Now the qin, because of the moisturization of Li Ang for many days, the whole person is radiant, more enchanting than ever, and the beauty of the incomprehensible thing, this is not the main thing, the most important point is that her ability has made a qualitative leap compared to the beginning.

The phoenix power in her body is from the phoenix body, a trace of direct separation from the phoenix body, and really speaking, it is the same attribute as the phoenix power on Li Ang’s body, but the level is slightly inferior, these days, after the nourishment of the phoenix power on Li Ang’s body, it has also made her ability on her body have been greatly improved.

If she really counts it, her current ability to make a comparison with others is definitely stronger than that of the four phoenix apostles, because the phoenix power in the four apostles is only the low-level power given by Li Ang, and what she has in her body is the power of the secondary phoenix, and there is a difference between the two innately.

Qin was sent to Europe by Leon, one of the four major war zones in the world at this time, and the intensity and intensity of its war were not weaker than the Asian battlefield, but even stronger than the American battlefield.

Therefore, the resistance suffered by the Legion of Warriors here was also extremely strong, and Li Ang sent Qin here in order to test the results of her ability improvement during this time.

On this day, in a battlefield in the northeast corner of Belgium, it was originally a bustling medium-sized city, although there were not too many high-rise buildings, but it retained many monuments and buildings, which was a tourist city marked by Belgium, but it was originally a bustling and beautiful city, but now it is full of smoke and war.

The flames filled the city, the ordinary people had long since left, and those who remained here were evolutionists from all over the world, evolutionists from Asia and China, evolutionists from Europe, and evolutionists from the Americas, who were fighting to the death with the legions of soldiers.

And led by this legion of warriors, is the aberration among the four apostles of the phoenix, he is good at strange and unpredictable changes, originally he can turn the body into a variety of organisms, and with the blessing and enhancement of the phoenix power, his ability has been greatly enhanced, under the control of cell-level substance, he can now change more things, according to Li Ang’s estimates, sixty percent of the things in this world, he can change and imitate.

And his combat power is naturally also extremely strong, the four apostles have their own characteristics, he uses his ability to directly divide the resistance of the United States in Europe from the inside, and now on the European battlefield, it is difficult for the evolutionary side to trust its companions, because it is likely to be a deformity.

Because with the means of distortion, they simply could not distinguish the true and false of the changed people, and this ability was much more powerful than the Wonder Woman.

Originally, according to the established plan, the distortion led the huge army of warriors all the way sideways, and it was true in the early stage of the war, but when the two plans within the United Nations were successful, the entry of anti-soldier robots and super abilities changed the trend of the war, and the balance of victory was broken back little by little.

During this time, the legion of warriors led by the distortion, during this time, a strong counterattack caused the legion of warriors to produce a lot of casualties, even if it was a distortion, it was also entangled by the three super sent by the United States, although it could not kill him, but it also caused him a lot of trouble.

The war situation fell into a state of anxiety in a short period of time, both sides were investing more troops into the battlefield, the number of soldiers on Li Ang’s side was increasing, and the robots on the side of the United States were also increasing, and a tug-of-war was formed at one time.

On this day, Qin appeared in the battlefield, she quietly floated above the battlefield, looking down at the city full of fire below, there will be explosions in the city from time to time, each explosion is extremely violent, just like a strong explosive, ordinary explosions can affect a hundred meters range, stronger, and even directly blow the ground out of a large pit of twenty or thirty meters deep.

Not only that, but battles pervaded every corner of the city, and the entire battlefield was dragged extremely long, stretching for hundreds of kilometers, and the city was only a point of engagement in the entire battlefield.

At this time, not only on the ground, but also in the sky, there are many figures flashing back and forth, or colliding with each other, producing a violent shock wave.

The heavens and the earth are filled with all kinds of strange changes, such as thunder and lightning that appear out of thin air, or the direct fragmentation of space, and the gushing flood, and so on.

This is completely a competition of super powers, the soldiers are known for their ability, the combat effectiveness is naturally good, and the anti-soldier robot also continues this feature of the soldiers, and its design scheme is originally produced by imitating the soldiers, so the battles of the two are often based on various ability competitions as the beginning and end.

There is such a scene in front of the eyes of the qin, all kinds of gorgeous or strange abilities bloom in front of her eyes, or there are all kinds of wonderful and peculiar changes, ordinary people here, will be frightened liver trembling, but the piano is still an expressionless look.

Suddenly, three figures appeared tens of meters in front of her, the three figures were all entangled in thunder and fire, as well as the special light refraction produced by the fragmentation of space, and the three figures fought together, producing a rumbling sound, like thunder rolling.

Among the three, Qin can see at a glance that the enemy and friend are in it, two of them are besieging one, and the side that is besieged is the soldier, which after several upgrades, is becoming more and more close to the shape of the human body, which is easy to distinguish.

The other side is also a humanoid shape, but there is a clear mechanical structure on the body, just in the shape design, it is lagging behind the soldiers, although the same sense of science and technology, but there is still a huge difference between the two.

And the anti-soldier robot one-on-one, obviously not the opponent of the soldiers, because it is weak, but two to fight one, but it can fight with the soldiers, you can also produce a certain suppression effect, and it is precisely because of this that the situation on the battlefield can be changed.

(I’m sorry, the last chapter yesterday was copied incorrectly, some episodes were repeated, and later modified, so you can re-read it.) )

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