Chapter 174 Research (3/5, please customize)

Phoenix force is one of the oldest known forces in the universe, symbolizing the life that has not yet been born, the incarnation of the life force and emotional force of the original universe, immortal and changeable.

Born between Chaos of the universe and the beginning of all things, it is the child of the universe, the connection point of the spirit and soul of all things that exist or will exist, and one of the most formidable existences in the universe. It can cut or regenerate any universe. a part, or even destroy it completely.

It works by manipulating the energy of the universe and using the power of the life reserves of future generations to deny their existence and create huge amounts of destructive power.

Even by folding the energy of time and space to create a door similar to a black hole, it can travel through space or time at will, and it can directly absorb energy, such as the energy of the entire sun, the energy of the enemy and the energy of life.

And as the link point for all psychic energies, it has psychic abilities across the universe, including Telepathy and teleportation.

Jean did not show her strength, on the one hand because of the weakening of the film, on the other hand because she could not bear this powerful force.

Because of the peculiarity of Phoenix force, people with powerful psychic abilities are often found to serve as hosts, so that they have the ability to withstand this force.

But the Phoenix force is too powerful. Even if the Phoenix force is obtained, it is not necessarily that everyone can control it or even fully play it.

Otherwise, it would not be what it is now. In fact, it is better in the comics, and the plot of the movie has been weakened again.

In the comics, Qin is a powerful being who can bring Deadman back to life, manipulate the timeline, a boss-like character, and crushing a planet by himself is just like playing.

This is also the reason why Lu Yi wants to get it, such a powerful power, as long as there is a little thought, those who do not want to become ants will not help wanting it.

Although it is not an easy thing to control this power, it represents the possibility of reaching the sky in one step. It is necessary for Lu Yi to give it a try to see if he can harvest this power.

Lu Yi just floated in the universe and brainstormed, trying to develop the magic that could bring this power out.

The essence of Phoenix force is very clear to Lu Yi. This invisible saves Lu Yi a lot of trouble. Lu Yi only needs to develop magic according to this point.

First of all, Lu Yi needs a magic circle that can trap the Phoenix force. One of the characteristics of the Phoenix force is impermanence and immortality, as well as other high level consciousness and precognition ability, which makes the Phoenix force easy to break free.

The moment Lu Yi took Phoenix force out of Qin’s body, it was possible to break free from the restraint of Lu Yi’s power. If Lu Yi wanted to control it, he had to ensure that he could restrain it first.

Otherwise, everything is useless!

This is easy to satisfy. Lu Yi has a lot of magic and magic circles that bind energy in his mind. Perhaps Phoenix force is not comparable to other energies at all, but it has sufficient reference value.

From it, Lu Yi selected a binding magic whose energy form is very similar to Phoenix force, and then began to use his solid magic knowledge to upgrade this magic in all directions.

Originally it was a high level magic, but now Lu Yi upgrade has added some new elements, mixing Harry Potter world, Marvel world, fairy tail world, magician’s apprentice four world magic things, forming a seal magic.

Because it has never been used, even Lu Yi can’t judge the level of sealing magic, only that it uses a special container to seal the Phoenix force in a targeted manner and bind the Phoenix force.

Because he didn’t know the grade, for safety, Lu Yi took out an A-grade bottle-shaped Noble Phantasm with a seal property from the King’s Treasure, and engraved this magic on it.

This is the limit of what Lu Yi can do, it has not been tested, it can only be so.

After doing this, Lu Yi started to develop the magic that can take out the Phoenix force.

This magic is a little more troublesome than the previous magic, and Lu Yi intends to study this magic after taking a look at Qin.

Qin has just been sealed by Professor X, and there is no danger at all, so you can explore it carefully.

This is the best time, Lu Yi is unwilling to intervene in her affairs, all because she is too dangerous, and now is the best time, he is not dangerous at all, so he can study her.

Lu Yi dodged and disappeared into the universe, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in Qin’s room.

At the moment, Qin is still in a coma and doesn’t even realize what he did in his sleep. Professor X has already left for a few hours. He is now working hard with X-Men to solve Qin’s problems. solution to the problem.

“”, this force is placed here, and there is no one to guard it. It is estimated that they are the group of people who don’t know the truth. If you let them know, I’m afraid they will regret it!” Lu Yi thought and let Qin fall asleep. After he became even heavier, he sat beside her and muttered to himself.

After muttering to himself, Lu Yi did not continue to speak, and his perception was all directed towards Qin in front of him, and every inch of Qin’s body was exposed to Lu Yi without reservation.

I am afraid that Lu Yi is more familiar with her body than Qin herself, and all the secrets on her body cannot be concealed. If Fu (Zhao Li and Zhao Sheyan knew about this, I am afraid that his forehead would be very green, although it was already very green.

Because of the unclear relationship between Jean and Wolverine, Cyclops’ forehead is already very green, and now it can be said that it is even greener.

Ahem, definitely, now is not the time to pay attention to these, now should pay attention to the Phoenix force in Qin’s body.

After scanning Qin’s body, Lu Yi didn’t seem very happy, he still underestimated Phoenix force, he didn’t perceive any sign of Phoenix force on Qin’s body.

“It’s not as simple as I imagined, I should go deeper!” Lu Yi touched his chin and said.

Saying that, Lu Yi put his two hands on both sides of Qin’s temples, and his mental power invaded into Qin’s spiritual world.

That’s Lu Yi’s in-depth approach!

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