Everything that appeared in the ring was the view from the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, the circular hall, and the black man with the sword on the high platform in the hall, all of which seemed extremely real.

This is indeed true, Leon can clearly see all this, but the opposite Heimdall does not know this, because Leon is using the cosmic cube to fix the coordinates of Asgardian space, now it is like a one-way mirror, there is a spatial barrier, Leon can observe them, but they can not know Leon.

Only Heimdall, his closed eyes trembling, his brow slightly wrinkled, and then he opened his eyes, and there were stars flickering in his eyes, as if they were rainbows, and his pupils were extremely deep, as if he could see through everything.

He looked up, and his gaze passed through the layers of time and space barriers and landed on Li Ang.

Leon smiled at him and looked at him.

Heimdall, the eye of Heimdall, who perceives everything, can see clearly every corner of the world, and if Leon’s ability is a bug-level existence, Heimdall’s eyes are a God’s perspective.

“Hello, Heimdall.” Leon smiled.

This voice could not be heard by others, but Heimdall could hear it in Qingxi, so he heard him speak: “Who are you?” ”

“I’m an earthling, my name is Leon, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Li Ang’s smile was gentle, and his words were also very polite.

But Heimdall said in a deep voice: “I felt the movement of the Rainbow Bridge, it seems that there is an external force imposing on it, is it you who did it?” ”

“Yes, I got it.” Leon admitted crisply.

Then he held out his hand to Chingrey, who stepped forward with great understanding, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, and then the two of them stepped out at the same time, crossed the circular portal, and reached the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, looking up, Heimdall was ahead.

Heimdall’s brow furrowed, and by this time he had already stood up, and the sword that had been inserted on the high platform had also been drawn out by it, and he asked solemnly, “How did you do it?” ”

“How did you do that?”

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, “Do you mean how I got here?” ”

Behind the two of them, there was a light blue light surging and rolling, and in that light was the scene of the laboratory, he just smiled lightly and said, “As you can see, we have used some special methods.” ”

“Intruder, no matter what method you use, you have now violated the law of Asgard and are ready to accept sanctions.”

“Nonono, don’t do it, I’m here just to see, if you do, then you’re my enemy, are you sure you want to do it?” Li Ang asked with a smile.

Heimdall did not say a word, at this time he was already clutching the sword in his hand, he was an Asgardian, one of the mythical gods, a man named the patron saint of Asgard, and the first shot was a strong wind.

If the captain of the United States represents the limit of ordinary people, then Heimdall is the limit of Asgard’s human physique, not to mention that he still has surging magical abilities on his body, the long sword is swinging, so that the face has been contaminated with fire streamers, and if it is cut by this piece, even if it is a piece of steel, it can be easily cut into two sections.

This is for ordinary people, and it just so happens that Leon and Qin Grey, are not ordinary people, he can only shake his head helplessly when he sees this, and then he raises his hand and swings slightly to the side.

The next moment, Heimdall’s lightning-like body was suddenly frozen, he held aloft his long sword, his body was covered with golden armor, and the ground that he trampled on was cracked by the huge reaction force, and the cracks spread out like cobwebs.

Above that long sword, a light like a fire was flashing, and a surging energy was also stimulated in his body.

But this was nothing to Leon, he was just a thought, and Heimdall’s forward momentum was stopped, similar to being cast by someone who had performed a fixation technique, and it was difficult to move for half a minute.

“They all said don’t do it, I really don’t have any malicious intentions, and I came here because of curiosity.”

As he spoke, he pulled Grey, and the two of them crossed Heimdall, and at the moment of the mistake Leon said, “You can inform the God King Odin, I am looking forward to meeting him.” ”

The next moment, the two figures disappeared from their eyes, and after the two left, Heimdall still maintained this action, until two minutes later, he suddenly noticed that the restraints on his body had disappeared.


His figure slammed forward for some distance before stopping, and quickly looked back at the location of Asgard City, his eyes full of solemnity.

“My King! Asgard was invaded, and two Earth humans, a man and a woman, appeared here, and I am not an opponent! ”

Heimdall immediately contacted Odin, he was the guardian, the janitor of the Rainbow Bridge, and there was a special way of connecting nature with Odin.

“I already know.”

A thick voice sounded in the air.

(It is estimated that it will be on the shelves as soon as the day after tomorrow, ask for support in advance, and then ask for some flowers!) Come on. )

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