Marvel's King

Chapter 115 There is no regret medicine in the world, and there is no hell

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Yo, my dear father, where's your head? It won't be chopped off."

Marduk was about to return to his territory, and there was a voice that made him extremely disgusted.

He has two children in his life, a son Hellstorm and a daughter.

Both of them were born to him and a human woman. The daughter was okay, and this son gave him a headache.

I don't know if he was bewitched by someone, or he was an idiot in the first place, and he had to learn from the black-hearted idiot and resist his Lao Tzu together.

If you really rely on your own strength like Black Heart to win over this, beat that, and integrate a big team to fight with him, it's fine, at least you can comfort yourself with someone who will succeed him.

But every time this idiot either fights alone or brings a bunch of trash, every time he is beaten and fled by his own little brother, he doesn't need to take action by himself.

It also happens to be as tenacious as human beings, and it makes myself very troublesome.

"What are you doing here? Didn't the lesson you taught you a few days ago be profound enough?"

Marduk's only remaining head spewed out a blazing flame, the hell fire that burned the soul.

Without any fear, Damon turned the trident in his hand to force the hell fire to disperse, and when he changed his hand, he also summoned a flame of hell to skyrocket at the feet of Marduk.

Just one step on Marduk's huge soles extinguished the lava-like flames.

"Oh, you leave, don't come here again, before pulling Kyle to come."

A cloud of green water suddenly emerged from the top of Marduk's bald neck, and then two faucets turned out of it, majestic.

Damon squeezed his trident angrily, and hated Royce why he didn't directly kill this monster, this monster that put him to shame.

But he didn't have the ability to drive Royce, nor did he have the ability to defeat his father head-on, so he had to leave, and put down a ruthless saying like a pupil: "I will come back, with the power that can defeat you!"

Looking at the back of his son's departure, Marduk felt a little frustrated, reorganized his body, transformed into a human size, and returned to his territory.

"My lord, what are you..."

The wise angel Barberite, who had been rebellious from the kingdom of heaven, saw Lord Satan's look as if he had been torn down, and it was a bit strange.

Satan's men are not like Asmodeus.

Most of Asmode's subordinates are descendants of the Seventy-two Demon Gods, generally weak in abilities, and very obedient to Asmode.

But most of Satan's subordinates are angels who rebelled from the kingdom of heaven. These fallen angels are very powerful, and even Satan can't say that they can win against these people.

The main reason why the fallen angels can stay under the hands of Satan to do things is that Satan has always been a firm rebel against the kingdom of heaven and has the strength to fight Gabriel.

I have never seen Lord Satan appear like this before, the only time he was a little bit distressed and hated iron and steel after easily defeating the rebel army led by his son for the first time.

Satan waved his hand, leaning on the throne and said weakly, "It may change in the future..."


The fourth level of hell is different from the first three levels. Here is a cold blue hue, and even the sun in the sky is blue.

Surrounded by the cold, it was like being in the north and south poles.

"Ah, I finally changed the color. If it is red again, I feel like I will be blind."

Royce looked relieved.

Su Lisa was still upset that she hadn't provoked the collision between Royce and Marduk before. After hearing Royce's feelings, she immediately cleared her mood and echoed: "Yes, the fourth floor is blue, the fifth The layer is dark green." Bibi e-book

"Green? Whose territory is the fifth floor? Such a heavy taste?"

Su Lisha blinked her big eyes and said, "Didn't you talk about it before? The fifth floor is Lucifer's territory. Of course, Lucifer is not the only one living there. There are many small lord vassals under him."

"Oh? Why is that? Is Lucifer's popularity better?"

"Of course not, mainly because Mephisto doesn't like being disturbed, and prefers to enjoy the fun of his own soul. Therefore, there are no other lords on the fourth floor except Mephisto, and those little lords have to go to other places. exile.

Some went to Satan's hand, and some went to Lucifer's hand."

"It turned out to be so, go to Mephisto now."

"Don't wait for me?"

When Royce flew forward, a golden circle suddenly appeared in front of him. Gu Yi and Mage Mordor got out of it, smiling.

Royce looked at Gu Yi in confusion and said, "Have you been here before? Wait a minute, since you can release the space magic, why let me come here?"

Gu Yi spread his hands and said innocently: "You disappeared after I came out of the mirror world. I don't know where to find you, so I have to wait here."

Royce gritted his teeth, impotent and furious.

Marepi wants me to help you work for free!If you want me to frighten these lords, just say, what are you doing?Are you sick?

Forget it, just this time, if I deal with old things like Gu Yi again, I will be a dog!

"Okay, let's go, go to Mephisto and Asmode, you should be expecting these two to get together."

But Mephisto was much smarter than Royce imagined. The insidious and cunning hell lord can dominate the situation for so many years thanks to his terribly smart head.

"No, sir, I have sent your prey here, please enjoy."

A curly-haired man in a fire-red suit appeared in front of Royce and the others with a glass of red wine, and under his feet, it was Asmode, who was tied up by the five flowers.

"Mephisto! We have an agreement! You can't betray the agreement!"

Asmod was extremely frightened.

He originally wanted to find Mephisto first, because Mephisto was on the fourth floor, and Royce would not come here so easily.

Moreover, the seven lords once had an agreement to advance and retreat together, to convince Mephisto to fight against Royce with him, after all, Mephisto is an extremely smart opportunist.

After Mephisto was made clear, they would go to Lucifer. After persuading Lucifer, Royce should have reached the fourth floor.

At that time, I went to the third level to convince Satan through the fifth-level maelstrom, and then united with the nightmare.

The power of the seven lords should be enough to fight against Royce.

But I never expected that Mephisto, with big eyebrows and eyes, would betray the revolution!

After listening to what he said, he smiled coldly and said, "Then why didn't you come to me when you and Gu Yi said they were going to devour the earth?"

Then I took a rope that I didn't know how to use and tied it up like a pig, and cut off all my plans.

Asmodeus really wants to cry now, and he should go directly to the simple-minded fool of Nightmare!What are you looking for Mephisto!This person's brain turns so fast, how can he have the confidence to convince others to do such a thankless thing!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world, and there is no hell.

Asmodeus is mortal today.


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