Chapter 138: You can’t be so pitiful (2/5, please customize)

The spear in Lu Yi’s hand turned into a light and shadow. When Thor’s old force was just gone, the new force was not born, and when the Mjolnir in his hand had just been sent out before it could be retracted, the spear was handed forward.


With a soft sound, the spear pierced Thor’s chest, and blood splattered in the sky.

Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye’s worst fears still happened, and they only felt that the eyes were dark, so they didn’t pass out.

Next, before they could say anything, Lu Yi grabbed the spear stabbed in Thor’s chest and kicked Thor’s chest.

Thor was kicked away, the spear was not taken away by Thor because it was caught by Lu Yi, the spear escaped from Thor’s chest, and there was another ray of blood, and more blood spurted out of Thor’s chest.

The spear was better when it was on Thor’s chest, at least it was able to stop the blood from flowing out, but when it was pulled out, the blood couldn’t stop it immediately, and it flowed out desperately.

Thor also suffered secondary damage for this reason, and was almost unable to sustain himself, even unable to fly, falling from the sky.

No one had time to rescue, and Thor fell to the ground with a loud bang.

In other words, the physical quality of their Asgard people is not comparable to that of ordinary people, otherwise, the height of his descent from the sky is enough to kill him. 090

Thor fell to the ground, but Lu Yi didn’t let him go. With a flick of the spear in his hand, the spear turned into a golden light and pierced Thor’s abdomen again, pinning him to the ground.

And at this time, the others finally came to Thor’s side.

They can watch Thor fight with Lu Yi, but you can let Lu Yi just kill Thor, Thor’s identity prevents them from watching him die in front of them and others.

“Lu Yi, please stop for a while!” Natasha Romanoff stood in front of Thor and said to Lu Yi.

Thor at the moment can really be said to be very miserable!

His clothes were tattered and covered with blood, there was a blood hole in his chest that was as constant as a spring, and a long spear was pinned to the lower abdomen, and the blood spilled down his nose and mouth, which made his handsome face even worse. It was full of blood.

Before seeing him like this, I’m afraid it’s hard for anyone to believe that this will be the crown prince of a huge country.

“You want to stop me?” Lu Yi said nothing to Natasha Romanoff.

“That’s right!” Still, Natasha Romanoff gritted her teeth.

Lu Yi is scary, but Thor can’t die either!

“Give me a reason!”

Lu Yi landed in front of Natasha Romanoff and them, looking straight at them, expressionless, no one knew what he was thinking.

Seeing such Lu Yi, Natasha Romanoff, and others, they were uneasy, and none of them knew what was waiting for them next.

Thunder Fury? Or Gentle Rain?

No one knows, they just hope that Lu Yi can be more rational and think more about the earth, so that they can not bear so much anger.

“The reason is very simple, that is, for the safety of the seven billion people on the earth, Tol must not die, and we cannot bear the wrath of Asgard!”

Natasha Romanoff gave Lu Yi a reason and gave Lu Yi a shackle.

She actually tried to use moral kidnapping to get Lu Yi to give up her plan to kill Thor. She was not very courageous!

Lu Yi looked at Natasha Romanoff with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Natasha Romanoff felt uncomfortable being watched, as if being stared at by a fierce beast, and finally said, “What are you thinking?”

“It’s nothing, I’m just wondering if I should kill you!” Lu Yi said indifferently.

Lu Yi said it indifferently, but Natasha Romanoff could not listen to it calmly, her face turned pale and her body trembled like a sieve, she could hear Lu Zhenyou from Lu Yi’s words (abde) This plan.

In other words, Lu Yi really planned to kill her.

Natasha Romanoff really has the urge to slap his own mouth now, why did he just say what he said just now?

At this time, Natasha Romanoff finally reacted. She used the wrong method. It is useful for moral kidnapping of ordinary people, but it is of no use to Lu Yi at all. Instead, it will make Lu Yi feel that he is threatening him.

After all, Lu Yi is not an ordinary person, he is not threatened, and moral kidnapping is of no use to him.

She now only hopes that Lu Yi will let her go from her past friendship.

Maybe some existences heard her expectations and helped her realize her expectations.

Lu Yi didn’t kill her in the end!

He just ignored her and walked from her side to Thor behind her.

Seeing Lu Yi walking away, Natasha Romanoff breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that her life was saved, but seeing Lu Yi walking towards Thor again, she sucked back the breath she had just released.

She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she still didn’t say it in the end. She managed to save her life. If she dared to say anything at this time, she would definitely die!

She watched as Lu Yi approached Thor!

“The people around her, like Captain America, tried to stop it, but Hawkeye stopped it.

Natasha Romanoff, who had a relationship with Lu Yi, ended up like this after speaking, not to mention that Captain America had a conflict with Lu Yi like this.

Once Captain America stops him, the biggest possibility is that he is killed by Lu Yi.

One Thor death is enough, and another Captain America is really not worth it.

No one stopped him, Lu Yi approached Thor smoothly and came to Thor.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yi was going to kill Thor, Lu Yi grabbed his hand on the spear and pulled the spear out of Thor’s lower abdomen, and then, there was no more.

Lu Yi didn’t really kill Thor. After pulling out the spear in his hand, he put it in the treasure of the king, turned around and left.

Everyone was stunned!

Nima, you show me these things when we take off our pants? What about murder?

They were okay, Natasha Romanoff’s face was green, and she almost lost her life for something like this.

You can’t cheat like this!

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