, after he made such a fuss, for the time being, no one dared to give him eye drops behind his back, he was now spending every day easily, and Qin Grey’s day and day never stopped, so that six days passed, and his ability was greatly improved.

Now that he had reached the late stage of the second level, he could swallow a huge amount of energy at once, and his mastery of matter had also reached the nanometer level.

That is to say, he can easily decompose a substance to the nano level, which is much smaller than the cell level.

The improvement of his ability was extremely stable, and Chingrey’s ability had also improved, but the speed of improvement was not as fierce as his, in addition, his other abilities had also been significantly improved.

Needless to say, the healing factor is now forcefully cut a wound on the body, and this wound will heal directly in one second, this healing ability, other people with self-healing factors can not do it at all.

There is also the control of magnetic force, Li Ang can easily feel the entire earth’s magnetic field circle, he roughly estimated, if he uses full force, he can move the inclination of the earth to more than thirty degrees, then the equator becomes polar.

Not only that, but even more fiercely, he can even pull the moon closer, when the moon and the earth are hedged.

Of course, now he has not reached the point of madness, but the improvement of ability, now on the earth, no one can hurt him.

The American government and he now have a wonderful tacit understanding, he did not do things again, and the American government did not target him again, both of them seem to have forgotten what happened before, but what each other really thinks, only the parties themselves know.

Li Ang knew very well that the United States could not just admit it, as the only hegemonic country on the earth for decades, they naturally did not allow such a big uncontrollable factor to appear in their own country, but now the facts made them have to give up temporarily, after all, Li Ang’s deterrent power was too strong.

Lorna also knew later that he had a woman like Chingrey by his side, but she didn’t say anything, she knew very well that a man like Leon, it was impossible to put his mind on a woman, or even love or the like, it was also arbitrary, she had already had such preparations after confirming the relationship with Leon.

But Leon still respects her, and there is no such thing as a big sleeping in the novel, he is not enthusiastic about such things, sometimes it is just emotional.

This period of time was indeed quite stable for Leon, but he also knew that there would be other things happening secretly, so Leon asked Svija to gather intelligence and inform him of any situation in time.

And just then, the next day Svija reported a message to him.

“Sir, there’s movement on the west coast.”

“What’s the movement?”

“A hammer fell from the sky.”

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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