Chapter 151 Ancient One’s “Compromise” (5/5, please customize)

Ancient One spent hundreds of years cultivating all magic into instinctive and subconscious actions, but in the final analysis, it is still magic, magic obtained through practice.

This kind of magic will inevitably have a certain degree of cooling time, maybe this cooling time is very short, and the short time is almost negligible.

But even if it is negligible, it is still time. It is of no use to ordinary people, but it is enough for Lu Yi.

In just a few hundred meters, Lu Yi didn’t even waste a thousandth of a second before coming to Ancient One and punching her.

Maybe it’s because there really is a cooldown time that is almost negligible, or maybe it’s because of other reasons, this time she didn’t use a fake body.

In front of Lu Yi’s fist, Ancient One set up a golden magic circle, which blocked Lu Yi’s fist.


The fist collided with the magic circle, making a huge amount of sound.

But then, after a click, the magic circle shattered, and Lu Yi’s fist passed through the magic circle and hit Ancient One’s body.


Moro just saw all this in his eyes and let out a shrill howl.

Ancient One was hit by this punch and vomited blood. Mordo thought his teacher was dead.

Mordo thinks so, but Lu Yi and Ancient One don’t think so. Ancient One is his own and he knows things.

Lu Yi is because of the relationship of the previous magic circle, the former magic circle has removed most of his power, it is right that Lu Yi’s power is extremely powerful.

But after this time, the force that hit Ancient One was no longer enough to kill him.

The Ancient One is the Ancient One, and Lu Yi’s attempt to kill the Ancient One is not something that can be done with one punch or two.

“I’m fine!

Sure enough, just as Lu Yi thought, Ancient One quickly settled down, stopped a few hundred meters in front of Lu Yi, and said these three words to Mordo.

After speaking, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even though a lot of Lu Yi’s power has been removed, Lu Yi’s fist is not so easy to pick up. It is very normal for her to be seriously injured, and it is a fluke that she did not die.

But the Ancient One is the Ancient One, not Mordo, nor any other magician.

In addition to being seriously injured, with a wave of her hand, a golden magic circle appeared under her feet, and a golden transparent mask appeared on the golden magic circle, and she was enveloped in the transparent mask.

The golden light overflowed, and the injuries on her body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her pale complexion also became rosy, as if she was not injured.

“Healing magic?”

Lu Yi was startled, but he couldn’t let her continue, and changed direction and rushed towards Ancient One.

Ancient One seemed to have anticipated it for a long time. Just as Lu Yi rushed towards her, a magic circle appeared under her feet again, and the golden light on this magic circle was even brighter.

But this golden magic circle is not a gain magic circle, but a profit and loss magic circle, and it is aimed at Lu Yi’s profit and loss magic circle.

The magic circle was arranged with Ancient One as the center. As soon as Lu Yi stepped into this magic circle, his speed was instantly reduced by half.

When Lu Yi incited the magic power on his body to destroy the magic circle under his feet, and rushed to the front of Ancient One, he had given Ancient One enough time to react.


A golden beam of light emanated from Ancient One’s body, hitting the chest of Lu Yi who had just destroyed the magic circle under his feet.

Lu Yi’s body was directly pushed back and quickly, after retreating a distance of dozens of meters, he stopped at his own speed.

The Ancient One’s attack was really strong enough. After one blow, it actually caused a dull pain in Lu Yi’s chest. Lu Yi can also feel the pain in Hulk and Steel.

But they are of the power system, and the Ancient One is of the magic system.

And the most important thing is that they used their strongest power, while Ancient One did not. Ancient One’s strongest is not the current magic radiation, but her time magic.

Her time magic is killer copper.

I’m afraid she will need to use her own time magic next.

In such a battle, although neither Lu Yi nor Ancient One took the absolute initiative, Lu Yi injured her, she recovered, and she also pushed Lu Yi back, there was no difference between the two in essence, but After all, Lu Yi had severely injured her.

Even if her serious injury has recovered now, she has been seriously injured before, which means that Lu Yi can directly kill her at some point.

The longer the fight dragged on, the more dangerous it was to her.

She must resolve the battle quickly!

Although every use of time magic may lead to more serious consequences, time cannot be fooled, but when necessary, she knows what to do.

With this thought in mind, Lu Yi also approached Ancient One after bearing the beam of light emitted by the Ancient 100-, and was even close at hand.

“There’s no need to fight like this!” Ancient One suddenly said, looking at Lu Yi who was already close at hand.

“What are you going to do?

“Stop fighting, you go back with me to accept punishment, and you will be imprisoned for five years to wash away your sins, and this will be the end!”

Ancient One felt that it was a compromise, and no longer planned to kill Lu Yi, but wanted to imprison Lu Yi for five years. Five years is not short for a person, but not for Lu Yi.

Lu Yi’s physical fitness ensures that he can live a long time.

She feels that everything she has done is loose enough, but in order not to use time magic and cause huge amounts of influence, she can only “compromise” like this.

She thinks that she is “wronged”, but Lu Yi doesn’t think so, imprisoned for five years? Just kidding.

Five ant-like characters need five years of their own time?

Isn’t that just using time magic? You can use it and see if I can force you to remove time magic!

Do I really have nothing to do with your time magic?

“Five years? A joke! How could you have the qualifications to imprison me for five years with your mouth full of feces!” Lu Yi said indifferently.

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