Then a cloud of silvery-white metallic material appeared out of thin air, enveloping the remnants of her eerie body like a liquid, and then turned into a round ball.

In Camorra’s shocked gaze, the orb once again turned into a stream of water, flowing along the nebula’s body, and in a moment it reformed her limbs and body, and there was no longer a mechanical structure on it, and the whole thing looked like a whole.

The current nebula looked like a silvery-white metallic woman, like a robot.

“This is an alloy made of vibranium and Edelman metal, or my optimized version, used to form your body, it is the best, with this body, you can easily feel the subtle vibrations transmitted from all directions, and this vibration will become more and more powerful with your mastery of ability, and in the end, you can even easily control the vibration frequency of a river system, and you can easily destroy any river system.”

Li Ang continued to optimize the nebula, while thinking with his chin, “In this case, you should not call the nebula anymore, or change the name?” Is the Vibrating Wave Lady really like? ”

Zhenbo Nu is a character that already exists in the original book, but Li Ang has never seen it, and now he feels that this title is just right for Nebula.

But it didn’t matter, he just said so, anyway, Nebula and Kamala would definitely not be willing to call it that, just casually, but now the ability on Nebula’s body is much stronger than before.

Before her, she was just a mechanical transformation person, perhaps the individual combat effectiveness is not bad, but that is limited to the ordinary mortal level, compared with the real strong, it is still much worse, and now with the vibranium Edman alloy transformation, both the hardness of the body, and the ability to absorb vibration and light and heat of the vibranium, in addition to feeling the extremely subtle vibration, so as to transform it into energy.

In this way, the growth potential of Nebula can be greatly improved.

At this time, the transformation of the nebula’s body is still continuing, and the transformation is continuous, from the microscopic aspect, all the way to the whole body, from the inside out.

During this period, Li Ang also sent out that there were many problems in Nebula, typical of which was her life force, which seemed to be strong, but in fact it was just enough to maintain the degree of her survival, which showed how perfunctory Thanos’s transformation of her was.

According to the body of her original race, her life expectancy can reach more than four hundred years, which is considered a semi-immortal species, but now at most, she can live for eighty or ninety years, and her life expectancy has decreased sharply.

In addition, the original characteristics of her body, after being transformed, although the combat effectiveness has been improved, it has lost the possibility of continuing to become stronger, and basically has reached a bottleneck.

However, Li Ang’s transformation of her this time was from the inside to the outside, changing the mechanical structure of her body, and even the flesh and blood tissue on her body was also completely transformed, so that she now became a real mechanical body from the inside to the inside.

And its ability has also been significantly improved, and it can continue to evolve in the future, Li Ang has transformed the nebula from an ordinary high-powered warrior into a cosmic-level strong being in one fell swoop.

Kamora looked at Nebula worriedly, and the latter’s scream continued, but she had already seen the change in the nebula’s body and knew that this change was starting in a good direction.

Time is slowly passing by minute by minute, in the blink of an eye is half an hour has passed, in this half an hour, the body of the nebula has undergone earth-shaking changes, the mechanical structure that originally existed on the body has disappeared, and now it is revealed to outsiders that there is a curvy female body, no wisps, white skin, a long hair like a waterfall, very beautiful and beautiful.

Yes, now the silver color on her body has receded, and in place is the white skin of ordinary people, even if you look closely, you can’t see that there are half a trace of metal on her body, and the skin is still very elastic under the pressure.

This is Leon’s means to make her transform from the inside out, and to hide the metallic luster of the alloy, but the real situation, she is still a body made of metal, this has not changed.

Half an hour had passed, the screams of the nebula had long stopped, and the eyes were tightly closed, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep, and after a few moments, the eyes were really dry, and the essence in the eyes was shining, as bright as the stars.

The first thing she did after landing was to attack Li Ang again, extremely quickly, one foot out, the ground had already cracked due to the special vibration frequency, her hands were like knives, and the flashing cold light fell towards Li Ang’s neck.

Li Ang only raised his hand slightly, he had already pinched her wrist, and immediately felt a strong vibration coming from her wrist, this vibration ability and his own fit, can cause Li Ang himself to vibrate, with the strengthening of the flatness, want to shake his body to crack.

But she looked down on Li Ang, and there was only a slight tremor in his body, and then the vibration disappeared without a trace.

“It’s good, it seems that you have fully mastered this ability, with logistics plus practice, then you will become stronger and stronger.” Lee affirmed.

“Damn! I’ll kill you. ”

Nebula didn’t care at all that she was still naked, her eyes were full of resentment towards Li Ang, the pain she had just had, and she secretly vowed to repay it.

Li Ang shrugged his shoulders and smiled: “The temper is still quite stubborn, not bad, keep it up.” ”

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