Thanos’ body trembled violently, and he tried his best to break Leon’s restraints on him, but it was still the opposite of what he wanted, no matter how hard he exerted, the time and space that bound him did not loosen even a little.

This is the power of the gods, a kind of shackles on the side of the rules, even if he is a hegemon in the universe, but without touching the level of rules, he still can’t break free of this shackles.

He could only watch as Leon and his most beloved woman carried out a scene that made him extremely angry in front of him, and what made him even more angry was that death did not mean to refuse at all, but tried his best to cater to it, which made him angry to the point of madness.

And he couldn’t even close his eyes, because Leon was very vicious and fixed his eyelids with his ability, so that he could only watch the scene in front of him, which was enough to make him crazy and collapse.

As for Li Ang and the side of death, the picture is too dirty, there is no need to describe it more, it is always a bayonet into the flesh of the second fight, death is very cooperative, and the gods intersect, but also let him experience a different feeling.

The intersection of the two is not as simple as the collision of the flesh, but at a deeper level, it is a kind of soul fusion, a true divine intercourse, so the sensory aspect is naturally strange.

As for what kind of feeling it is, it’s really hard to describe, but the other feeling is more special.

From another perspective and sense, he saw the true side of death, deeper than the rules of death he had seen when kissing before, and almost exposed the original existence of death to him.

He divided part of his energy to analyze this part of the discovery, wanted to try to understand the nature of death, and then wanted to go further and grasp this very special divine authority.

Before, trapped in his special soul structure, although he could do some analysis, but he wanted to plunder this kind of authority, but he couldn’t do it at all, but now because of the intercourse with death, he was contaminated with a part of the breath of death, which was the same effect as when he and the piano snapped, and the breath of the two would blend with each other.

In this way, the authority of death is exposed to him in the most intuitive form.

He was like a fish that had left the water and fell back into the water, greedily absorbing and plundering this part of the authority that belonged to death, little by little infiltrating death without noticing, plundering was not plundering, but only allowing him to obtain divine authority similar to death, not at the same time depriving him of the divine authority of death.

He couldn’t do that yet, at best, it was copied on a small scale to this kind of authority, and the rest was not very prominent.

The only extraordinary thing is that everything he did was done without the knowledge of death, which was a big bonus that even he did not expect.

“By mastering the power of death, I can give death and life to people at will, and even if I give life to a wide range of beings, it will not damage my own power, but will damage the existence of death itself, so that even if I have a means and a killer to suppress her.” 」

Li Ang was still very happy in his heart, he had completely imagined that in his intercourse with death, there would be such a harvest.

The intercourse continued, and the beautiful atmosphere was going to spread to every corner of the universe, at least in the distance, Thanos was very clear to him, his heart was already filled with anger and hatred at this time, looking at everything in front of him, his eyes were blood red.

The killing thoughts in his heart did not know how to increase dramatically, and a fierce flame was also burning around him, which was the real anger and had become the substance.

“Kill kill kill!”

“Kill the person in front of you!”

“Kill everyone!”

“Kill this universe!”

“Let the whole world fall into a dead silence!”

From then on, the flames around him gradually became stained with a dull gray, which was a strange color of crimson mixed with light gray, it looked as if the two senses of fiery and cold were intertwined, and no one knew why this flame was like this.

And because of what Leon and Death did, it also completely caused the heart of this iron-blooded man to fall into the abyss, and in that moment just now, he strengthened his heart, and he wanted to become an avenger, a person who wanted to take revenge on the person in front of him and the entire universe!

Li Ang, who was doing things, looked up as if he had realized something, and saw Thanos’s devouring gaze, and his blood-red eyes were full of hatred, so Li Ang only smiled slightly.

But this smile is also a little strange, like mockery and ridicule, and it is also like a kind of satisfaction that is fulfilled.

Yes, all he did was to ignite the fury of Thanos, to make him a truly anti-personality, to become the real dark side of the universe, to be the being who wanted to destroy everything.

In fact, from the moment Thanos appeared in front of him, he was already one of Leon’s experimental subjects, and he wanted to see where Thanos could go and whether he could feel new.

Now it seems that Thanos is indeed a very good experimental material, and it will certainly bring him a lot of fun in the future.

At this time, he only glanced at Thanos faintly, and then continued to look at what was in front of him, and his casual gaze, which was almost contemptuous, deeply burned Thanos’s heart.

He wanted to go crazy, and his body trembled even more violently, and under this trembling, the strange flames around him also grew by three points, causing ripples in the time and space around him, as if to break free from it.


With a crisp snap of the fingers, the surge of time and space suddenly stopped, as if it had been smoothed out by some unknown force, and the time and space that banned Thanos also became more solid, so that Thanos’s trembling body also eerily stopped.

“Now, don’t bother me.”

Leon’s voice came into Thanos’ mind.

“I want you to take a good look, and then I will give you the opportunity to take revenge on me, and it is up to you to seize this opportunity, don’t make me unhappy, otherwise I don’t mind killing you now.” 」

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