Chapter 181: Endless Dog Blood Drama (5/5, please customize)

Iceman also saw Little Naughty come in, closed his mouth, and looked at the duffel bag in Little Naughty’s hand, the duffel bag couldn’t help frowning, he didn’t want Little Naughty to go.

“Don’t make trouble for no reason? I said that I’m only leaving temporarily! And it still has a special purpose!” As soon as the little naughty came up, he said angrily to Iceman.

“You can always tell me what the purpose is, why don’t you say it?” Iceman said angrily.

His girlfriend followed a man of unknown origin, and he didn’t say the reason, can he rest assured?

“You don’t believe me?” Little Naughty is also a woman, and women are very sensitive and airy in this regard.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I’m thinking of your safety. Who knows who he is, a good guy or a bad guy, what if you suffer from a loss?

After speaking, Iceman gave Lu Yi a special look, as if he regarded Lu Yi as a rival in love with another purpose.

Lu Yi’s appearance was too threatening to him. He was about the same age, but he was much more handsome than him. His angular face and mysterious black eyes made him worry and didn’t let him think more.

“He’s a good guy, you don’t have to worry!” The little naughty seemed to realize his boyfriend’s worries, glanced at Lu Yi, blushed, and said to his boyfriend.

The more Naughty said this, the more Iceman couldn’t let it go. Seeing Lu Yi’s eyes full of fear, Lu Yi didn’t say anything!

Lu Yi was really drunk and didn’t bother with them, so he sat in front of Professor X and waited for them to finish the show.

“How do you know that he is a good person, a good person is not just by looking at his appearance, who knows what he thinks in his heart!”

“He is really a good person. I know how to judge who is a good person and who is a bad person. You can rest assured. I will be back soon. When I come back, I will give you a surprise!”

Little Naughty tries to calm her tone as much as possible, hoping to convince her boyfriend.

“Surprise, I don’t want it! I just want you to stay by my side!” Iceman was obviously the kind of person who doesn’t see the oil and salt, said.

In fact, it’s also the little naughty who always sends Lu Yi a good person card. The more this is the case, the more suspicious and worried Iceman is. If this is not the case, maybe nothing will happen, and it is not necessarily that Iceman will easily agree.

To put it a bit harsher, Iceman is a bitch.

“Enough is enough, can you be a little more mature and don’t make trouble unreasonably?” The little naughty is also enough, said.

“Am I making trouble? When did I make trouble?” Iceman got emotional.

“You are making trouble without reason!”

“Why am I making trouble unreasonably?”

Seeing that the two of them were about to go on forever, Wolverine and Cyclops, who were standing beside them, couldn’t take it anymore, and couldn’t help reprimanding them.

“Enough for the two of you, what time is this, you are still fussing about it, is it interesting?”

The problem now is Qin, who has a warm and ambiguous relationship with them, and they finally found a way to cure them. They don’t want anyone to disturb them, especially because of these bad things.

What a wonderful person Lu Yi is, he does things without pay, just to save the world and teach their girlfriends.

But the two of them are good. They are moaning for nothing here, making trouble without reason, making trouble without reason, is it interesting? What if Lu Yi gives up saving their girlfriend and saves the whole world?

“It’s not just moaning, it’s for my girlfriend, I can’t let her just follow someone of unknown origin!”

“Who told you that he is a person of unknown origin, let me tell you, it was the common decision of the little naughty and all of us to go with him, not for your so-called love, but for one thing The big event, the words are here, don’t stop you!” Cyclops said.

Why? “I don’t agree!” Iceman, who didn’t know the truth, obviously didn’t listen to his heart and said.

“What right do you have to disagree? Wolverine” said the wolf angrily.

“I’m a little naughty boyfriend!”

0- Ask for flowers…

Well, for a very good reason, this one immediately made Wolverine, who has lived for many years, speechless.

He really couldn’t say anything about this.

“Enough!” Seeing that Wolverine became speechless, Professor X finally couldn’t help but said: “This matter is indeed our common decision, the departure of the little naughty this time involves a very important matter, don’t do it again. blocked!”

“But, can’t you tell me what is going on? The little naughty is at least my girlfriend, and I have the right to know the truth!

“No, you have no right!”

This sentence was not said by Professor X and X-Men, but by Lu Yi.


“What do you mean?”

“It’s not interesting, I just want to say that although you are a little naughty boyfriend, it is better for you to die without knowing about some things, but you don’t have to worry, your girlfriend will never be in danger!

“This matter is very dangerous?” Iceman got even worse, he couldn’t even take into account the hostility towards Lu Yi before, and asked Lu Yi anxiously.

“It’s not very dangerous! As long as you don’t make trouble casually:” Lu Yi said, not wanting him to continue wasting time.

“Do not lie to me!

“You are too busy!” Lu Yi turned to look at Professor X, and said to Professor X, “Can you clear his memory?

Iceman is too much to do, the bloody drama is endless, and Lu Yi can only use some coercive measures.

“Normally I don’t do that!”

Professor X obviously didn’t want to do this to his students.

“Then I’ll come!”

Professor X is unwilling to do this, but it does not mean that Lu Yi is unwilling.

Not only Professor X has the ability to clear memory, Lu Yi also has it.

“All thoughts are empty!”

A white light rushed to Iceman’s eyebrows, and then he was about to erase his memory.

This time, Lu Yi didn’t hold any hands, and once he hit it, it was enough to wipe out all his memories. people,

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