Leon can now be called a god, although he does not have the authority of a god, but he has the means to use the energy of the entire universe, such a huge amount of energy that cannot be calculated, what kind of things can he do, which no one can imagine, even if she dies as a true god, she is equally unpredictable.

And Leon was now really performing in front of her, the miniature black hole in his hand was only the size of a ping-pong ball, evaporating energy all the time, but replenishing more energy all the time.

Just see this black hole grow rapidly, becoming the size of a basketball in an instant, and its terrifying mass distorts the light, affects time, and makes the flow of time slow in the space where the two are located.

Leon didn’t give Death extra time to react and gently threw the black hole out directly at her.

The black hole was invisible, the only thing that could be seen was its horizon boundary, a blurry circular silhouette flying toward death, exploding the moment it came to her.

A black hole explosion is an energy eruption, which will explode all of its mass in a thousandth of a second, and this kind of energy explosion, known as a gamma ray burst, is the most destructive spectacle in the universe.

And now, Li Ang had single-handedly created such a spectacle, in a very short period of time, he saw thousands of rays of light erupt from the black hole that would not have emitted light, appearing in an instant, disappearing in an instant, as if it were an illusion, but the majestic and terrifying energy was all erupted in this instant.

Gamma-ray bursts appear.

After Li Ang reached the current level, he knew very well how powerful and terrifying this positive god really was, so this black hole explosion was just a small temptation for him.

If compared to the Sun, the energy released by a gamma-ray burst in a fleeting period of time is equivalent to the sum of trillions of years of sunlight, and the energy of a single photon emitted by it is usually hundreds of thousands of times that of typical sunlight.

Such a huge amount of energy is incomparably terrifying, and everything exposed to this energy eruption will be destroyed, but the only difference now is that a true god will face this grand scene, and Leon is also watching the changes of death.

In that instant, the energy of the gamma-ray burst penetrated the body of death, turning her into the most primitive particle form in an instant, turning into an extremely thin mist.

But death does not die, she will only dissipate, and the only way to kill her is to destroy death itself, that is, to make all living beings in the whole universe immortal, otherwise, her existence will not die at all.

Li Ang’s move was just to see if she could be intact under the energy explosion of this energy level.

As a result, death was completely vaporized, but her existence itself did not change a little, because in the next moment, the extremely thin fog, newly combined into her body, did not change half a point from before.

“Sure enough, it’s too hard to kill you.”

But a smile appeared on Leon’s face, and he now killed the embodiment of the concept of cosmic death, that is, there was nothing he could do about death now.

But you can’t kill her, but you can’t hurt her.

And death did not show any pain, her face was still flat, and there was still a faint surprise in that blandness, and then she said, “You are so special, in my long life, it is the first time I have encountered a being like you.” ”

Yes, Leon is indeed very special now, as he said before, after the power of the phoenix reaches the fourth level, it can plunder and apply the energy of the entire universe, and it can interfere with time and reality, which is the power that only gods can have!

He could not plunder the authority of death, nor could he plunder the authority of other gods, but he had powers similar to those of the gods, that is, to interfere with time and reality.

Perhaps now he can already be called the sixth creation god of this universe, and his god name can also be called time and space.

The power of the phoenix has reached this level, playing with time and space, arbitrarily interfering with reality, he is almost omnipotent, and there is no essential difference between him and the real gods.

“That’s because I’m a god now, and my rank, or rather, my power is different from those of you creation gods, but I do have the power that a god can have, and it is obviously unrealistic for you to interfere with another god.”

Li Ang shrugged and said, “So, it’s better that you don’t hit my attention.” ”

As he snapped his fingers, reality changed because of one of his thoughts, he could not kill death, but he could indeed hurt her, and he saw that under Leon’s thoughts, in the space in which death was located, reality was changed, changed with his mind.

The concrete phenomenon of change is that the cloak of death wrapped in death has been scattered into dust, and even the light clothes on her body have become fly ash, and what now appears in front of Li Ang is a female body that is difficult to describe in words, the perfect golden ratio, with all the beauty of this world, just revealed in front of him.

The style is graceful, enchanting and seductive, it is difficult to have words to describe her current style, which is a state that can arouse the desire in people’s hearts, even Li Ang, when he sees the body of death, there is a moment of stunned.

“It’s really nature’s magic and unimaginable beauty.” Leon was not stingy with admiration.

Death did not seem to expect this scene, and although her expression did not change at all, she re-dressed herself with the cloak of death and wrapped herself up.

It wasn’t for anything like shyness, the gods didn’t have this sense, because her cloak of death was torn, and she had just directly exposed the body of death to Leon.

And the sentence that Li Ang sighed, in addition to lamenting the enchantment of his body, was more about the existence of death itself, and about the kind of divine authority that belonged to death.

Leon could see that authority directly, and in Death’s view, it was very likely that he could really plunder that authority, which was the least accustomed to death.

(Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) (Please book it all!) )

(Please book it all!) )_

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