Chapter 117: Powerful plot correction (1/5, please subscribe automatically)

Mind Gem really deserves to be a world-class secret treasure, and the increase it brings is powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Yi can easily decide the life and death of people on the entire planet.

Life and death take it, everything is free!

Faced with such power, Lu Yi did not have any idea of ​​accepting it, and put the scepter inlaid with Mind Gem on the shelf on the table again.

Although Mind Gem is good, it is an external thing after all. What Lu Yi needs is his own strength, and relying on external things is not what Lu Yi needs.

Lu Yi only needs to use the power of the system to constantly make himself stronger, and there is really no need to care about external things.

With this thought in mind, Lu Yi finally gave up Mind Gem, not because Mind Gem was not good, but because Lu Yi didn’t need it!

After putting Mind Gem on the shelf, Lu Yi did not stay in the laboratory, but walked out of the laboratory quickly. Mind Gem’s ability is very strong, and its temptation is also full. Lu Yi does not need it, but the temptation is very strong. · The fascination is still there.

The previously addictive feeling urged Lu Yi to pick up the 01 again and pour all his mental power into it.

For a moment or two, Lu Yi could hold on to it, and it had nothing to do with it, but as time passed, there was a time when Lu Yi could not stand its temptation.

Don’t say that Lu Yi’s temperament is not good enough, and he can give up Mind Gem, which means that Lu Yi’s temperament is very good.

The allure of Mind Gem is really too strong. Anyone who has experienced it will leave indelible traces in their hearts. After experiencing the power of this thing, it will become like the Lord of the Rings.

It’s great that Lu Yi gave it up now.

After leaving Bruce Banner’s laboratory, Lu Yi returned to his residence.

However, when Lu Yi returned to his room, before Lu Yi had time to rest or do something else, the door was knocked loudly.


Lu Yi reluctantly opened the door!

As soon as the door opened, Tony Stark appeared in front of Lu Yi.

“Why are you?” Lu Yi asked strangely.

The only intersection between Lu Yi and Tony Stark is that he has Tony Stark twice in a row, and each time he reaped billions of things.

It stands to reason that the relationship between the two is not very good, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is sad.

“Don’t ask me to come in and sit?” Tony Stark chose to ignore Lu Yi’s strangeness and said to Lu Yi.

The room “It’s too small, so I don’t need it. Besides, what’s the matter with you being a big man in my room?” Lu Yi said to Tony Stark without concealing his disgust.


Tony Stark actually disliked entering a big man’s room, and simply got off the donkey down the slope.

The two quickly came to the deck of the aerospace carrier and stopped near the turbine.

“What’s the matter with me?” After standing still, Lu Yi asked directly, not wanting to waste time.

“I put some little things in the command room and got some information out of it!” Tony Stark said straight to the point.

“So what?” Lu Yi roughly guessed what Tony Stark wanted to say, and followed his words.

“I found out what S.H.I.E.L.D is hiding from us! I just wanted to ask if you know something, S.H.I.E.L.D may hide it from us, but it won’t hide it from you!”

“You mean researching weapons with Tesseract!

“You sure know!”

A look of surprise flashed in Tony Stark’s eyes, looking at Lu Yi, his face unconsciously showed joy.

“It’s natural, S.H.I.E.L.D can lie to you, but they will never lie to me, because they dare not!”

“That’s right, with your strength, he really doesn’t dare to deceive you. In that case, can you give me a detailed introduction to the weapons researched by S.H.I.E.L.D?”

“detailed introduction?

Lu Yi didn’t have the idea of ​​introducing it in detail, after thinking about it, a thought flashed, a light flashed in front of him, and a half-meter-long weapon appeared in Lu Yi’s hands.

“Give you!”

After speaking, Lu Yi threw the weapon in his hand to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark was stunned when he saw the weapon that suddenly appeared in Lu Yi’s hand, Lu Yi threw the weapon to him, he didn’t react at all, and was directly knocked down by the dozens of pounds of weapon.

“Depend on!”

Tony Stark couldn’t help scolding, and suddenly a few pounds of things fell on him. How could he, a delicate and expensive playboy, be able to bear it.

Dozens of kilograms of weapons were pressed against him, making his face flush red and looking extremely embarrassed.

“Seriously, you should exercise your body. You are weak like a little chicken. You are out of the steel battle suit. To deal with an ordinary person, you may not even have the strength to resist!”

“Isn’t that exaggerated?” After finally pushing the weapon away, he stood up, and before he could take a few breaths of relief, Tony Stark blushed.

“No? Just pretend it doesn’t, this weapon is the evidence that S.H.I.E.L.D used Tesseract to research weapons, you take it to Nick Fury, plus what you find, he won’t admit it if he wants to die.

Tony Stark also knew this, and said a few words to Lu Yi, and walked towards the aerospace carrier with some difficulty holding the weapon.

“Am I making up the loophole? Let the reality develop according to the plot?” Lu Yi muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear as he watched Tony Stark’s gradually disappearing figure.

Until now, Lu Yi has to sigh with emotion, the revision power of the plot is really powerful, everything has been deviated from the original track, but he did not expect that it will return to the original track now.

Lu Yi now wonders if Hawkeye will come to save Loki after a while.

Lu Yi was so suspicious that a black spot on the horizon changed from far to near due to the distance relationship between a fighter plane and gradually became larger, approaching the aerospace aircraft carrier.

Seeing all this, Lu Yi couldn’t help but be speechless. He really said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming.

The plot correction is really powerful!

Lu Yi had to be so emotional.

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