Degradation represents a man of the times, from a superhero to a super criminal, becoming a subordinate of Leon, the great demon king, and will only be because of his commanding actions in the future, there will no longer be the fortitude and courage and integrity of the past, and some are only cruel and evil.

Since then, there has been no captain in the world, only the depravity of Li Ang’s men. Killing, corruption, distortion, and degeneration are the Four Heavenly Kings under Li Ang.

The four people in front of them have the same face, but they each have different characteristics, and their respective ability focuses are not the same, the ability to kill, corrupt and deform does not need to be described too much, after experiencing fusion and separation, their own ability has also improved, and the degenerate as the main body among them, the ability is also the most prominent.

He didn’t have any ability to focus, or rather, all the mutant abilities he possessed were focused on him, and although he didn’t dare say all-powerful, he was the most comprehensive of the four.

This is also the reason why Li Ang has a crush on him, this is an extremely powerful special talent, which Li Ang needs now.

At this time, the four people stood in front of him lined up, the breath intertwined with each other, there was an extremely compelling sense of heaviness, and there was a sharpness, like a sharp blade, that is, a sharp edge that Yi Hong could not hide at all, just like a sharp knife, if an ordinary person faced them, he would definitely be scared out of the urine by the momentum of the four people.

Captain Mi Guo has become a thing of the past, and in the future, what will appear in front of the world will be the Four Heavenly Kings under Li Ang’s seat.

It is strange to say that several people have made such a big move, but this street is a dead silence, from the beginning to the present, not even half a figure has been seen, unlike the prosperity that Leon has seen before, everything is like an illusion.

He looked up in a certain direction, and from there he could feel a sense of peeping, and he knew that there must be someone watching him over there, and maybe even the presence of a camera.

But he didn’t bother to look into it, there was no need for that, he had destroyed the entire world’s financial system, and he had destroyed the oil system, and now the situation in the whole world was very chaotic, indicating that although order was still maintained, many people knew that if this order were to be struck again, it would absolutely collapse directly.

Leon’s role now is that of the man who wants to disrupt the final order.

“Let’s go, we should go back, to bring some new changes to the world, until now, the changes in human society have not been able to meet my expectations, it seems that we have to increase some pressure.” 」 Li Ang smiled lightly.

Then he waved his hand in the direction of spying on him, and smiled, this was the first time he had shown such a strange smile in front of people, and when the picture was transmitted back to the conference room, it made everyone present break out in a cold sweat, afraid that he was going to attack Washington directly, and if that was the case, they really did not have the best means to resist now.

The combat troops of human society are something that can be destroyed by Li Ang with a wave of his hand, and those mutant heroes are vulnerable in front of them, even mutant leaders such as Professor X and Magneto, there is no way to take Li Ang, and the reality is extremely desperate.

Everyone in the conference room had a culmination in their hearts, afraid that Leon would really attack Washington directly at this time, but fortunately, Leon just showed a strange smile and did not do anything else.

Then he saw Li Ang break the space with a wave of his hand, and the space-time passage appeared, and he took the lead in stepping into it, followed by the four people of depravity, killing, corruption, and distortion, when the empty passage disappeared, all the people in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief.

“Gentlemen, we cannot delay any longer, in the face of such an enemy, if we do not show all our preparations, then we will not be able to pay him at all, this is the most terrifying man ever, his strength is beyond everyone’s imagination.” Will the Star Old Man Dao.

“It is true that in the end, the weapons backup plan must start quickly and strive to produce practical and effective results in the shortest possible time.” Someone echoed it.

“Well, let’s first select a laboratory in the name of the military, and this experiment must be attached to our military, otherwise it would be ridiculous that the old masters of Congress, in this dangerous situation, are still talking about human rights and freedoms.”

Some people nod their heads, and it is true that in this world, as they say, even if the order of the whole country can only be barely stable now, there are still people who insist on human rights and freedoms, as if in the eyes of these people, freedom is above all else, and their rights must not be tarnished by the state.

These Leon never paid attention to it, his power can shake everything, and this ridiculous rule between people is useless in his opinion.

And what annoys those who do these marches is precisely the disgusting atmosphere in the Congress, which is clear that the country is on the verge of collapse, but there are still people who stick to this.

“Well, then decide, this laboratory must be firmly controlled by the military, if there is opposition from Congress, let him oppose it, and if necessary, send soldiers to control the laboratory.” It’s better than being ordered by congressional grandpa and the president to waste a lot of time, and now time is key. ”

The people in the lab then began to discuss the specific plan for the matter, while Leon had returned to New York with the four of them.

At this time, New York was basically occupied by soldiers, the whole of New York City had become an empty city, and the resources of the entire city belonged to Leon alone, and he had already issued an order to Svija to use the resources in the city to strengthen himself.

The resources in New York City, if nothing else, steel alone, are already an extremely terrifying amount, and if they are all gathered, the materials that can be refined can make the number of soldiers increase by a hundredfold and a thousand times.

It’s just that the special liquid metal synthesis created by Leon is very difficult, and the process is complicated by scientific and technological means, so Svija’s main job now is to design a set of highly efficient production bases for synthesizing materials to strengthen the army of soldiers.

Now, the design of this production base has been completed, entering the construction stage, as long as the construction is completed, the growth of the warrior team can enter the fast lane.

At that time, all the soldiers united to be the real war network.

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