“Then look for it.”

Leon was not much surprised, an ancient life like Tanya Tiwan was already very powerful in itself, and in the billions of years, his accumulation had reached a terrifying point, and what kind of treasure he had in his hand, or what kind of unexpected ability he had, was in itself reasonable.

Li Ang’s figure disappeared and appeared in another starry sky in this star field, where he could vaguely feel that the breath of life was slightly stronger than Fang.

“It seems that you have to try other methods, so it will take a lot of time to find it.”

Leon didn’t want to waste his time, because his time was precious, and there were countless experiments waiting for him to do.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him, and then everything in front of him began to play backwards rapidly, as if the picture was rewinding, and all the scenes began to pass in front of his eyes at a very fast speed.

A series of pictures appeared in front of his eyes, with nebulae beginning to shrink, stars inverting, and then disintegrating into air masses, which spread rapidly, and then shrank to form stars.

Li Ang was compressing time, and at the same time he was turning back the time in front of him, one second was equivalent to the passage of millions of years, and he wanted to see everything that happened here in the ancient time.

Time passed minute by minute, every second the picture in front of him was undergoing earth-shaking changes, and in the blink of an eye, a minute had passed, and at a certain moment, Li Ang suddenly whispered.

“That’s the way it is.”

There were many things that appeared before his eyes, and all the space gases and floating dust in reality began to shrink, return to their original form, and then change again, and there was a scene that this star field should have had a long time ago.

It was a strange starry sky, scattered over ninety million light years, countless river systems of all sizes, large and small, with different shapes, but all maintaining a flat spiral and running in a unified direction.

Then at a certain moment, there was a war in the picture in front of Li Ang’s eyes, one side was comparable to the existence of the gods, each was huge, some of these beings were comparable to planets, and the smaller ones were like mountains, and each great shore was incomparable, with the power to shake the stars.

What is hostile to them is countless space warships, these battleships are as large and small, the number is unknown, the number is innumerable, and both sides are in the same situation, and they all want to completely destroy each other.

Leon recognized those huge beings, which were the group of gods, a special existence that existed at the beginning of the universe, with extremely powerful powers, and it was okay to say that they were gods, but to be precise, they should be called the god family.

The existence of this kind of race, there is no specific number, it is said that it is innumerable, at least in Li Ang’s line of sight, the number of Heavenly God groups on one side is also dense, and it is not easy to count at all.

The warships that are hostile to them belong to one civilization, and should be a collection of many civilizations, because Leon has divided hundreds of them from the style of those warships.

The two sides launched a protracted war in the universe of 90 million light-years, which was not a big war, but a continuous war that lasted for nearly three million years, and the two sides had contacts and exchanges, either the east wind overwhelmed the west wind, or the west wind oppressed the east wind.

This made Li Ang a little curious, and he calculated the time to know that the time point in these rewinding pictures was more than six billion years ago, when there were already so many terrible civilizations in the universe, which was quite remarkable.

The result of more than three million years of war was the collapse of all civilizations within ninety million light years, and the group of gods disappeared without a trace, and as to why the two sides were so hostile, Li Ang did not get an answer.

After all, he was now watching the time change on the scale of ninety million light-years, and he could not analyze every minute and second, and this scale was too large to grasp everything that happened in every corner of it.

But at a certain moment, Li Ang suddenly fixed the picture, and his eyes saw a certain point in time after the war, and at the same time, his eyes also penetrated the picture and landed on a coordinate.

“It was here.”

Leon saw the head of a member of the Celestial Gods, which, like an asteroid, floated in the void of the universe, surrounded by endless nebulae, vast and majestic.

No one knew what was under the armor of the Tenjin Group, but Leon could see the huge head, in a little bit of what was thought to be decomposing, part of which built its various structures and creations inside, and he also saw a person, the collector he was looking for.

“Let’s go.”

Leon greeted death, and then went directly in the direction of that coordinate, death also followed, and the two disappeared into the same place.

Somewhere in this star realm, the figures of the two suddenly appeared again, and in front of the two people, a huge head was suspended, which was exactly what Li Ang was looking for.

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