Leon’s move to broadcast the global live broadcast caused extremely violent turmoil on the same day, and all the people in the United States were talking about this matter.

A mutant like a god has appeared, he can pull asteroids from the asteroid belt, which will bring extremely terrible disasters to the world, and now he has to challenge the normal order of the whole world with the strength of one person.

He is really famous around the world, but while people are still talking about it, the news that follows is that more people are in fear.

The United States sent no less than six thousand ground combat teams on the same day, in order to defeat Leon, or to kill them directly, but the result was that the ground forces were completely wiped out, and all the armed forces were wiped out overnight, with more than 6,000 soldiers and less than 30% of the survivors.

This news has been announced, the whole world is boiling for it, Li Ang’s identity and family history, and even his previous information has been made out by the media at the same time, if the most famous person in the world after today, it must be that he is not wrong.

He is remembered, a man who wants to be the enemy of the whole world, a man of terror who wants to oppress the whole world with himself.

Naturally, the assets in Leon’s name were officially seized on the same day, but when they wanted to freeze the money in his bank, they found that the money had long disappeared without a trace, and mobilized the power of the state to investigate, and in the end they found nothing.

No one knew that Leon had already dispersed the money, and even if the money was frozen, he was not at all distressed, because the money had lost its original role for him now, and the reason for transferring it was only to see if the people in the United States could find it.

This batch of assets is actually invested in the stock market by him, of course, not in one breath, but let Svija come in batches, little by little, without arousing anyone’s suspicion.

His purpose is to use this money as a lead and eventually detonate the entire stock market.

Leon’s idea was simple, he wondered whether the whole earth would change under his persecution, and what would be the result of this change, whether all the countries would unite or still go their separate ways and finally play the dog’s brain.

His current phoenix power was already at the top of the second level, and it wouldn’t be too long before he broke through to the third level, and when he reached the third level, then he was already a cosmic level strongman, and it was a small meaning to be mighty on the earth.

And even now, he has the capital to shake the world with one man.

Li Ang became the enemy of the world, and he must have gone into hiding in the east, but he still appeared in front of people with a big grin, because the sword-shaped building under his name was wrapped in a layer of metal.

After the Great Battle in Manhattan, New York, Leon and Qin returned to the same time, and countless metals flew towards the building from all directions, and then directly melted into liquid state in it, and then directly wrapped the entire building from the bottom up.

Now Manhattan has quit, normal life has been disrupted, but no one will object, everyone knows that this is a time of war, this is not an ordinary government resolution that the people are not satisfied with the people can march and protest, as long as they are not fools, they will not run to this side at this time.

Manhattan was the economic center of New York, but now it’s an empty city.

But there are now troops everywhere here, and they want to trap Leon here, but the idea is somewhat taken for granted.

Li Ang temporarily ignored those troops, the other side did not try to destroy the entire building, but the result was very helpless, whether it was the helicopter sent later, or the stealth fighter that flew quickly in the sky, they could not escape a ruined end, and without Li Ang’s hand, Qin alone would easily take care of these things.

In this way, the military obviously has some rat traps, unless it is the use of weapons of mass destruction, otherwise it will not be able to cause any effective damage to Leon.

But this is obviously the military’s wishful thinking, they are not aware of Leon’s strength and terror, and now they are just using the same methods of dealing with powerful mutants in the past to deal with Leon.

The metal on the sword-shaped building is from Li Ang’s hand, and the reason is that Svija finally decided to put the robot base here after calculation, and Li Ang directly used his ability to help him speed up this step.

Countless metals gathered and melted into high-grade alloys, and these alloys quickly occupied the entire interior of the building, generating various production lines in the space of each floor, and the Ultron plan was just beginning to be implemented, from the first soldiers controlled by Svija to the current half a day, the number of soldiers has reached six hundred.

“It’s time for the soldiers to show up in front of the people, Svija, send the soldiers to engage the ground troops, and collect the actual combat data in an instant for subsequent upgrades and improvements.” Leon commanded.

He was still at the top of the tall building, which remained the same, except that the main body of the sword-shaped building had been replaced by high-grade alloys, and there were various weapons that he had transformed around.

At this moment, it still looks like metal will fly around from time to time, melt into liquid metal in the middle of the road, and then merge into the building, building and combining into various structures on its appearance.

The top brass in the United States and the military are speculating about what these things are, and when a report is placed in front of those people, everyone’s face changes.

“There are powerful energy fluctuations in that building, there is a layer of energy shield around, and among those structures, some of them are electromagnetic generators, which are commonly known as electromagnetic cannons, and there are also a considerable number of gravitational generators, for the time being, I don’t know what he wants to do with this thing, the scientific and technological strength displayed by the target figure now has exceeded the country’s existing technology for about twenty years, and the gravitational generator is a product that only exists in fantasy.”

Everyone felt a great threat from that building.

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