Chapter 464 Peace at a Time (3/5, Customize)

The surfboard and the Galactus device belong to a pair of matching items, and there is a certain degree of connection between the two.

Galactus can use certain means to take out the device connected to the surfboard in the device, and then use it to guide, find the surfboard, and take out the interstellar coordinate map inside.

The interstellar coordinate map can show all the places where the surfboard has been. If Galactus uses this to determine where Lu Ji is, it can save a lot of trouble in invisible.

Not to mention that Lu Yi was found immediately, but there was always a day when he was found.

But now that Lu Yi has done all this, there is no more.

The interstellar coordinate map was destroyed, the surfboard left the earth, and the tracking device was ineffective. It was impossible for Galactus to find Lu Yi’s location through the surfboard.

Even after Galactus found Silver Surfer on the planet of Silver Surfer, it was still the same. Silver Surfer was not a god, but a special alien.

I don’t know how many planets to go from the earth to his planet, and I don’t know how troublesome the route will be. Now that the interstellar coordinates have been destroyed, he wants to find the earth after returning to his own planet, and bring Galactus to the earth. There is no possibility.

In the process, he himself might get lost in the universe and find his way home.

Even if he has a one in billion chance of finding his home and arriving smoothly, it is basically impossible to find the earth again.

Lu Yi let him go, but it wasn’t because Lu Yi really thought he was worth letting go. Lu Yi really didn’t have a good impression of the leading party or something.

The reason why Lu Yi let him go was because Lu Yi wanted to let him know what it was like to watch his hometown be destroyed.

After all, no matter whether he can return to his own planet, his hometown, Galactus will never let go of his planet and his hometown!


Quite simply, the reason why he was able to keep his planet under Galactus’s hands was entirely because he led the way, but now that the device has been destroyed, Galactus no longer needs him.

Since his planet can be chosen to be swallowed by Galactus, then the energy of the planet is naturally good. Galactus has no reason to let go of such a piece of fat, and his planet will definitely be destroyed.

Even if he can get to his own planet in time, he has no value in bringing Galactus to the earth, will Galactus let him go?

Kill them right away!

Definitely, Silver Surfer doesn’t know this, he still thinks that Galactus is dead, and is flying towards his home with a good yearning for the future and worrying about Lu Yi’s repetition.

He had no idea that what awaited him was not a beautiful homeland, but a pile of wreckage of a destroyed planet.

“This is also considered, it’s not that it’s not time to report it! Who told you to be a leading party? I will do good deeds today and help those people on the planet that perished because of your leading the way to take revenge, w!” Lu Yi looked With the spiritual power of the Silver Surfer, who has disappeared, he began to convey these words.

After these words, Lu Yi revoked the giant magic circle, and after returning all the planets to their original positions, he disappeared into the universe in a flash. Now there is no need to let himself stay here any longer, all the troubles have been resolved. , just go home to have a look.

Lu Yi left the universe, but the influence caused by Lu Yi did not end there, instead, it had a more and more intense trend.

Eighty-one planets were suddenly displaced, and then formed into a magic circle, bursting out with energy beams that destroyed an unknown number of planets. The energy response detection equipment can also perceive.

Then, they discovered a battle that could be called peerless.

In this battle, it is no longer the death of one or two people, nor the destruction of a small area, but the shattering of whole planets. After a battle, there are at least hundreds of planets. Only the wreck remains.

Among these hundreds of planets, some are smaller than the earth, but some are larger than the earth. It is conceivable what will happen once this battle occurs around the earth.

On the earth, countries shook, and organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D began to operate frantically, preparing for possible changes.

The place where the battle was fought was too far away from the earth. They only knew that a battle was taking place. As for who was fighting, they did not know. They only thought that this might be the alien they had been worrying about.

Aliens will appear on Earth every now and then. Now outside the Earth, it is normal to start a battle involving the stars. Now they only worry about the attitude of the two sides of the battle towards the Earth.

Although it is said that when two tigers fight, one will be injured, but since both sides of the battle can destroy hundreds of planets, even the injured one is not something they can resist.

If such a person has some bad thoughts about the earth, then the earth will usher in unprecedented changes, and all people, organizations, and countries will not dare to be careless.

The country is actively preparing for war, the organization is actively preparing for war, and even some powerful individuals are actively preparing for war.

After the battle of Lu Yi, the earth calmed down strangely, all countries and organizations wisely suspended their small actions, and the two opposing sides also put aside their grievances and united as never before.

Ordinary people on the earth also enjoyed a rare moment of peace in the true sense, the friction between countries was reduced, the disputes between ordinary humans and Mutants disappeared, and the overall environment was harmonious.

To have a true peace, an enemy that is terrifying enough to threaten the very existence of all is needed.

However, this kind of peace is not a permanent peace. If the terrifying enemy does not show up, they will get tired of it.

One or two days may feel that it is just brewing, three days and four days have a little doubt, five days and six days have already begun to deeply doubt.

With the passage of time, they finally began to feel that the other party was just passing by, and with the occurrence of some small conflicts, the peaceful atmosphere was finally broken, and everything returned to before!

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