Nick Fury heard the words and his face trembled, but he did not answer his words, but his heart suddenly became anxious, and even the hand holding the box could not help but tighten.

He thought that he was doing very well, but he didn’t know that all this had fallen into Li Ang’s eyes, so he saw Li Ang suddenly laugh and said, “In the end, it is a person who has been playing with his own tricks, and in this case, there is such a quick wit, among ordinary people, you are already a very great kind.” ”

“Unfortunately, it seems that you have never taken my words to heart, and I told you that S.H.I.E.L.D. has long been infiltrated like a sieve by the Hydra people, so why didn’t you come to a big screening?” Are you so sure that the person who takes the real thing is your person? What if someone is an agent of Hydra? ”

Li Ang hugged his arm as if smiling, as if he was not in a hurry at all.

Nick Fury’s face finally changed, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, but just at this moment, his communicator rang, he picked it up and put it to his ear, and then his face became very ugly.

“What, did I guess that?” The smile on Leon’s face became more and more obvious.

This smile fell into Nick Fury’s eyes, it was almost naked ridicule, he whispered a damn curse, and then hurriedly told the people next to him: “Go after the man just now, he is indeed the man of the Hydra, don’t let him run.” ”

“But Director, your side…”

“No, do as I say, go now!” Nick Fury said loudly.


The rest of the people immediately hurried back to the same way to chase after the past, at this time there were only Leon and Nick Fury left in the field, neither of them spoke at this time, Leon looked as usual and even laughed, while Nick Fury was gloomy and ugly.

“What do you want the Cosmic Cube to do?”

In the end, Nick Fury could only ask out loud.

Li Ang shrugged, “Maybe it’s to be used as a chandelier, or to develop super weapons, or to use this place to study the universe, but… Who knows. ”

Hearing him say this, Nick Fury was even more uneasy, and said directly: “This thing must not fall on you!” If you really use it to develop superweapons, it will be a disaster for all of humanity. ”

Li Ang was not angry, but he smiled and said: “Don’t say this too much, human beings are a very strange species, sometimes they are at ease with encounters, sometimes they become extremely united because of external forces, you S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously know the existence of aliens, compared to me, they are the biggest threat, but you look at human society, it is still like this, when the aliens come, what do you take to resist?” Take the weapons developed in the laboratory below? ”

Nick Fury’s face changed, obviously worried about why Leon would know this, and then listened to Leon again: “Instead of letting the aliens threaten you, it is better to let me threaten, at least my threat is there, you are like a tightened clockwork, every moment there is motivation, so think, the cosmic cube is the most appropriate in my hand, isn’t it?” ”

Li Ang’s set of perverse reasoning, Nick Fury naturally will not agree, he even at this time did not bother to talk to Li Ang again, and then directly said: “The Cosmic Rubik’s Cube can not be handed over to you, I advise you not to fight other ideas, if this time you are still dangerous to national security, then …”

“How? Are you ready to use force against me? I’m looking forward to it. The smile on Leon’s face grew brighter.

Nick Fury’s threatening words were suffocated, and he was half-choked and unable to speak.

Just at this moment, there were footsteps in the empty parking lot, it was the sound of high heels, from far and near, and in a short while a figure appeared in front of the two people.

A slender figure walked in through the entrance of the parking lot, with high heels, a plump and tall figure, wearing a close-quarters suit and a cape on his back, and his face was extremely plain.

And she was carrying a box exactly like Nick Fury’s hand, and when she saw this, Nick Fury’s eyes shrank and her body couldn’t help but tremble a little.

It was Qin Grey, who came to Li Ang with no expression on her face, handed him the box, and Li Ang took it and opened it, and a blue cube lay quietly in it.

His hand touched it, the touch was warm, like warm jade, and as soon as he thought about it, he felt the extremely majestic energy in it, and the thought was thrown into it, and he could even peek into the corner of the universe.

“Well, it’s the real thing.”

He closed the box, smiled at Nick Fury, and shook the box in his hand at him, “Look, I didn’t snatch this from you, I snatched it from the Hydra man, and this is my booty.” So don’t say I’m endangering national security again. ”

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

(Ask for flowers!!! )

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