Chapter 195 Handling of Phoenix force (4/5, please customize)

The little naughty is for the peace of the world to become what it is now, and because of this, I did it with my boyfriend.

Although her boyfriend is a scumbag and a scumbag, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, their group of teachers did not fulfill their responsibilities, which caused all this to happen.

The biggest shortcoming of human beings is that there are too many things to take into account.

Well now, everything has changed, the little naughty’s injury has healed, and he has unexpectedly gained a new love. This object looks very good, and it is not comparable to human beings at all.

The strength is strong, everything is not lacking, and it seems that they are concentrating on the little naughty. They can finally make up for it, and the last breath left in their hearts disappears.

Now it can be said that it is a happy ending!

“It’s over, let’s celebrate together!” At this time, Wolverine stood up at the right time and said to Lu Yi and the other X-Men.

Other X-Men, including Professor X, performed very well, and were very excited about this suggestion, but when they arrived at Lu Yi, something went wrong.

“I’m afraid this won’t work!”

“Why?” Wolverine asked 767 suspiciously.

“You forgot the power I took out of Qin?

The Phoenix force extracted from the piano was not sealed so firmly at all, and Lu Yi didn’t know when it would break free, so he couldn’t have any carelessness.

Wolverine finally remembered at this time, but at the same time as he remembered, a question appeared in his mind.

“What if the power in Qin’s body burst out?”

Lu Yi always said that the sealed Phoenix force would break out and break the seal, but he really didn’t know what would happen after breaking the seal.

In fact, it is not only that he is not clear, other people are also not clear, and now hearing Wolverine’s question, he subconsciously looks at Lu Yi, wanting to know what the result is.

“Once the power in Qin’s body breaks out, it will first find its original host Qin, and then enter her body again, and the consequence of this is that the probability of Qin’s death is 50%, and the probability of the power running rampant and destroying the earth is also the same. It’s ten percent!”

When the people present heard this, they were all stunned!

They thought about the consequences and had some vague guesses, but they didn’t expect the consequences to be so exaggerated. The worst is the death of Qin, and the worst is the destruction of the earth!

This is almost no different from not extracting Phoenix force from Jyn, and even more dangerous.

“What are you going to do with this power?” Professor X finally stopped being silent and asked.

“If you can seal it, seal it. If you can use it, you can use it. If it doesn’t work, just find some spiritual power owners to scatter and seal them into their bodies!”

The first two were fine, but the last one was the one that Lu Yi didn’t want to use.

Finding some psychic power owners to seal the Phoenix force into their bodies can prevent the Phoenix force from breaking free, but it may also cause the Phoenix force to merge into their body and become the new host of the Phoenix force.

This means that it is possible to turn this Phoenix force into a meat bun that beats a dog. There is a saying that the meat bun will never return, which is the last method Lu Yi wants to use.

“The last one is best not to use!” said Professor X.

“I think so too, so the main thing is the first two, especially the first!”

“What do you mean by the second use?”

“It literally means, if there is no way to seal it, I will use it as an energy or power!”

This is actually Lu Yi’s purpose. He wants to (abbf) own Phoenix force and make himself the master of Phoenix force.

It’s just that this process is not so simple, and it is also very dangerous, and it needs to be carried out slowly after the seal.

“What are you going to do with the power of Qin?” Professor X asked, not knowing Lu Yi’s plan.

“Do something to protect the world!” Lu Yi said lightly.

Hearing what Lu Yi said, Professor X breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor X really believed Lu Yi’s words, sometimes it was so miraculous.

In fact, it’s not surprising that he thinks so, the preconceived notions are too strong, everything from Lu Yi’s defense against the Chigerui army to the present in front of Professor X is all a good thing.

If Lu Yi was a bad guy, everyone including Professor X would not be able to resist Roaring each other and would not believe it.

“In this way, I am relieved! There is no need to hold any celebrations, you only need the power of solving the piano this morning!” Professor X said very thoughtfully.

When Professor X said this, Lu Yi naturally did not refuse, and turned to the little naughty and said: “I need to destroy the magic circle on your body, you come with me!”

“Ah.. um!”

The little naughty is now in his own world. He was startled by Lu Yi’s sudden words, panicked for a while, and then he came to his senses, and finally chose to agree.

Seeing Xiao Naughty agree, Lu Yi didn’t stop, grabbed Xiao Naughty’s waist, took her away directly, and returned to his residence.

The rest of the X-Men were not as relaxed as before, and looked at each other worriedly, but did not say anything else, falling into silence.

They were still frightened by Lu Yi’s words. The previous happiness disappeared without a trace. They thought everything was over, but who knew it wasn’t, everything was just the beginning. It was really bad.

And among these bad people, especially Cyclops and Wolverine feel bad, because the people they like are still in danger.

Cyclops remained by Jyn’s side with a look of pity on his face, and Wolverine was also on the side, his eyes squinting towards them.

“Okay, it’s not that we won’t come if we don’t want them to come. It’s a blessing or a disaster or a disaster, and everyone can go to rest!” After a long silence, Professor X finally broke the silence.

“Okay, Professor!

These X-Men didn’t say anything, and they also knew that it was a blessing or a curse or a curse that could not be avoided. When the sky fell, there was someone taller, so that’s it!

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