Chapter 127 Enchantment Asgardian, Banner! (1/5, please customize)

After killing three tacos, a big burger, and a big Coke, Bruce Banner finally realized that Lu Yi had no intention of stopping Loki now.

He’s waiting for Loki to bring in the Chiguri army!

Although Bruce Banner didn’t know what Lu Yi wanted to do, and he had the idea that the sky would fall and a tall man would bear it, now, Bruce Banner is still confused.

What Lu Yi did was really a bit of a joke.

“Aren’t you afraid that Loki will recruit the Chiguri army, and in the end, all the people in New York will be ruined?” Bruce Banner asked with confusion.

“There must be necessary casualties, but at the same time as casualties, it will also better let the Chigerui know the power of our earth! In the universe, any etiquette is useless, only to let the other party know the power of the earth, They will be afraid, and will not dare to continue to invade!”

Lu Yi gave Bruce Banner a good reason. Once this reason came out, Bruce Banner’s confusion disappeared a lot, but he still hesitated.

He also knew that the 01 believed in the universe was a naked jungle law, the weak eat the strong, the weak are slaves, and the strong are kings, and no one in the universe will have compassion.

“Just, isn’t this unfair to ordinary people in New York?” This was Bruce Banner’s last hesitation.

“There must be injustice, but this is a sacrifice that has to be made!” Lu Yi looked at Bruce Banner and said lightly.

“Just for such a goal, sacrificing so many ordinary people? Although the safety of the majority is exchanged for the minority, it is really unfair to the innocent minority of them!

Is it unfair?

It’s really unfair, but so what, Lu Yi had to do it in order to draw a chance.

It’s just that Lu Yi has to admit that he still underestimated Bruce Banner’s soft-heartedness, and after giving him an excuse, he still took care of it.

Shouldn’t have brought him here in the first place!

However, it’s too late now!

“Is there any way you can let the Chigray army arrive without hurting or reducing the damage to ordinary people in New York as much as possible?” Bruce Banner asked after thinking for a while.

“How did I suddenly find it was a huge amount of mistake to bring you?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“You need to waste a lot of my time here. Originally, I planned to make a quick decision!” Lu Yi said helplessly.

How to say?”

“Do you need time to protect everyone around here?”

“You have a way?”

“You’re joking, is there anything I can do?”

Lu Yi not only has the Superman Ability, but also has the ability of magic and the current hero Gilgamesh, and these abilities have things to protect these ordinary people.

It’s just that these abilities will take time to activate, which is completely different from Lu Yi’s quick fight.

“That’s right, what are you going to do?”

Bruce Banner also knew that Lu Yi’s supernatural powers were vast, and he had no doubts about what Lu Yi said, just curious about what Lu Yi planned to do.

“You’ll know then!”

After saying this, Lu Yi ignored Bruce Banner and looked up at the sky.

Bruce Banner watched Lu Yi suddenly raise his head, and he also raised his head, just in time to see a fighter plane with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on it, Bruce Banner couldn’t help frowning.

Bruce Banner and Lu Yi used teleportation to arrive quickly, and when they arrived, they realized that the place where the space door opened was in the Stark Building. He didn’t think the Avengers had such a fast reaction time.

So the people in this fighter can be imagined, the possibility of being Loki is almost 100%.

“If you just fired two rays with your eyes, everything is over!” Bruce Banner couldn’t help but said.

“But the Chigray army is endless after that. Maybe the next invasion will not be a space door opened through Tesseract, but a full-scale invasion, which will be much more troublesome than now!”

From the space gate invasion, there is still room for manoeuvre, and finally closing the space gate will end everything, but if there is a full-scale invasion, there will be no more. If you want to drive them away, you must have enough strength, and the earth is currently no.

“That’s true, just wait and see what happens!”

Bruce Banner knew this clearly. After he finished speaking, he didn’t speak any more. He looked at the Stark Building, looked at Lu Yi, fell into silence, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

He doesn’t speak, Lu Yi is happy to relax!

He got a chair, and regardless of the gazes of the people around him, he sat where he was, waiting for Loki to open the space door and summon the Chigary army.

Time passed, and finally Loki set up the device, and Tony Stark in his tattered steel battle suit arrived, and it was all about to begin.

“Starting?” Bruce Banner saw the trend to start.

“It’s going to start at 080!”

After saying this, a golden hourglass suddenly appeared behind Lu Yi, and fell into Lu Yi’s hand with a squeak.

“This hourglass is called the Enchantment Sand Cave, and it is a very special enchantment-type Noble Phantasm. When you turn it upside down, the golden sand flows from one end to the other, and it will release an enchantment where it is! Although this barrier does not have any offensive power, it is very strong, and most people can’t break it, it can be used to rescue the innocent people you call it!”


Throwing the hourglass to Bruce Banner, Lu Yi said: “Of course, don’t you want to save people? I’ll give you this opportunity, take this Noble Phantasm, make sure it won’t be broken or stand up again, you can save it people!”

Bruce Banner took the Noble Phantasm in his hand with great difficulty, and before he had time to line up with Lu Yi’s extravagance, he heard Lu Yi’s words, grabbed the Noble Phantasm in his hand tightly, and looked nervously. To the people around, like a thief.

“Go, use the hourglass to go!

Lu Yi didn’t bother to pay attention to him. After saying this, he flew up and rushed to the top of the Stark building, leaving only Bruce Banner, who was smug about opening the barrier, and stayed in place.

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