The guard roared in pain, wanting to struggle, but around his body was a terrible pressure, and the companions around him wanted to go up to help, but one by one, it was as if they had been cast into a fixation technique, and they could not have half a point of movement, so they could only watch the person in front of them, little by little.

Originally, it was a person of two meters tall, and his body was gradually compressed to less than one meter, during which everyone heard the sour bone cracking sound, and the clicking sound was incessant, making people’s scalps tingle.

Everyone wanted to flee from here, but none of them could do it, and they could only scream in vain in the hope that they would attract more people with their screams.

However, the cries of these people did not let others find out, and even after these sounds reached three meters away, they had disappeared strangely, and no one knew what caused them.

Of course, all this is Li Ang’s means, and within ten meters of his body now, it has become another space, isolated from the space where he was originally located, but the isolation is not so complete.

The guard was so in the eyes of everyone’s horror, little by little, it was squeezed into a ball of flesh, during which the blood burst out, but there was a strange thing that did not spray out, still following his flesh and blood, being compressed.

A minute and a second passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was ten seconds, and the guard had now become a lump of flesh less than the size of a fist, the color was a strange black and red color, and it was already dead and could not die anymore.

The rest of the people looked at Leon’s gaze as if they were looking at a monster, revealing an incomparable fear.

Li Ang waved his hand at will, and the flesh and blood burst open, turning into a blood mist in the sky, staining the whole body of those people, Li Ang could hear the sound of these people’s teeth trembling, but he didn’t think anything of it.

This move of his was really frightening, at least in the eyes of these guards, he now seemed to be a demon from hell, making people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.


Li Ang snapped his fingers, and then those people suddenly found that the force that controlled their own actions suddenly disappeared, and at this moment, everyone subconsciously retreated backwards rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they were far away from Li Ang.

Li Ang just glanced at these people faintly, and without saying a word, directly crossed them and walked up alone.

These people were terrified, the timid did not dare to stay here at all, turned their heads and ran farther away, and some of these people were still holding on to their duties, even if they were afraid that they could not make a sound, but they still pressed the hidden alarm device.

The next moment, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the superstructure.

The moment this alarm sounded, those who had been spared by Li Ang, one by one, all of them exploded at the same time, just like bursting watermelons, and the red and white things burst out in all directions.

These people didn’t even have time to scream, and they died one by one, and died extremely completely.

At this time, Li Ang had come to the huge metal door, this metal door was closed for more than ten meters, and the height was more than twenty meters, which was extremely oppressive, but Li Ang just faded his hand, and saw that the metal door had deformed, just like spring snow, quickly melted away.

Inside is a huge hall, a starry sky, and there are countless display cases of different sizes in the hall, and in the display cases, there are all kinds of things.

Among them there are biological samples and there are also . Metals, and even works of art in some civilizations, are always varied from zero to zero, and the number is too large to count.

At this time, the alarm had sounded, and there were footsteps all around, in pieces, and it was obvious that many people were gathering towards this side.

Li Ang did not say much, and continued to walk towards the depths of the hall, which was extremely wide, almost impossible to see at a glance, but with Li Ang’s eyesight, he could still clearly see everything in it.

A moment later, hundreds of people appeared in front of him, dressed in standard armor, each holding an energy gun in his hand, and surrounded him.

Li Ang looked around slightly, and then his gaze moved up, and at the end of the line of sight, there was a high platform, and on the high platform, stood a white-haired man, this man was stout, no less than two meters tall, a fiery red suit, and behind him was a blue cape, which looked very large.

“Tanya Tiwan.” Leon smiled at him, and the man had obviously seen him as well.


Li Ang snapped his fingers, and then he saw everyone around him, and his body began to disappear at the same moment, turning into a fine powder, directly falling in place, becoming a small pile of debris.

Leon’s actions fell into Tanya Tiwan’s eyes, instantly causing his eyes to shrink and his face to show a different kind of brilliance.

He is not a weak person, he is a long-established strong person on the side of the universe, and if he can have such a base here, you can imagine how much he can do.

But Li Ang’s means still made him secretly frightened, and when he secretly said that the person who came was not good, he frowned and said, “Who are you?” ”

“I’m Leon, and I came to you on purpose.” Li Ang smiled and said.

Tanya Tiwan’s heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling of foreboding.

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