The facility was closed from above with a translucent material, leaving several circular corridors through which Leon and Chingrey walked in, and wherever they passed, whether heavily armed soldiers or scientific researchers, they retreated to the side, apparently early in the morning.

Leon was not surprised by this, he was now in the eyes of some intelligence agencies and high-level officials, absolutely a huge deterrent existence, no one would not be able to get through with him at this time, especially if he still did not know the purpose of his visit.

Agent Phil had already followed him at this time, carefully speaking for him: “This thing first fell three days ago, no one knows where it came from, we suspect that it is a product of shape, because the material on the hammer has no one can analyze, it is a completely new material that we have not seen.” ”

He had just asked the Bureau, and the answer was that he could give up this thing when necessary, because in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s view, this kind of thing, although magical, is not the kind of precious that cannot be given up.

Leon just nodded, he said, “No doubt, this is indeed an alien product, to be precise, this is a mythological product, because the person who uses it is the Norse mythological thunder god Thor.” ”

“How can that be?” Agent Phil naturally did not believe.

Li Ang shrugged his shoulders and continued without concealment: “Believe it or not, I have already said during the live broadcast before, there are still many intelligent races in this universe, and there are many powerful beings, these beings are beyond imagination, some are even self-proclaimed gods, have a long lifespan, for this kind of immortal species, the earth is just a small place in the countryside.” ”

“Your vision is always fixed on the earth, completely unaware of the dangers and opportunities in the vast starry sky, forget it, you don’t understand this, you are always a group of short-sighted guys.” 」

Leon’s words did not give face at all, Phil was very cheeky and twitching, although Leon did not name names, but he naturally knew who he was talking about.

Leon and Chingrey soon came to the center of the facility and saw the Thor’s hammer, and the ground around them had been left in the sky, leaving only Thor’s hammer slanted into a dirt pillar.

Thor’s Hammer was fixed along with the pillars below, and it was obvious that no one could lift this thing.

“How many times have you tried?” Leon asked suddenly.

Agent Phil shook his head helplessly, “I can’t count, everyone in this base has tried it, and no one can lift it, even the most powerful crane, it can’t lift it, this thing is really weird.” ”

Leon nodded, not surprised, and said to Chingrey, “Go up and see if you can lift it.” ”

This thing has the magic cast by Odin, and he doesn’t know how powerful Odin is for the time being, but the guy who can be called the God King will certainly not be weak.

Qin Grey’s mouth did not open, and her body slowly floated to the side of the hammer, reached out and squeezed the handle of the hammer, and then obviously began to exert force.

Under Li Ang’s gaze, the hammer was still half unmoving, and Qin Ge Lei had already frowned at this time, she released her hand, her eyes gradually became dark, and a pale red light surged around her.

Leon saw the hammer flutter slightly, apparently Grey’s mind control acting on the hammer.

The next moment, something that surprised Li Ang happened, and he saw that the original untouched Thor Hammer actually rose up so tremblingly, while Qin Grey’s brow was wrinkled deeper and deeper, obviously lifting this Thor Hammer with her mind power also cost her a lot of effort.

The hammer rose more than three meters high in such a trembling way, it seemed extremely unstable, as if it was going to fall down the next moment, and just as Leon thought, the next moment Thor’s hammer really fell from mid-air.


With a muffled sound, the dirt pillar was directly broken, and the hammer was buried without dirt.

Phil on the side was stunned, looking at this scene in some disbelief, he didn’t know that there was magic in this thing, he only thought that this thing was surprisingly dense and weighty, and he was horrified that Grett could lift the hammer of Thor.

Leon waved his hand, and the dirt that had buried Thor’s hammer spread out on both sides, and Thor’s hammer was already exposed.

Qin Grey’s flew back, shook her head slightly, and said, “I can destroy it, but I can’t lift it.” ”

Leon nodded, then fell into the pit himself, came to Thor’s hammer, leaned down and squeezed the handle of the hammer, and then slightly forced.

As he thought, Thor’s hammer didn’t move, he felt that he was not lifting the hammer, but more like mentioning a building, and the weight of the hammer was indeed terrifying.

“I don’t believe it yet!”

He tensed up violently and used all his strength.

(Ask for flowers!) )

(Ask for flowers!) )

(Ask for flowers!) )

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