Looking at the liquid-like metal in his hand, Li Ang smiled, he thought about it slightly, and then gave this thing a name, the name is magic gold, because this thing can be transformed into various shapes, called magic gold is also very suitable for its own function.

He gave the magic gold to Svija and asked the latter to upgrade the new soldiers according to this metal, believing that the soldiers made of this metal would definitely surprise everyone.

Now around the building where he was, there were six armies gathered within half a mile, numbering no less than 70,000 people, and it was almost like using this place as a battlefield.

Manhattan has now lost its original role, and many of the buildings here these days go undared to enter, especially within three kilometers of the sword-shaped buildings, where almost ordinary people have been evacuated.

This is an order from the top level of the government, and it is also to ensure the safety of ordinary people, because no one knows what will happen in the next second, and no matter how careful they are in the face of such a terrible opponent as Leon.

No one would have thought that in this short period of time, Leon’s ability had changed dramatically, so after a few days of calm confrontation between the two sides, the calm was finally broken again.

This time, it was still the military personnel who launched the attack first, and the weapons used were too powerful, such as rockets, which had become standard, using no less than three hundred helicopters, as well as high-altitude fire support, etc., enough to fight a large battle.

This kind of power is used against a person, and normal people will feel a little overused in their minds, but people who understand Leon’s horror will not feel so.

Since this period of time, the National Assembly has met every day, quarreled every day, and the military has also been meeting big and small, all of which are discussing how to deal with Li Ang in the end, and some people have proposed to adopt the Huairou policy to see if they can win Li Ang over and use it for their own side, but this proposal has not been supported.

Most people know in their hearts that a person with self-worth like Leon cannot be moved by worldly forces or rights, and that a person with a strong sense of autonomy like him is subjectively an impossible person to identify with the existence of others.

So the second battle came quickly, and within two days after Leon had raised the power of the Phoenix to the third level, the army launched an attack on the sword-shaped building.

This time, the military thought bitterly, seriously studied, and decided to send mutant troops again, so they formed an army of two hundred mutants in a short period of time, and they were equipped with more sophisticated equipment, and at the same time, they also learned the lessons of the last time, and did not let these people rush to the front line, but supplemented by these people.

The idea is good, but the reality is often cruel, the speed of the upgrade of the soldiers on Li Ang’s side completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, and when the silver-white, almost humanoid soldiers appeared, the battlefield directly showed a one-sided crushing trend.

The soldiers are irresistibly attacking the army, ordinary soldiers are not in front of them, and mutants are not much better in front of them, even if the abilities of those mutants are no better. Not the opponent of these soldiers.

Because the warrior has a core ability is to copy, to be able to replicate the ability of mutants, whether you are discharging or controlling fire, or space movement, the soldier can imitate and absorb, which plays a major role in the genes derived from the Wonder Woman.

Because of this, the soldiers also used the ability of the sentinel robot to be more terrifying than the original plot, and the war lasted less than half an hour, and the several barracks gathered around the building were all potted.

The whole country was watching here, and when the results came out, the whole of America boiled, and what caused the boiling was nothing else, it was panic, and all the people understood Leon’s terribleness.

Now the whole country is full of a fear of Li, and what Li Ang has done has also made other countries have scruples, seeing that the United States has been unable to suppress it several times with its troops, and other countries have rarely begun to face up to mutants.

Li Ang also felt about these things, he was not a real mutant, and no one had ever dared to discriminate against him, and now his identity was doomed to be that others would only fear him.

After the army was defeated again, Leon did not take advantage of the chase, he was going to fight against the whole world, yes, but he did not think about anything like hegemony, he was not interested in being a power person, that would restrict his hands and feet, and if he had scruples, many things he could not do.

The reason why Li Ang can be so comfortable now is that he does not care about the eyes and opinions of others at all, no matter what he thinks, he pushes it.

The United States is a bit waxy, Leon alone let a small half of New York City fall into paralysis, this is still the result of Leon’s passive defense, if he takes the initiative to attack, no one dares to imagine what the consequences will be.

On the day the army was defeated, an asteroid entered low-Earth orbit, the asteroid was three hundred and sixty-nine meters in diameter, and was observed by many observatories at the first time of its appearance, and the American government and the military quickly grasped this information, deducing that it had landed for only more than two hours at most.

Leon was also following the matter at the same time, this asteroid was prepared long ago, in addition to another small star more than three thousand meters in diameter that had just broken away from the asteroid belt.

And the United States did not hide this news, but quickly informed the whole country, Washington as the capital of a country, if this asteroid with a diameter of more than three hundred meters really fell down, the consequences will undoubtedly be terrible, then the entire Washington will be erased from the map.

In this case, it is natural that people are panicked, but there is one thing that Leon did not expect, and it is not others who solve this crisis, but Lota Polaris and Eric Magneto.

“How did this guy get along with Magneto?”

He got the news that Lorna Dane and Eric had worked together to block the rapidly falling asteroid and successfully lift the crisis.

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