The expected situation of the thunder god Thor with his companions did not appear, after those Asgardians appeared, they quickly left, that thunder god Thor was one of the gods of the Asa God Clan, after restoring the power of the gods, it was naturally extremely powerful, he sensed Leon’s line of sight, and turned his head to look at Leon.

The two men’s line of sight penetrated the barrier of space and looked together, Li Ang only felt that there seemed to be ten thousand thunderbolts flashing in front of him, each of which contained the power of opening the sky, which made him extremely surprised, was this thunder god in the dark passage enhanced his power through some method? Otherwise, this thunder would not have carried a trace of the power of deep information in the universe.

And Thor saw from Leon’s line of sight the boundless sea of fire, as deep as a deep valley, as if it could swallow all things, a majesty he had only experienced in his father.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and then staggered their eyes, Thor unconsciously flashed a fine electric glow under Leon’s gaze, while Leon was still calm.

“What’s wrong? Thor. Thor’s companion asked.

Thor turned back, suppressed the restless divine power in his body, took a deep breath before saying, “Nothing, let’s leave quickly.” ”

“I have a palpitation, what about you?” The man who opened his mouth said again.

The rest glanced at each other and nodded at the same time.

“Me too, it seems very dangerous here.”

“Yes, let’s leave quickly, but why didn’t the Midgarter show up?” Shouldn’t they come and greet us after we’ve been here? Someone asked doubtfully.

“Don’t worry about that, I brought this stuff.”

Thor said as he pulled out a cell phone, “This is a Midgard creation, and I can contact each other anywhere and show me how to use it.” ”

He groped for half a day, finally dialed the number, and a moment later the phone was connected, he heard the words of the person on the phone, and the others looked at him, and they were all a little curious about the phone.

Asgard can also be regarded as a civilization, but unfortunately, the people in this civilization are born with strong flesh, contain divine power themselves, and are proficient in magic, so all their creations are almost all made of magic, such as mobile phones, and they do not understand its principle.

After a few moments, Thor hung up the phone and said, “Go, get out of here, someone will pick us up outside.” ”

After saying that, he led his companion away, but before leaving, he looked back, and then he found that Leon’s gaze was still fixed here, and that gaze was fixed on him like substance, making him feel like a man.

“Damn, did Father say that the man was?” It’s a bad feeling, he must be very powerful! ”

After being exiled, Thor’s heart matured, at least not as impulsive and belligerent as before, and Leon gave him the feeling of extreme danger, which put him under a lot of pressure.

Leon, on the other hand, withdrew his gaze after the men had left, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he found that things were getting more and more interesting.

“Since there are external forces interfering, then I can also let go of my hands and feet.”

With this in mind, Leon directly commanded Svija: “From now on, lift the restrictions on the soldiers, start to expand the number of soldiers with all your might, and in addition, the invasion plan can begin.” ”

“All right, sir.”

The plan of aggression is to use the soldiers to expand around and occupy more areas, because it is already a war, and if Leon only uses himself as a combat force to threaten the whole world, that threat is not the strongest, but if thousands of soldiers form an army-like force, then the threat is all-round.

He has been controlling the external pressure, some are afraid that too much pressure will make the world collapse quickly, but he is also worried that the pressure is too small, so that the world will not feel his threat, to tell the truth, he has made a lot of efforts to become a qualified villain.

“Sir, there are now three thousand six hundred and seventy-two soldiers, and if you produce them with all your strength, you can produce three hundred in a day.” Svija Road.

Li Ang shook his head and commanded: “Such a speed is still too slow, although the combat strength of a single soldier is outstanding, but if it does not form a numerical advantage, it will not play much role at all, there are many countries in the world, weapons can destroy the soldiers, so from now on, go all out to expand the number of soldiers, first line ten production lines.” ”

“Okay sir, I’ll do it.” Svija Road.

“Send out the existing soldiers and start spreading around.”

“Yes, sir.”

The order was given, each soldier received his order, and then all of them went out, and in an instant, thousands of soldiers flew out of the entire sword-shaped building, in groups of three, and spread out in all directions.

He now occupies only the area of Manhattan neighborhoods, and now most of New York has become an empty city because of his connections, and outside Manhattan, three kilometers around, there are quite a few garrison troops, the main purpose of which is to monitor and defend him.

And on this very day, these armies suffered a catastrophe.

Every soldier has a very high level of ability, and these can only be sub-programs that Svija splits off, and is controlled by it, so the execution of Leon’s orders is naturally done meticulously.

The flames of war are raging around Manhattan, this is a real war, one side is a powerful human army, and the other side is a combination of technology and mutant capabilities, and from the beginning of the contact, the full combat power has erupted.

Human artillery will not cause any damage to the soldiers, but it can not stand the human side of the artillery is sufficient, all kinds of shells and elixirs as if they do not want money to vent on the soldiers, once or twice is good, every time is so, even the soldiers will be damaged, after all, the number of soldiers is in an absolute weakness.

However, the combat strength of the individual soldiers is superhuman level, so it does not take much time at all, and on every battlefield, the soldiers have already occupied an advantage and dominant position.

Yes, the battlefield around Manhattan was divided into several places, because there were no less than ten troops stationed here, and these troops were destroyed at this moment, and in less than half a day, they were destroyed.

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