Chapter 166 Doctor Strange’s Infinite Death Method (5/5)

Time is passing slowly, Lu Yi’s strength is getting stronger little by little, a lot of solar radiation is absorbed and stored by Lu Yi, Lu Yi’s power is increasing, speed is increasing, everything is improving.

Lu Yi was almost addicted to this feeling of strength improvement, until at a certain moment, Lu Yi suddenly felt the strangeness of the speed of his own strength improvement and the strangeness of the time.

Just now, Lu Yi felt that the increase in his own strength actually dropped again, and there were some problems with the fluctuation of the surrounding time.

In the whole earth, this time will use the ability of time, apart from Doctor Strange, Lu Yi really doesn’t know who else will be.

Lu Yi used his Super Vision to look towards the location of the only holy place, but happened to see Doctor Strange who used time magic and Dormammu who had already emerged.

However, Lu Yi found that he was too addicted to the improvement of his strength and forgot the passage of time. Dormammu has begun to appear, and Doctor Strange will also affect time in the next, trapping Dormammu in the infinite loop of time and forcing him to sign A pact not to attack each other.

Ancient One has done the same for 750 years, but she is not dealing with Dormammu, but other people. The only one who can or dare to deal with Dormammu is Doctor Strange, who is not afraid of tigers.

In this regard, Lu Yi didn’t know what to say, anyway, he really hoped to see this.

What Lu Yi wants to see is Dormammu, yes, Dormammu. He wants to see with his own eyes what Dormammu looks like.

After Lu Yi’s body shook and got rid of the influence of time magic, with the help of Super Vision, Lu Yi turned his gaze over the many obstacles and looked at Dormammu, which had begun to emerge.

Dormammu’s coming is not only his own coming, but the dark dimension he controls has also begun to come. The place where the holy place is located is all controlled by the dark dimension, the dark sphere and the power of darkness are endless.

Beyond these dark spheres and power, Lu Yi’s eyes finally fell on Dormammu, who was comparable to the file size of the planet.

The ever-changing body and terrifying power appeared in front of Lu Yi’s eyes without reservation. Lu Yi had to admit that he was really shocked!

Lu Yi has no doubt that he really doesn’t have much resistance to face him. He thought a little bit before, if facing him, without fantasy killers, time magic, and other special powers, Lu Yi is simply is dead.

Even now, it can be used to trap him at most, and it is extremely difficult or even impossible to kill him.

Fantasy Killer can obliterate his powers and make him what he was.

But the problem is that Lu Yi probably can’t touch him at all now, so how can he kill him.

I hate to admit it, but it’s the truth.


A suspicious sound came from Dormammu’s mouth, and his giant eyes shifted to the direction of Lu Yi.

Lu Yi’s eyes were no one else to pay attention to Dormammu, but Dormammu finally discovered it, which aroused Dormammu’s attention, and Dormammu turned his attention to Lu Yi.

“Who are you? How dare you spy on me!” Dormammu’s voice came to Lu Yi’s ear.

“It’s just a small person, not worth mentioning, Dormammu, instead of paying attention to me, you might as well pay attention to this guy who appeared in front of you!” Lu Yi said carelessly.

Although he couldn’t beat Dormammu, Lu Yi didn’t have any fear in the face of Dormammu. If he couldn’t beat Dormammu himself, Dormammu wouldn’t (abbf) definitely kill himself. The final result was nothing but nothing.

Not to mention, the current Dormammu is just a grasshopper after the autumn, and will soon have to return to his own dark dimension.

Just as the two were communicating, Doctor Strange came to Dormammu and used time magic to trap Dormammu in an infinite loop of time.

For this reason, Lu Yi had to put on a 120,000-point effort to see how Doctor Strange died!

Doctor Strange’s actions against Dormammu are different ways of death for Doctor Strange. Every time he faces Dormammu, Doctor Strange has to die, and he has to die in a different way.

Stabbed to death, pumped to death, atomized to death, burned to death by flames,…

These times of death can be made into a movie, the name is Doctor Strange’s infinite number of deaths, maybe the box office can exceed 100 million.

Lu Yi cheered up and watched Doctor Strange die again and again, every time Dormammu repeated the words that Doctor Strange let go of himself, until Dormammu finally couldn’t bear this unseen torment and succumbed!

Dormammu didn’t want to give in, but it went on and on, he had killed Doctor Strange thousands of times, and it was probably fruitless to continue, and he didn’t want to waste time on it.

Dormammu doesn’t know how many dimensions there are in the universe, and he can’t bear to trap himself here forever for the sake of an earth.

Eventually he gave in.

Dormammu gave in and everything was easy. Doctor Strange took the opportunity to put forward his own request. Dormammu reluctantly chose to agree. When Dormammu was free, he had to leave the dimension where the earth was, and also took Kaecilius and his two remaining subordinates.

Unfortunately, they never dreamed that they would end up like this. They have no long-term vision and no power. They can only become part of Dormammu’s body and turn into the power of the opponent.

It’s all over now, and Doctor Strange appears beside Mordo and Wang, and with the feeling of victory they enjoy, they part ways and go their separate ways.

Finally, set off the second stage of the plot, Mordo Blacken, and a contest with Doctor Strange.

However, this is nothing, it will take a while for the new plot to start, and everything should end now, but at this moment something went wrong!

“The Eye of Agamotto is flying!”

A loud shout rose in the ears of the three who had not had time to leave, and Doctor Strange’s Eye of Agamotto flew away from his control instantly. .

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