Chapter 142 The Words Are Not Speculative (1/5, Please Customize)

Is Lu Yi weaker than Ancient One?

Maybe it was really weak in the past, but now Lu Yi Lu Yi’s strength is definitely more than Ancient One. Just in terms of his own strength, it is not very difficult to kill Ancient One.

However, sometimes it is not as simple as just talking about its own strength,

Ancient One holds the Time Gem in her hands, and she is also proficient in time magic.

Lu Yi can kill her, but she may be trapped in time, just like Doctor Strange trapped Dormammu who wants to devour the earth, the time magic mastered by Lu Yi can’t break free.

During this process, Lu Yi can kill the Ancient One countless times, but this is not very useful, which is why the Ancient One is difficult to deal with.

“Trapped in time literally means, you will go back and forth for a period of time, unless the other party is released, it is difficult to break free!”

“So powerful?” Bruce Banner said dumbfounded.

Time has always been a very powerful thing, and no one can resist the power of time.

Even though Bruce Banner doesn’t have much concept of magic, he knows the power of time.

“That’s why I say she’s so tough!”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“It depends on the situation, if the people of the magician monastery can know a little bit, it’s fine, but if they don’t, then don’t blame me!”

Ancient One is very powerful, time magic Lu Yi has no way to break it.

However, killing Ancient One before she could cast time magic was not difficult, and Lu Yi’s power ensured that he could do it.

“Didn’t you say that the other party has the power of time? Why doesn’t it matter now?” Bruce Banner didn’t know what Lu Yi was thinking, and his face was full of doubts.

“In this regard, I can only say that the power of time is of course very strong, but it is useless if it can’t be used~!”

Well, Bruce Banner probably understands Lu Yi’s plan, and sincerely sympathizes with Ancient One.

“Come on, let’s go see the magician monasteries!”


Bruce Banner was also very curious about the people of the magician monastery, so he answered, followed behind Lu Yi, and walked towards the door.

Strictly speaking, they were not that far from the door, that is, they came to the door in about a minute, opened the door, and walked out.

Everything outside the door was instantly displayed in front of the two of them.

The five magician monks wearing battle uniforms and red cloaks, exuding very obvious magic power fluctuations, stood in front of Lu Yi’s door. .

“What happened to them?”

“Can’t crack the magic outside my door, I’m scared!”

After saying this to Bruce Banner, Lu Yi turned to look at the magician monastery.

Seeing this by Lu Yi, the five members of the magician monastery inevitably became nervous.

Although Lu Yi didn’t show any power, he just looked at them, but through the magic circle in front of Lu Yi’s door, they also knew that Lu Yi was not easy to mess with.

But they are not afraid of it!

With the name of the Ancient One, all the magicians on earth have to look at them and respect them, and the ancient one has supported the magician monastery.

In their opinion, they have no need to be afraid at all!

“It was you who used magic recklessly before? Magician Andy, one of the leading people who came from the magician monastery this time, stood up and said unceremoniously.

“It should be my fault, what’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”

“Actually admit it? Very well, as a member of the magician monastery, it is necessary for me to warn you here that your reckless use of magic has affected the laws of nature, please stop this behavior immediately, otherwise we will take necessary measures !”

Although Andy’s words sounded polite, they didn’t really sound polite at all. That kind of arrogance made it as if he didn’t obey his orders, which was like a crime.

Not to mention Lu Yi, even Bruce Banner can’t listen.

Originally, he thought that the Magician Priory, as a positive organization, was quite good, but now that he looked at it, it was the same thing. Yan Ran was a small person who was mad when he was determined, and he didn’t have the arrogance that a magician should have. .

, see clearly, any organization is not necessarily what it appears on the surface!”


Lu Yi and Bruce Banner spoke without anyone else, without any hesitation about the magician monastery standing in front of them.

Hearing these five words of the magician monastery, the expressions on their faces were ugly, looking at Lu Yi and Bruce Banner and wished they could directly teach them a good lesson.

Thinking so in their hearts, they also looked at Andy, and he had to decide what to do next.

Andy saw that everyone around him was looking at him, and there was no nonsense. He put his hands together, and then pulled it, and the whip made of magic power appeared in his hand.

Andy’s plan was self-evident, and the others followed suit. Various weapons composed of magic power appeared in their hands, and they stared at Lu Yi and Bruce Banner.

Because of what he said just now, he has also become the target of being targeted.

“Don’t look at me, it’s none of my business!” Bruce Banner cried out helplessly.

“They won’t care!”

As if to verify Lu Yi’s words, when Lu Yi’s voice fell, a magician next to Andy made the first move.

Waving the fan-like weapon in his hand, the red light flickered under his feet, he stepped on the air a few times, and rushed towards Lu Yi and Bruce Banner beside him.

Persimmons are soft to pinch. In the eyes of the Magician Priory, Bruce Banner is a soft persimmon, and he does not pinch anyone.

The magician of the magician monastery rushed towards Bruce Banner, but Bruce Banner couldn’t help being taken aback. It was too late to do something, and he had already come to him.

The fan-like weapon slashed to his throat, and Bruce Banner’s cold hair exploded.

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