Chapter 458 Easy Solution (2/5, Please Customize)

The second desolate planet locked by Lu Yi was about one-tenth the file size of the Earth. This planet was not big, but Lu Yi just happened to play with it.

Before using the speed of light to fly to this planet, Lu Yi kicked the planet.


A very slight sound resounded on the planet, a terrifying force erupted from Lu Yi’s feet, and the entire planet, driven by this terrifying force, smashed towards the silver shadow in the universe. Xia’s planet.

The speed of this planet is very fast, dragging a long tail, like a shooting star.


The two planets collided together in a violent collision.

The two planets began to smash a little bit from the point of contact, and then were squeezed together like two earth balls.

The Silver Surfer between the two planets did not have time to leave, and was squeezed together by the two planets, and 01 endured the weight brought by the two planets.

Once the Silver Surfer stands on his silver skateboard, his body will be connected to the skateboard, making his body and the skateboard the same material, becoming the hardest substance in the universe, but he is still somewhat unable to withstand two. The weight of the planet.

Before the two planets were completely compacted, the Silver Surfer used the cosmic energy given to him by the skateboard under his feet, just as he dealt with the planets Galactus wanted to deal with. Dry matter, penetrating the center of the earth, opened a channel.

And he himself rushed out of the squeeze of the two planets along this passage, turning into a silver-white luminous body as a whole, rushing towards Lu Yi.

No matter what he did to make Lu Yi sorry, he must kill Lu Yi now to protect himself.

He knows very well that either he will die next, or Lu Yi will die!

Lu Yi watched the arrival of the Silver Surfer, but he didn’t mean to stop it, he didn’t need it, he just raised one of his arms.

Then, hit him!

The Silver Surfer seemed to have not seen Lu Yi’s fist, and continued to charge Lu Yi without changing his force.

The two gradually approached, and the battle was about to break out.

A strange look flashed in Lu Yi’s eyes. He was still a little surprised by Silver Surfer’s actions, but his fist didn’t stop at all, hitting the Silver Surfer’s head.

The moment Lu Yi hit the Silver Surfer, he immediately felt that something was wrong. The Silver Surfer’s body was the most sturdy, but at this moment, it became like mercury, and Lu Yi’s fist sank into the Silver Surfer’s head.

But the strange thing didn’t cause any big anomalies, as if there was a special force that absorbed the power of Lu Yi’s fist, making the fist that was enough to penetrate the planet for a moment so weak.

Even if the Silver Surfer’s body is really made of mercury, according to Lu Yi’s strength, it is enough to disperse him, but it was not there just now, a force stopped him and absorbed his strength.

“I’m interested in your power and the surfboard under your feet!” Lu Yi said to the Silver Surfer using his mental power.

Maybe they don’t understand the language, but spiritual power transmission is a way of communication that is higher than words, allowing the other party to directly understand what these words mean.

Therefore, Silver Surfer also knew that Lu Yi saw that his power came from the surfboard, and became more cautious towards Lu Yi.

Both hands were released and stretched out, and then they caught Lu Yi’s shoulders.

“Huh? What a strange power!”

The moment Silver Surfer grabbed Lu Yi’s shoulder, Lu Yi felt a strange force entering his body, as if he wanted to destroy his power.

This power, Silver Surfer, has been used by the Four Divine Weapons and Victor, and the effect is very good.

But here at Lu Yi it’s different!

Lu Yi’s magic power burst out, and soon after this power came in, he was expelled, and his power had no meaning to him.

“Unfortunately, you are still a little short!”

Lu Yi stretched out his empty right hand and grabbed it on one arm of Silver Surfer.

Lu Yi uses the power of fantasy killer!

Fantasy Killer has never let Lu Yi down. Under the control of Fantasy Killer, the source of Silver Surfer’s power, that surfboard lost his power instantly.

The silvery brilliance of the Silver Surfer and the surfboard became weaker, and the overall tendency was dark gray, as if the silver had been eroded by time, losing its original brilliance.

“Hehe, no one dares to melee melee, but you dare, don’t you feel a little silly?” Lu Yi said to the weak Silver Surfer.

Silver Surfer’s strength comes from the surfboard, but originally it wasn’t particularly powerful. If it wasn’t for Lu Yi grabbing Fantasy Killer on Silver Surfer’s arm just now, he would have pulled his left hand out of Silver Surfer’s head.

I am afraid that the Silver Surfer is already dead long ago, and he will not still be alive as he is now. Although living is not particularly good, he can only be quietly suspended in the universe.

“It’s really stupid, but do you think it’s useful if you subdue me? I’m just a small executor of 893. If you want revenge, you shouldn’t come to me!” The Silver Surfer did not lose his consciousness at all, said.

“Who told you that I want revenge, I am only interested in you and your master, you and your master have never destroyed the planet I am on, and will never destroy it!!

Yin Yinxia didn’t believe Lu Yi’s words. Although he didn’t say anything, the meaning expressed in his eyes was exactly his disbelief.

“Don’t believe me?” Lu Yi couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

In fact, Lu Yi understands this very well. Silver Surfer has always only seen the strength of his master Galactus, but has never seen the strength of other people.

Most planets are easily destroyed in Galactus, which is why he has this idea.

And now, Lu Yi wants to break his notion.

“On our planet, I am not the strongest, there are more and more terrifying people, not to mention you, even if your master Galactus encounters our planet, don’t think about it!”

Silver Surfer was a little bit convinced, and looked at Lu Yi with some doubts.

“I’m not saying this to prove anything, but just to tell you that you are much younger! Just as you are younger than me!”

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