In front of this warrior robot, there is naturally a signal receiving device, it will become the body that Svija will use in the future, and this is only the most touching version, Leon has left many evolutionary ports on it, and it can be upgraded by self-optimization in the future.

And that’s not the main thing, because Svija is an artificial intelligence and now has a tendency to evolve towards intelligent life, and he will be a very important part of Leon’s Ultron plan.

Leon will imitate the original plot of Ultron, create a robot army, with Svija as the core, let it independently copy its own structure, to create more soldiers, then form a sea of soldiers, and when it really grows up, it is a force that can shake the world.

Rather than shaking the world alone, he prefers to arm himself with his mind, and Svija is one of his main helpers, and with its existence, he can save a lot of energy.

And when the soldiers are mature, don’t say anything about the X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D., that is, the strength of the whole country of America, which may not be able to deal with.

And there is also a point that Svija’s self-learning ability is too terrible, coupled with the fact that it has gradually had the omen of intelligent life, limiting the innovation ability of artificial intelligence, has gradually been broken.

Take the structure of the warrior, that is, Svija independently designed, it learned a lot of experience, and then through the calculation of the best design plan, combined with its own needs, planned a complete evolutionary path, all this Leon only provided a basic thrust, that is, the metal pillar to transform into a body to accommodate it, in the future it can use its own ability to strengthen itself.

“It looks like Ultron did appear first in my hands.” Li Ang looked at the soldier in front of him and smiled.

At this time, Svija has begun data transmission, it will make a backup of its own data, and then transmit the main body to the mechanical body in front of Li Ang through wireless data, and see the original soldier with only silver and white luster, and the red light began to flash in his eyes, and many places on his body also had bright lights flashing.

The data stream was instilling into its body, and the process lasted less than a minute before the main body of the soldier in front of him suddenly moved.

It first lowered its head, then held out its hand, and a pair of electronic eyes were focusing, making a squeaking sound, as if observing its own body.

A moment later, it looked up, and the electronic eyes flashed red, dressed in a mecha form, looking sci-fi.

“Sir, this feeling is very novel.”

The soldier had no mouth, but a voice came from the part of its facial armor.

“Tell me how new it is?” Leon asked.

Svija moved his body a little and made some movements that were difficult for ordinary people to do, such as folding his body into ninety degrees, bending his limbs in reverse, turning his head three hundred and sixty degrees, and so on.

After it stopped, it said: “One hundred and twenty-seven sensors on my body, which can monitor some basic data such as wind direction, temperature, humidity, electromagnetic force, and heat conduction, which is different from the feeling in the ultrasound.” ”

It uses the word feeling to describe the state, and then goes on: “The current wind speed is about four meters per second, which is the standard three-level wind speed, the wind is north, the temperature is twenty degrees Celsius, the humidity is sixty percent, and it is very humid.” ”

“I seem to feel the concept of cold seeds.” It said in a faint silence.

Leon smiled, as he expected, Svija was indeed about to have the thinking of an intelligent creature, which was very important, it seemed that it would not be long before it became a truly intelligent creature.

“It’s good, you can experience that feeling a little more, but now there are more important things for you to do.”

Li Ang said, transforming the remaining liquid metal into the same soldier robot, and then said: “You can program and control these new bodies yourself, and then according to the original plan, build a base in the city to produce more soldiers.” ”

“Okay sir, everything will go according to plan.”

Svija agreed crisply, and the remaining liquid metal was made by Leon with a total of six warrior robots, plus the one that Svija was now using for a total of seven soldiers, which were the basis for Leon’s plan to carry out the Ultron project.

They will evolve themselves, produce themselves, and then grow themselves, and the rest will not worry too much about him.




After a low sound, the six warriors raised their heads at the same time, they were obviously transplanted by Svija subsystem, each one was controlled by Svija, and Svija was controlled by Leon, so that the structure of the pyramid was the most stable.

Then there was a faint blue light spurting out from the back of the seven warriors, and then the soldiers flew away together, the speed was really not slow, and they quickly disappeared from sight.

“What the hell are you doing! What are those things? ”

A voice suddenly came, and Leon looked back, only to find that Tony was still there.

“You haven’t left yet?” Leon asked in surprise.

Tony said angrily, “Don’t tell me this, you’re a criminal now, you know?” Do you really have to provoke war? What do you get out of that? ”

Li Ang heard the words and then laughed.

“Look, you people have always been this kind of thinking, always thinking that if you start a war, the victorious side will definitely get the benefits, and if there are no benefits, there can be no war, right?”

Li Ang sneered and shook his head, “Then I tell you, what I have done is not out of profit, but just to see if you can unite under my persecution and whether you can burst into potential.” If I really say what I want to get out of it, then I can tell you very directly, I just want to get more surprises from it, that’s all. ”

Saying that, he suddenly held out his hand to Tony, who seemed to be already on guard, and hurried to retreat to the rear, but at this moment he was controlled by an invisible force, and the armor and body could not move at once.

“You’re smarter, smarter than the average person, but unfortunately your intelligence hasn’t changed anything, so I’m not even interested in killing you now.”

With a wave of his hand, Tony flew straight out backwards, instantly turning into a black dot in the distant sky.

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