Yes, all the heroes who appeared, out of the way they could fly, each of them wore Tony’s steel suit, but it was not a fully wrapped type, but like auxiliary exoskeleton armor.

Leon raised an eyebrow, he saw clearly who was coming, it was obvious that the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants had united, and when the other fighters appeared, it surprised him even more, those people were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., all of whom were agents above the eighth level, and even Tony and Little Spider.

“Well, is this going to come and brush me up?” Leon suddenly smiled.

Magneto is the leader of these people, he is the leader, his body is straight in the air, and Li Ang is far away, his face is very calm, only looking at Li Ang’s eyes is full of hatred, obviously there is hatred for Li Ang’s past and present deeds.

Li Ang and he looked at each other, neither of them opened their mouths, the air seemed to freeze at this moment, Li Ang could feel his strength, Magneto was obviously stronger than before, this change was obvious, because the electric snake had been wrapped around him at this time, and the electric light was uncertain around him, and the magnetic force was faintly distorted.

A total of more than thirty people appeared in front of Li Ang, which should be regarded as the highest combat strength that the United States could muster, and he wanted to fight and completely destroy the threat of himself.

Li Ang thought like this, and unconsciously showed a smile, and his voice said calmly: “What is the reason why you have the illusion of being able to deal with me?” Don’t you think you guys can defeat me? ”

Magneto looked cold, and his old face was full of coldness, and at this time he also said, “You are not an invincible god, and it is enough to deal with you, and it is enough to have us people.” ”

As if he had heard some joke, Leon also acted like a villain boss at this time, and he said, “I would like to ask you, as the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, how can you, as the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, get involved with the X-Men?” Didn’t you ever agree with them? ”

Exposed by people, Magneto’s face immediately sank, and he hummed coldly: “In the face of a huge threat, it is only natural for us to join forces.” ”

“So you admit that I’m strong?” Leon asked curiously.


In response to him was a cold hum, no one wanted to affirm him in front of him, this was obviously a matter of morale for him, and no one would do it.

Leon just shrugged his shoulders, and then said, “If you want to defeat me, then come, let me see what you really can do.” ”

In fact, without much words, the big war is already a hair-trigger situation, one side is only Li Ang, but he alone can reach Qianjun, while the other side is many mutants and superheroes, each of them is very powerful, and the result of the collision between the two sides is a big war.

Magneto was the first to move, and as soon as he struck, countless steel bolts rose from the ground and turned into iron spears to pierce Li Ang directly, and the iron anchor still carried electric light, which looked like an electromagnetic cannon from a distance.

His companions who came with them also sped forward, the air changed color, the clouds rolled, the lightning thundered, and countless electric snakes shot down from the sky, pointing directly at Li Ang’s head.

These electric lights were one step ahead of those iron spears, Li Ang, and Li Ang just looked up, and the smile on his face was still the same.

Without seeing him make half a move, the force field around him changed suddenly, and the invisible force eliminated those thunderbolts, causing its ten thousand jun to fall into the air.

At the same time, countless iron spears carrying electric light had come to him, which was a powerful attack of pure kinetic energy and energy, but it was still useless in front of Li Ang.

Magneto is indeed very strong, it can be said that he is the top strong man on the earth, and his magnetic control is the apex of the mutants, and it is also the top among the omega-level mutants, but don’t forget that Leon also has the ability to control the magnetic force, and the magnetic control ability that he has grown because of the power of the phoenix is only stronger than the Magneto.

In this case, even if the number of these countless iron spears increased tenfold, it would not have any effect on him.

And the reality is also the same, just see those iron spears originally extremely fast, but suddenly stopped ten meters in front of Li Ang’s body, from a distance it looked like a wall, so strangely hovered.

The electric light wrapped around it was also erased by an invisible force and dissipated in an instant.

Such a result is naturally surprising, those people see this one by one look has changed greatly, and they can see the solemnity in each other’s eyes when they look at each other.

At this moment, whether it is a supercriminal or a superhero, there is no half a point of ease, and Leon’s strength is beyond their imagination.

Li Ang only raised his hand slightly, and the iron spears in front of him trembled a little, and then flew directly backwards, but instead attacked their people.

Obviously, in the magnetic battle with Magneto, it was Leon who won, and the win was extremely thorough.

“Spread out!”

Wolverine roared and hurried forward to keep the Storm Woman behind him, while the others reacted and quickly scattered one by one.

They scattered, but those few fighters did not have such a fast maneuverability, and the fighters in the path of the iron spear attack had no time to dodge, and they were stabbed by the iron spear one by one.

The speed of the iron spear was too fast, the kinetic energy was extremely powerful, even if it was just a spear twisted into ordinary metal, it still pierced the fighters made of those special alloys.


A loud explosion sounded, and in the blink of an eye, those fighters turned into large fireballs, swirling from high in the air and falling towards the ground.

Except for Li Ang, the hearts of all the other people present began to sink, and they felt as if they still underestimated Li Ang, and almost no one could resist such a means.

“Can’t go it alone, let’s go together!” The Storm Woman also shouted.

The rest also had this idea, and after this attack, everyone rushed towards Li Ang.

Seeing this, Li Ang just smiled lightly.

“Or, this time is just idle and boring, just play with you.”

Indeed, he did not pay attention to these people at all, and the appearance of these people this time only provided him with some fun, and other than that, there was no sense of solemnity at all.

As soon as the great war broke out, these people immediately fought with Leon, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

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