
Shaking continuously, the power of the phoenix exploded, like a fiery fire, burning the mist containing the rules of death in half at once, just like butter met the fire and produced suppression.

But this suppression was only a matter of moments, because after death returned, she poured out more mist from her body and threw herself into the tug-of-war with the power of the phoenix.

The power of the phoenix and the fog formed by the rules of death are entangled, the two breaths are intertwined, the phoenix belongs to the same level of existence as the universe, although it does not have any rules to speak of, but it will indeed cause some damage to the power of the phoenix.

But Leon was not afraid, he could absorb any energy anytime and anywhere, and the subatomic level of material control also made him have no tension in the face of such a situation.

Time slowly lost like this, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed, during which Li Ang recovered his body several times, but was deprived of life by death several times, becoming a “dead man” among the living. ”

The situation is very strange, a pair of willow eyebrows of death also wrinkled, she is not fake, but she is also a collection of the concepts of cosmic death, but also without the thought and understanding of real life, simply put, lack of experience.

Li Ang did not stand still, his counterattack was extremely fierce and fierce, and the power of the phoenix erupted again and again, burning most of the general mist of thin smoke.

The two now seemed to have some kind of balance, but in the face of the fog of the concept of death, even Leon now had the feeling of defeat.

Even if his soul does not belong to this universe, he must still obey the rules of this universe in the face of it.

And death is one of the laws, or the most domineering law.

In the void, there was no abnormality, no movement caused by Li Ang Fang Cai and Thanos, everything seemed so plain and calm, until death suddenly kissed him on the lips.


Li Ang raised an eyebrow, feeling the softness on his lips and the breath in her mouth, and he was quite surprised.

The touch of the lips and the touch that Leon felt was no different from that of Kissing Qin and Lorna and Ivane’s three daughters, the only difference was that it was a god, a real god.

“I was forcibly kissed by a woman?” Leon felt very strange in his heart.

“This is replaced by Thanos, I guess I was already ecstatic, right?”

With this thought, Leon decided to kiss passionately, but the next moment he was stunned, because the breath of death passed into his body and soul.

Entering the body is fine, the big deal is to reshape the body, but it is a little difficult to invade the soul, this is death using the rules of this universe to pollute his soul, the soul carries the characteristics of this universe, so that it can also be mastered by her.


Li Ang was slightly shocked, and then he had to dodge, and the fog of death on his body at this moment surged more again, and he actually wanted to attack his soul from the outside, and the lips of the two could not be separated at this moment.

“Can’t do this anymore!”

Li Ang’s body erupted with a strong phoenix power and began to burn these mists with more rapid speed.

The stalemate between the two was broken in this instant, and the mist became thin again, but the rules of death contained in it had begun to gradually affect Leon.

But it was only an impact, and death did not directly erase his ability at this time.

Because she found that even if she used the power of death, she still could not bring death to Leon.

However, Leon himself knew that if he continued in this way, he would really have to sink under the rules of death, in which case, although the rules of the universe could not deny the existence of his soul, but death itself could destroy his soul.

“Damn, does this woman’s mouth have suction?” In this state, it is impossible to break free. ”

Li Ang was shocked in his heart, but he still did not give up his resistance, the phoenix power in his body vibrated more intensely, and the damage to those death breaths became even greater.

But death itself is a rule, not a force, and as long as there is such a concept as death in this universe, then the existence of death itself will not disappear.


Li Ang snorted coldly, but it was very bold, directly absorbing the death breath that came from the mouth of death, he used the power of the phoenix as a means of protection to protect the root of his own existence, and then absorbed the death breath to observe the rules of death contained in it.

Not to mention, even if death is only the existence of a concept, the breath of death in it is real, and this breath is quickly fused by Leon himself.

Yes, it is fusion, not the erosion brought about by the attack of death, so that one is uncontrollable and the other is controllable.

Absorbing some of the breath of death, he wanted to feel the rules of death in it, which was a very bold move to steal the authority of the gods in the body of a mortal, because if one was not handled well, he would really have to return to death itself.

But his bold move brought him unexpected gains, he had the power of the phoenix as a cosmic level power protector, and then under the full analysis, he finally mastered a trace of the rules of death.

This was the first time he had touched the rules of the universe itself, which was not a power, not like mastering magic, learning all kinds of magic, but directly from the rule level, to understand death, and thus control the concept of death.

This formed the rules, and made him suddenly much more relaxed in front of the rules of death.

Leon understands death and uses this as a benchmark to begin to confront death and further steal the authority in it, but Cheng Ye Xiao He defeats Xiao He, and the unique information carried by his soul hinders his control of death, which makes him very distressed.

At the same time, there was a very strange fluctuation in his body, a special kind of energy fluctuation, which was the restlessness generated by the Phoenix Force standing around the rules of death.

In this instant, it was as if a door had been opened in his body, and he immediately saw the energy of the entire universe.

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