Marvel's King

Chapter 117:

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Gu Yi ignored the little game between Royce and Su Lisa, and looked at Satanish who broke out of the ground and said, "Well, this time it's almost the same. Where is Satan? Why didn't he come?"

Some Lucifer over there who couldn't stand Royce's grip shouted angrily: "Gu Yi! What do you want to do! Do you know what happens when hell is emptied?!"

Mephisto also reacted, and he hated Lucifer, an idiot who threatened others at this time, but he couldn't help it. He himself was anxious.

He used to carry the Planet Devourer back then, but that kind of situation is too rare. He has just been attacked by his son's black heart. Now that he can exert 80% of his strength is the ultimate limit, he wants to resist Royce. This person who doesn't know how many methods there are should be no show.

But he was never good at fighting.

After clearing up his mood, Mephisto put on his gentle smile again, came to Royce, and said: "Looking at you, you don't seem to know this will happen?"

Royce knew Mephisto was here to fight the fire.

He was very dissatisfied with Gu Yi and even wanted to attack on the spot.

But no matter how you think about it, it's just thinking.If it really happened, the scene would never develop in the direction he hoped.

But he didn't want to follow Gu Yi's way so stubbornly, so he smiled and nodded at Mephisto, and said, "I really don't know, what's the matter? You know in advance?"

Mephisto's face turned black: If I know in advance, Setosk is already here, do you believe it?

But Mephisto, who didn't know in advance, could only give a far-fetched smile and said: "Then we can talk, as people who are also kept in the dark."

As soon as the word kept in the dark, Mephisto immediately noticed the flickering anger in Royce's eyes, and said in his heart: There is a play!

He immediately said: "Oh, it's not a disaster to say it, obviously there is nothing wrong with me, you should just want to clean up Asmodeus, but because I was kept in the dark, now my life is in danger. Not injustice?"

Royce’s anger was even worse, but he still didn’t lose his mind. He looked at Mephisto with a smile but said, “Even if I fight with Gu Yi first, it’s easy to deal with you. You do this. What's the use?"

Mephisto's face was completely stiff.

Satanish, who appeared last, laughed and said with his voice that seemed to be speaking in the valley: "Hahahaha, Mephisto, your mouth used to be awkward at times! I laughed to death. Hahahaha."

"Ah, you are too noisy!"

Before Satanish's laughter stopped, these words rang in his ears.

Turning his head irritably, he saw the huge slap Royce drew.

Although Satanish had never played against Royce, looking at Lucifer's appearance, he knew that there was a strong man here.

Now that Royce makes a move, it must be this person.

Although he reacted, his huge body slowed his speed significantly. When he reached out to resist, it was too late. He could only watch that slap on his face.

There was a burst of numbness, followed by a burst of scorching heat, and finally, the shock that seemed to be hit by a mountain on his face made his mind a little dizzy.

But Satanish had no other ability, just the thickest skin.

This pain lasted less than five seconds, and disappeared after he was knocked to the ground by Royce.

But this humiliation will never go away.

"I'm the man who fought with Domam! Mr. Gate!"

Satanish roared and hammered the ground hard, his tall body exploded at a speed that was not in line with it, and he approached Royce in an instant.

This attack was like a signal, and Asmodeus, who was secretly released by Mephisto, immediately followed him with a lance.

Lucifer on the other side also seized the opportunity to unite with Mephisto, who rushed past, to release a red and black laser to defeat Royce's suppression of him.The first Chinese website


Lucifer's hooves pushed hard, and the muscles on his body released a strong force, blasting his body like a bullet, and the wings behind him continued to slow down during the flight.

It took almost a second to reach Royce.

Mephisto, who had saved his teammate, immediately fleeed away, observing the situation on the battlefield from a distance.

The first one to be beaten was Satanish who rushed over first.

Royce didn't even pull out the Thunder Sword, and after attaching a layer of lightning to his fist, Royce hit Satanish with a heavy punch.

The electric current crawled into Satanish's body with the force of his fists, continuously destroying his organs.

Asmodeus is a bit more miserable.

As soon as his huge lance hit Royce's head, he was caught by Royce's left hand.

Then an electric ball suddenly condensed on his right hand, screaming.

Royce's left hand flung Asmod's lance, and his right palm pushed it out, hitting Asmod's chest.

The overloaded electric ball instantly penetrated Asmod's chest cavity, and merged into his blood vessels like a stream of water.

Then his body was directly detonated, turning into blood and falling down.

Lucifer, who rushed over like a bullet, suddenly stopped in the air, with panic in his eyes.

Wait a minute, who am I?where am I?What am I doing?

"Gu Yi, you have the rest, okay?"

Royce flashed over to Mephisto, put one hand on his shoulder, and spoke to Gu Yi who was watching the battle from a distance.

This is a mess caused by Gu Yi, can't you resist it alone?

Gu Yi smiled and nodded, his hands quickly formed a seal, and the golden pendant hidden under the clothes gleamed green lightly through the clothes.

Eye of Agomoto!

It is also a gem of time!

But Gu Yi didn't want to use time gems, but the strongest artifact of white magic, the Eye of Agomoto.

The imprint on the hand is formed, and the mantra in the mouth is also finished.

The Eye of Agomoto immediately turned a few times quickly, and a burst of golden magic was like sea water, quickly covering the entire world.

Satanish, who was knocked to the ground by Royce's punch, immediately screamed, and the mountain-sized body began to splash and jump continuously like a carp king out of the water.

It turned into a puddle of muddy water within a few seconds, which seeped into the ground.

Royce hurriedly rushed forward when he saw this, and made a cup-like thing with his supernatural power, scooped a full glass of green water, and satisfactorily returned to Mephisto who was about to escape.

"Why go? Stay here for a while, I think you were very happy when you just rescued your brother."

Mephisto smirked and stammered: "Then, that, me, I didn't mean it..."


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