Chapter 473 The cruelty of the two women (2/5, please order first)

Wanda and the naughty pair of fleshy palms were delivered to Sentinel, but Sentinel also took advantage of the At the moment machine to complete their transformation, simulating another Ability they wanted to simulate!

The silver-white Sentinel’s appearance suddenly changed at this moment, from the original silver-white to the current natural yellow, giving people a feeling of being covered with a layer of rock skin.

Bang! Bang!

However, this didn’t stop Wanda and Little Naughty. With two sounds, Wanda and Little Naughty delivered their fleshy palms to the front of the two Sentinels, hitting the two Sentinels’ legs.

Sentinel seemed to be covered with a layer of rock skin and did not stop the two women’s fleshy palms. The two palm prints appeared on their two paths. The lines inside were directly scattered, and the parts at the joints were directly connected. Shake off.

The two alloy shanks were broken directly from the joints of the two legs, some small parts were scattered, and the two Sentinels became lame.

Wanda and Little Naughty didn’t miss such an opportunity to beat the Reservoir Dogs, 01’s body was moving around, and came to the two Sentinels closer, and kicked it out.

This foot is not an ordinary foot. It is called Duanzi Juesun’s foot. It is one of the most basic moves passed on to them by the number nine.

Although their targets were both male and female, they were two robots, but their lethality was still quite sufficient. With two roars, the two Sentinels flew more than ten meters out of thin air, and their bodies exploded directly in mid-air.

After all, it is mainly aimed at men’s moves. In this scene, all the men present were shocked and subconsciously clamped their legs, and a cold current rose from the spine and quickly rose to the back of the head.

“It’s so cruel! Wolverine!” Wolf’s cigar fell out of his mouth, but he didn’t respond, and said with a face full of fear and chills.

Wolverine has experienced enough, and the ability to restore is strong enough, but this does not mean that he is not afraid of such moves, such as broken eggs, it is really not something that ordinary men can bear.

Wolverine was still like this, let alone a mortal Cyclops, and he was more disturbed than Wolverine saw this scene.

“I want to know now who is wearing this dehumanizing trick! Laser,” said the eye, which was obviously not calm.

“Who else? Lu Yi!”


“Or else?

“that’s true!”

The two women appeared with Lu Yi. They knew that the little naughty had such a relationship with Lu Yi. Besides Lu Yi, who else could there be?

Lu Yi also heard the conversation between them, although Lu Yi also wanted to say that such a dehumanizing move had nothing to do with him, but he couldn’t say anything when it came to his lips.


Because they really have something to do with Lu Yi when they learn these moves. The data of the No. 9 character is all from Lu Yi, and all the martial arts they master are instilled by Lu Yi.

On the other hand, this kind of move is actually taught by Lu Yi, and there is no problem at all. In this case, what else can Lu Yi refute.

But these are all digressions now, and the real focus now is on Wanda and the little naughty two people, the rest are not important.

Wanda and the little naughty seemed to have transformed into tigers at this moment, threw themselves into the sheepfold, and began to destroy the Sentinel in front of them.

There was absolutely no Sentinel who could hold up two rounds in front of them, and similarly no attack that could hit them.

All Sentinels attacked together, and it was still very impressive. The crimson laser beam and other elemental attacks such as ice, fire, thunder and lightning were enough to destroy most of the X-Men who were present.

However, this kind of attack is not enough for Wanda and the little naughty. The two really can be said to have played the role to the essence.

The gap between the attack and the attack is the home field of the two. The two avoid one after another attack with amazing agility and physical flexibility. None were injured.

On the contrary, they constantly approached these Sentinels while dodging, and between opening and closing, nearly half of the Sentinels were wiped out.

When all this happened, both the X-Men present and the people who controlled Sentinel hiding in the secret place couldn’t help showing shocked expressions, looking at the two of them as if they were watching aliens .

Especially on the X-Men side!

“Isn’t the little naughty Awakening ability in terms of strength? Every punch and every kick must have hundreds of tons of power! Wolverine” The wolf picked up the cigar that fell again and again, with the residual said in shock.

“More than that! But I can be sure that the little naughty did not decide the ability of Awakening, you see the girl next to her, with sharp hands and feet, is not different from the 900 little naughty, no matter what, it is not what Awakening can get, the two of them together Awakening is the same Ability, but the chances of knowing each other are absolutely extremely low!” Jin, who was standing silently watching everything happening, said to Wolverine.

“Then they?”

“I guess it’s easy. Lu Yi knows magic, and maybe he has some other strange things. It seems difficult for a person to get hundreds of tons of power, but it shouldn’t be difficult for someone like him!”

“Yeah, but I really want to know how Lu Yi did it, and it would be great if you could help us understand the following!” said Wolverine.

To be honest, Wolverine was really hit hard today, not to mention the strengths that Wanda and Little Naughty showed, even the strengths that Sentinel showed could not be easily solved by him.

He has a more urgent quest for power, but…

“You think too much, it’s not easy to get this kind of power, it’s bound to cost a lot, little naughty because it’s Lu Yi’s girlfriend who got this power, the other girl’s situation is unknown, but it’s probably not easy, What do you have the confidence to get this power?”

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