Chapter 171 The harvest is huge (5/5, please customize)

The red light emitted, hitting the center of Bruce Banner’s forehead. Bruce Banner didn’t even dodge, so he let out a roar, and the hidden green on his body appeared again.

Once again transformed into the Hulk, Bruce Banner did not let Lu Yi wait any longer, his body swelled rapidly, and his fist as big as a sandbag hit Lu Yi.

The red and green figures appear again, and the battle begins again!

This battle has been going on for a long time, and it has been going on many times.

The red and green figures intertwined and erupted huge amounts of power. The desert center had already lost its previous appearance, and it was even more so now.

When the battle was over, another green light was injected into the Hulk’s eyebrows. Where they stood, the sand dunes were flattened. All they could see were sand craters, just like meteor craters. Fifty meters, a few are hundreds of meters deep.

In these few deep pits that cannot be deeper, yellow mud and hard rocks can be seen everywhere.

The battle between the two pushed the water source out of the sand they were standing on, and hit the bottom layer of the sand.

The two people who saw this scene sometimes even sighed with emotion, even if they fell into the desert in the future, they don’t need to be afraid. This kind of terrifying attack power is enough for them to obtain enough water resources.

Standing on the edge of the deep pit, Lu Yi looked at the rolling mud in the deep pit, and withdrew his thoughts in his heart, and began to summarize his gains from these battles and his own strength.

Several battles, because not every battle is a special wolf relationship, and not every battle is a perfect draw.

Up to now, Lu Yi has a total of four perfect draws and five optimized draws, which can really be said to be a huge harvest.

In the face of this kind of gain, Lu Yi made the decision to add food to Bruce Banner at night. This is really a big baby, and he can’t be treated badly. Only in the future can he treat him well.

The value created is so great, how can you not treat it well.

This is the harvest of induction, as well as the strength of induction.

Lu Yi’s strength has taken a leap these days. If it is quantified, it can really be said that it has improved by leaps and bounds.

The super line of sight and the like are not easy to show. Lu Yi’s speed has reached seventy times the speed of sound, and his strength has reached a terrifying 400,000 tons, and these are only the most basic strengths.

The explosion of human strength is not the most basic strength. Under the coordination of the muscles of the human body, the strength can be exploded, at least twice as much as it is now.

That is to say, under the outbreak of power, he will have at least 800,000 tons of power to burst out.

The damage caused by the power of 800,000 tons is absolutely huge amounts of damage. The deep pit on the ground is one of the results of his power bursting out.

And this is just the beginning, as time goes by, Lu Yi will get stronger and stronger.

Even, as long as he is closer to the sun, the more solar radiation he will receive, the faster it will become stronger.

How long will it take to enclose a planet?

One year? Two years? Or three years?

This is really unknown to Lu Yi, but one thing Lu Yi knows is that it will never be too late, and soon Lu Yi will be able to do it and grow into a real powerhouse.

With longing for the future, Lu Yi stood up against the wind. A strong aura came from Lu Yi’s body. There were no birds or beasts within a thousand miles, otherwise he would definitely be frightened.

“Can we leave? I can’t take it anymore!” Bruce Banner, the only living creature within a thousand miles, said in a very unpleasant manner, apparently not realizing the strong aura of Lu Yi.

Bruce Banner actually did not have this physical experience. Although the transformation is not tiring, the genes in the body turn anger into strength and endless physical strength, but after the transformation is lifted, it is necessary to be tired.

Not to mention that it is still the size of the Sahara Desert, in a sea of ​​dead sand.

Here, the temperature is abnormally hot; here, the water vapor is close to zero; here, as long as it is a normal person, the physical strength will be severely consumed, and the water in the body will also be severely consumed.

It only takes half a day to stay in this sand sea, which is enough for an ordinary person to become weak due to dehydration, and one day may cause shock and even death.

When he transformed, Bruce Banner was not afraid of the heat. After transforming, Bruce Banner was afraid, and now his mouth is dry, his mind is dizzy, and he desperately wants to leave here.

“Want to leave? Yes! Transform again!”

“What?” Bruce Banner felt he had heard it wrong.

Isn’t it over already?

“The battle is over, but this time it’s not a battle, it’s a test, test the results of this session, you try to transform!”


Hearing this, Bruce Banner did not hesitate, and ran barefoot on the hot sand.

On the scorching sand, an egg could be cooked, and Bruce Banner walked on it with bare feet, which made him feel the pain directly.

In order to relieve the pain, he had to speed up his own speed, and therefore soon his heart beat the speed to meet the needs of transformation, he transformed again.


A familiar roar sounded, and the Hulk appeared again.

Youdao was jealous when the enemy met, and seeing Lu Yi who had abused him several times, Hulk rushed directly to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi didn’t want to fight him this time. When he rushed towards him, Lu Yi suddenly shouted: “Bruce Banner!”

A shout came into the ears of the Hulk Hulk.

Hulk’s ferocious face showed a touch of sexual struggle, and then he rushed to Lu Yi again.

“not bad!

Being able to struggle now when encountering an enemy is finally somewhat effective.

After playing a green light to restore Bruce Banner, Lu Yi took him out of the desert and returned to his residence.

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