Chapter 156 Bargaining (5/5, please reward)

Feeling the powerful magic fluctuations on Ancient One, Lu Yi didn’t have any fear. No matter how well she behaved, it couldn’t cover up his weakness from the level of life.

Even with Eye of Agamotto, now she can’t use time magic, and I’m afraid she can’t use powerful magic. It’s a little bit mean to say it’s the end of the arrow, but it’s still possible to say it’s difficult.

The strength she showed was all to be able to dominate in the future, but she obviously underestimated Lu Yi, and Lu Yi knew her truth from the beginning.

“What do you think?

“I don’t think so. Although it seems that you are more powerful, but in fact, you and I know that you can’t kill me. I can find an opportunity to kill you. Who has an advantage? You don’t think this is very important. Doesn’t it make sense?”

“It’s boring! But if I try my best, and even use some forbidden techniques, I may not be able to kill you!”

“Hungry? Are you?” Lu Yi said noncommittally.

Lu Yi never doubted that Ancient One mastered forbidden arts, and it is not surprising that she has mastered more forbidden arts after living for a long time.

However, the forbidden technique is not so easy to use, and every time it is used, there is a price to pay.

But now it is different. Once she uses the forbidden technique to travel to the past, it is hard to say whether she can kill Lu Yi, but she will definitely die.

Ancient One doesn’t say that she is afraid of death, but she is not ready to die. She has not yet decided on the new Sorcerer Supreme. She knows that she will die, but she really may not do it.

“Everything I say is true, and I will do it!”

“Really? You’ve got a candidate for the new Sorcerer Supreme?”

“you know?”

“Who in the magic world does not know the legacy of Sorcerer Supreme, you will do it when you don’t find a new Sorcerer Supreme?”

“I would if I had to, not to mention I’ve found the heir to the Sorcerer Supreme!” Ancient One said solemnly.

Lu Yi really didn’t expect this to happen, if what Ancient One said was true, then Doctor Strange should have appeared in Kamar-Taj by now, otherwise Ancient One wouldn’t say it, and it wouldn’t look like this on his face expression.

Lu Yi was not the most impacted, but Mordu and the people around Ancient One who were captured by Lu Yi were the most impacted.

The title of Sorcerer Supreme is a very important title, and one that they all wanted to get.

The meaning of this title is extraordinary, and they want to know who will inherit this title, and whether it is one of them.

Although now is not a good time, the relationship between them has become a lot more delicate.

Ancient One saw all of this, and couldn’t help but let out a wry smile. She already knew it would be like this, so even though she had recently confirmed the successor of Sorcerer Supreme, she didn’t say it, but silently It is a secret that stays in one’s heart.

I just didn’t expect it to be announced now, and the relationship between them has become quite subtle.

Ancient One had nothing to do about it, she knew very well what the title of Sorcerer Supreme meant to them, and could not even tell them the fact that the heir to the title of Sorcerer Supreme was not one of them.

She will keep this secret deep in her heart until she announces it at the moment of her death. As for what will happen after that, it all depends on the successor himself.

This is also a test!

“Promise, I don’t want to go this far!” Ancient One said to Lu Yi.

Then, without waiting for Yi to speak, she continued: “Also, what I need to explain beforehand is that if you need to continue fighting, I will definitely try my best to return to the past and kill you in the past, even if it causes some unpredictable incidents. Consequences! This is an unalterable fact!”

“Does this count as a threat?” Lu Yi said noncommittally.

“It’s not a threat, it’s telling a fact! What’s your choice?”

Ancient One’s face was full of solemnity, and he didn’t mean to lie at all.

“My choice is not to agree!” With a smile on the corner of Lu Yi’s mouth, he said something that Ancient One couldn’t believe.

Lu Yi is a person who eats soft and not hard. The more you say that, the more I disagree. What can you do?

I really don’t believe that you will kill me in the past at the cost of your own life.

At this time, it is even more troublesome than before the successor of the title of Sorcerer Supreme was found. The disciples of Ancient One appeared to be traitors and tried to summon Dormammu. The danger is definitely more serious than Lu Yi.

It doesn’t seem like Ancient One is lying on the surface, but in reality, only she knows in her heart.

“You insist on that?”

“I bet you don’t dare to fight with me at this time!”

This time it was Ancient One’s turn to be speechless!

Dare Ancient One? 100

Strictly speaking, she really dares, but this needs to be prefixed, that is, it is not at this time, and since it is at this time, then she really does not dare.

The traitor among her disciples was worried, she really dared not. Before, she thought she could be stronger than Lu Yi, but in the end she found out that she was not, she couldn’t be stronger than Lu Yi.

“Okay, you won, let’s talk! How can you end all this!” Ancient One retracted his momentum and said to Lu Yi.

“It’s very simple, my request is only one, and that is I want Eye of Agamotto!”

Lu Yi stated his request, but the request was rejected by Ancient One as soon as he made it.

“It’s impossible!” Ancient One refused.

Eye of Agamotto is a means to fight against Lu Yi, and it is also the last resort to protect the earth, and it must not be handed over.

What should be done in case Lu Yi violated their agreement afterwards, or if there is a huge amount of crisis on the earth, Eye of Agamotto must not be able to give it to Lu Yi.

“Other requests are ok!

“Then lend me the Eye of Agamotto for two days!

“It’s not about Eye of Agamotto, let’s get something else!

“Then give me all your Kamar-Taj magic books!”

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