Chapter 122 “Meteorite” fascinates people (1/5, please subscribe automatically)

To tell the truth, the Hulk Hulk is really miserable as a meteorite. His body is controlled in a fixed channel. The terrifying gravity makes him feel like being pressed by a big mountain, and the surface of his body has to withstand the friction caused by the air. pain.

Although his defense was very strong, he couldn’t stand such tossing. The endless pain overwhelmed his sanity, and his face was replaced by madness.

However, this is of no use, his fall speed is constantly increasing.

Thirty times the speed of sound is just the beginning, after that, the thirty times the speed of sound constantly increases, and when it is close to the ground, it has reached seventy times the speed of sound.

Then, he hit the ground heavily!

The Hulk fell silent at first, the soil on the ground shrank even more, and immediately, a loud noise appeared at his landing.

Along with the loud noise, a mushroom cloud also appeared. The soil turned into fine dust and rose from the ground. Above the ground, it constantly swayed like waves.

At this moment, the hard and hard ground becomes like the surface of water, which is terrifying!

That is to say, there are no traces of people around, it is a no-man’s land, otherwise countless people will be injured or even killed!

After finally waiting for everything to subside, all the dust between heaven and earth calmed down, and the waves on the ground disappeared. Lu Yi flew to the center of the landing spot, where the Hulk landed, in a deep pit.

The originally flat land has disappeared, replaced by such a deep pit, there are three standard football fields File size, more than 20 meters deep.

At the moment, in the deep pit, there is still a very high temperature, and it is scorched black.

But this was not enough to affect Lu Yi, Lu Yi landed under the deep pit, and soon found the figure of Hulk.

“How miserable!”

Glancing at Hulk, who was lying in a coma at the bottom of the pit, his clothes had completely disappeared, and even the pair of trousers that could make him transform without breaking, were melted by the high temperature.

Lu Yi was able to withstand the high temperature in the deep pit, but it was impossible to restore Bruce Banner to his original state. The high temperature in the pit made him scorched black, his skin was cracked, and his hair had completely disappeared.

That is to say, his original Recovery Ability was very strong, and it took his life, otherwise he would have been roasted to death by the high temperature.

“I don’t know if you were lucky or unlucky when you met me!”

After saying that, Lu Yi did not continue to stay in the pit. He supported Hulk’s body with his mind and took him out of the pit.

The Hulk Hulk can’t die yet, he is already alive, only alive can he be beaten by Lu Yi again.

Poor Bruce Banner! Because of the Hulk inside him, he can only suffer, but Lu Yi doesn’t care about these little things.

Lu Yi left with Bruce Banner, but left behind the deep pit on the ground that was smashed by Hulk.

And this happened to be photographed by the military satellites that were aimed at here next, and played to their respective countries.

Before, a Hulk with a long flame tail fell from the sky in the sky, which has attracted the attention of all countries, and ordered the satellite to be transferred to him at the first time. Although it was still a little late, it was photographed. But there is a hole in the ground.

The world is in an uproar!

Fake, what’s going on?”

“Why is the meteor in the shape of a human? If it wasn’t for the meteor’s size, I would have believed it was a human!”

“Humans? Have you got water in your brain? How could humans be like this, and they have been killed by the frictional air a long time ago!”

“It’s terrifying! Fortunately, this meteorite didn’t land in our country, but in the United States. That’s good. I told you Hollywood to make so many blockbusters that destroy the world and save the world, and you will be punished.”

“Don’t say that! How could the United States be punished? It’s obviously a wrath and resentment!”

The United States really doesn’t have much of a good reputation among countries. Now that such a “meteorite” is about to land on its soil, it is inevitable to laugh at it.

Happy to hear it!

They were joking happily, but as the nominal head of state of this “meteorite” country, they were throwing a tantrum at the space agency.

“Did your space agency grow up eating shit? Haven’t you found such a meteorite in the sky above our country?” * As soon as he came up, he scolded the other party with bloody head.

“President, it really doesn’t matter what’s going on with our space agency, that meteorite didn’t come from outer space, and none of our satellites have detected a meteorite falling!”

“Oh? Is that so? So, you’re going to tell me that meteorites appear from within the planet, right?” *Strongly suppressed his anger and said.

“Yes, although I don’t know the specific reason, but…

“Fake, Bitchi, son of a bitch 080. Do you take me for a fool, or do you take so many people in the United States as fools, hurry up and find out where the meteorite fell from, and where are the loopholes, if there is another related issue You don’t have to do anything about it!”

After saying this, he hung up the phone directly, leaving only the director of the space agency messed up in the wind.

No one believes in telling the truth these days! Is there still justice? Is there still humanity? Don’t let me do it anymore, the United States is really finished with you, the stupid president, and you are the one who should not do it the most .

He was so used to it in his heart that he didn’t show it on the bright side, and pretended to look for loopholes.

How could he not be clear, he did not have any problems here, the meteorite did not appear from outer space, but appeared out of thin air at a specific point.

And when it appeared, there were some special things under it, and these should be the reason.

It’s just that he can’t say it now, otherwise he will be scolded for a bloody head, and maybe he will be held to the end.

The appearance of a “meteorite” aroused the hearts of countless people, but this “meteorite” and Lu Yi did not have this consciousness, and came to a clearing without any cover.

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