Chapter 108 Was scared out of a cold sweat (2/5, please reward)


The automatic metal door of the command room was smashed by Captain America Steve, and the pieces were scattered, and those S.H.I.E.L.D. outside the door were shocked by the pieces and Steve.

Captain America, who was still majestic and high-spirited just now, actually came out in this way, although it was expected, those of them who grew up listening to Captain America’s stories were unbelievable.

“Captain, are you alright?

Finally, Govsey came to his senses, walked over to Captain America Steve, who was blushing with shame and didn’t know if he was angry, and helped him up.

“I’m fine, poof!”

Captain America Steve had just said these words, his face suddenly changed, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Captain America Steve, who was approached by Govesy, was too close and was sprayed with a dog’s blood.

Zero Seven, “Zero”, but Govisy didn’t dare and couldn’t blame Captain America, wiped the blood on his face, and hurriedly asked people to take Captain America Steve for treatment.

Only, Captain America Steve refused.

“No! Steve pushed Govesy away, stood up and said.

His physical quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The blood spurted out just now, the injury on his body has improved a lot, and the feeling of suffocation just now is gone.

“Captain, you need treatment!” Govisi said with a wry smile.

“No, I don’t need it! You should quickly send someone to prepare the firefighting equipment, and immediately notify Commander Hill, saying that an accident happened here, and she needs to deal with it as soon as possible!”

“But you…

“I said I’m fine, do as I say!”

“Yes, Captain!”

In principle, Captain America Steve doesn’t have the authority to order these people, but that’s not the case.

Captain America’s seniority allows him to do so.

All the people present didn’t feel that there was anything, and they happily accepted the order and began to do as he said and prepare.

Captain America Steve was not idle either, regardless of whether his body was fully recovered or not, he walked into the command room again with a solemn look.

But as soon as he took a step in, a strong force hit his aching chest again, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably, hitting the wall behind him, and was hung on the wall again. .

But Lu Yi didn’t plan to let him walk into the command room again, and when he saw that he had just stepped in, he knocked him flying again.

“Captain, are you alright?” Govesy, who didn’t have time to leave, asked carefully to the side of Captain America who had just fallen from the wall.

A mouthful of dark red blood was spat out by Steve.

A little bit of blood stained on the bright zinc floor, it looked so exaggerated, Captain America with blood on his mouth was so desolate, and the faces of those around who had not had time to leave were much paler, and the eyes were even more bleak. With huge amounts of worry.

“This time there is something wrong, cough! Cough! Cough..

Saying that, Steve couldn’t help coughing, and every time he coughed, some blood spurted out.

Steve put his finger on his nose and mouth, barely able to block the blood from his nose and mouth.

“Then I’ll have someone send you to the rescue!”

“I don’t need it anymore, just sit here like this, I don’t worry about it here!”

“But your body

“I can hold on, you guys just do what I said before!” Captain America Steve said firmly.

“Yes, Captain!

Goversy felt the determination of Captain America Steve, and it was no longer critical, and trotted all the way to inform Hill.

He is just an ordinary person, he can’t deal with Lu Yi, and he is just a burden to stay, so he might as well find someone quickly.

After Govesy left, Captain America Steve didn’t force himself to enter the command room again, just sat there, watching the command room waiting for Hill’s arrival.

However, instead of waiting for Hill, he waited for a shadow, a shadow that flew out from the door of the command room.

The shadow target seemed to be him, and flew towards his direction.

He was already seriously injured, and he couldn’t dodge at all, and the shadow smashed on the metal wall beside him.


A sound of metal collision sounded, and the black shadow sank into the metal wall beside him, only one centimeter 0 away from his flesh and blood.

If the black shadow moved gently one centimeter to his side, what the black shadow would imprint would not be the wall around him, but his flesh and blood.

This is really the case, his flesh and blood must at least be a broken tendon!

Steve’s cold sweat broke down in one fell swoop, he’s human, and he’s scared too!

Shield “Give it back to you!”

Just when he was afraid, Lu Yi’s voice suddenly came from the command room.


Steve subconsciously turned his head to look at the shadow beside him, sure enough, it wasn’t his shield, or something.

It’s just that his shield has undergone some special changes now. It’s not that it’s deformed, but that all the paint on the shield has been baked away, basically returning to its original appearance.

Steve reached for the shield, trying to hold the shield in his hand, which would give him a sense of security.


Just as his hand touched the shield, a burning sensation came, and his fingers snorted as if they were placed on a red-hot pot.

His shield temperature is very high!

Steve directly withdrew his hand, daring to touch his shield again.

“Don’t worry, I just heated it up, and it will cool down after a while – 3.4 times!” Lu Yi walked out of the command room and said condescendingly to Steve.

“What on earth are you trying to do?” Steve asked in confusion.

Lu Yi’s attitude has changed so fast, and now he has no idea what Lu Yi wants to do, whether he is an enemy or a friend.

“Scientific research!”


“Scientific research! Don’t you understand?

“Understood!” Steve said oddly.

He suddenly felt that it was too much of a loss for him to pick up this meal, maybe Lu Yi didn’t think about what to do at all.

Just when Steve felt regret, a voice came from far and near.

“What happened here?”

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