Chapter 135 Perfect Solution (4/5, Please Customize)

Lu Yi has attracted people’s hearts since he appeared on the stage, and it was even more so when he appeared outside the enchantment. All the people subconsciously turned their attention to Lu Yi.

And those Avengers who had been outside for a long time and could only watch the enchantment in a hurry were even more so, and they hurriedly came to Lu Yi.

“You finally appeared! Quickly untie the barrier!” Natasha Romanoff- said very anxiously when she came up.

During the period of waiting outside, the avengers used various methods to try to enter the enchantment, but the enchantment was too powerful.

Their method was of no use, except to stand outside the enchantment and watch Tony Stark desperately fight those Chiggly Swiss soldiers and steel behemoths.

And the most important thing is not just this. Just now, Nick Fury sent a message to them that the World Security Council launched a nuclear bomb, and the target 01 is here.

The best solution given by Nick Fury is to guide the nuclear bomb into the space door, and then close the space door when the nuclear bomb explodes.

But they couldn’t even get close to the space door, the barrier blocked them, Tony Stark was busy dealing with the Chigre army, Bruce Banner couldn’t be found at all, and the barrier couldn’t be lifted. Fortunately, Lu Yi finally appeared at this time. .

Through the communication with Tony Stark just now, they know that although the enchantment is in the hands of Bruce Banner, the enchantment comes from Lu Yi, and Lu Yi may have a way.

“The hourglass of the enchantment is in Banner’s hands, I want to remove it and go find him!” Lu Yi focused on the nuclear bomb now, ignoring Natasha Romanoff, and said to Natasha Romanoff.

The key “is that we have no way to find him at all. He is hiding in the Stark Building to protect the barrier hourglass from being destroyed, and we can’t even enter the world!” Natasha Romanoff smiled helplessly.

“That’s fine, brute force!” Lu Yi said to the avengers while casting his eyes to the horizon.

“We didn’t try it!

“That was just now, now!”

The enchantment hourglass is not really unbreakable, it also has a limit, and when it reaches the limit, it will also break.

After the shock of the Chig Swiss Soldiers and the steel giants just now, and the efforts of these avengers, although the barrier still exists, it is already at the end of the battle.

Use some power and it will shatter in no time!

The Barrier Hourglass is not considered a powerful Noble Phantasm, and it is not bad to be able to hold it up to now.

“You attack with all your strength, and soon the barrier will be broken!”

Lu Yi casually said another word to Natasha Romanoff, and his body rose directly into the sky, rushing towards the nuclear bomb flying towards him at the highest speed.

The nuclear bomb launched by the World Security Council finally came, and Lu Yi did not intend to let it go, and flew towards it.

Lu Yi quickly approached the nuclear bomb launched by the World Security Council, but after approaching it, Lu Yi did not catch it immediately, but after turning the direction and maintaining the same speed as the nuclear bomb, did he catch it!

Lu Yi came to the side of the nuclear bomb, reached out and grabbed the warhead of the nuclear bomb and disappeared in place with a teleport, appearing in the universe, and then let go.

Lu Yi had maintained the speed of the nuclear bomb before, but now he released his hand. The nuclear bomb was propelled by the thruster, without any change in speed, and rushed straight to the command room that was not far away.

Those high-level executives of Qigerui in the command room saw this scene, but they also knew that there was something wrong with this thing, and immediately began to intercept it.

A ray of light shot out from the main ship, shrouding the nuclear bomb in it.

The shrouded nuclear bomb was bound by an invisible force and could not be stored, and stopped in the universe in front of the command room.

To actually “want to use this primitive technology against us? It’s too stupid and naive!” said one of Chigerui’s top executives with a mocking expression.

His remarks were recognized by other high-level executives in Qigerui, and they all looked at Lu Yi in front of them. They wanted to know what Lu Yi’s expression was at the moment.

But to their surprise, there was no expression on Lu Yi’s face, just a sneering look in his eyes.

This made those high-level officials of Chigerui couldn’t help but click, and subconsciously looked at the nuclear bomb, wondering if there was any problem.

However, then the problem really happened!

The bound nuclear bomb suddenly exploded, and countless cracks appeared on the shell of the nuclear bomb, which then turned into countless fragments. A small sun appeared in the center of the nuclear bomb, and after the energy shrank, it exploded at an extreme speed.

In the center of the nuclear bomb, where the energy bursts, space is distorted.

It was too late for the top management of Qigerui to do something. The burst of energy instantly surrounded the command room where they were located, and the piercing alarm sound almost made their eardrums burst.

They were devastated by the energy of the nuclear bomb explosion, but Lu Yi 087 had come to the edge of the Shi Stark building, a flash came to Loki, and after violently snatching the scepter in his hand, another flash appeared on the roof, Insert the scepter into the device and start closing the space door.

The terrifying energy of the nuclear bomb poured out from the space gate, falling from the sky like a waterfall above the nine heavens.

Just when the energy was about to reach the Stark Building, Lu Yi successfully closed the space door completely and the energy was cut off. Although the burst energy still existed, it was not enough to destroy the Stark Building.

The energy just created a storm-like thing, knocking over some things around the Stark Building, and also overturning the corpse of the Chiger Swiss soldier inside and outside the Stark Building that should have been barely standing under the support of the building.

Chiger Swiss soldiers are very special. They are biological weapons. The control power comes from the main ship. Once the connection with the subjective is disconnected, they will surely die.

When Lu Yi closed the space door, the connection was broken, so death must come, and then they really all died.

The Qigerui army invasion incident was solved perfectly like this, even more perfect than in the plot. The most outstanding thing is that the number of casualties this time is infinitely close to zero.

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