Marvel's King

Chapter 122-Steve Rogers

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!S.H.I.E.L.D. ushered in a living fossil, an old antique, and the superhero of World War II, Captain America Steve Rogers.

We will not specifically discuss the specific contributions of the United States in World War II here, but only talk about things in comics and movies.

When Royce arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D., Rogers's condition was not very good, or even a little bad.

After all, I slept for seventy years, no one can bear it.

"Oh, I heard you were looking for him a long time ago. I didn't expect you to find him so soon?"

Royce circled Rogers as soon as he came in. I have to say that the US team is really handsome.

Even if he is in an unknown area, he is full of self-confidence. He is neither humble nor overbearing when looking at Royce, even with a little scrutiny. This is a habit left to him by military experience.

"Oh yo? Where did you hear it? It's not Tony, right? He is doing a big thing today. Don't you go to support him?"

Fury has a smile on his face, and he can see that he is relaxed.

Even Royce's unified plan didn't feel so terrible to him.

"It's okay. It's not time for me to play. He's just arguing with those American politicians. What did I do?"

Royce stretched out his hand to Rogers after a few perfunctory sentences and said: "Hello, I am Royce, S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Advisor, and I am glad to meet you."

Rogers looked at Royce's hand and stood up politely. After holding it, he said, "This is Steve Rogers, the captain of the Roaring Commando, it's nice to meet you."

"Roaring Commando? This name is old enough, should I change the team leader in the future?"

Fury's eyelids twitched, and he smiled and said, "Haha, you are squeezing labor. Rogers still needs time to get acquainted with the new world."

Royce said lala: "There will be a new world appearing soon, why do you understand this?"

Frie laughed, Rogers was a little unsure, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means that the world will be unified soon, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, can you tell me in detail? Is anyone trying to rule the world? Hasn't it been eliminated?"

Suddenly he was put on the hat of sex, Royce's face turned black, and Fury laughed unscrupulously, pointed to Royce and said: "Hahahaha, if Hitler knew there was a successor like you, I'm afraid you can crawl out of the grave with a smile! Hahaha, Rogers, what you said really hit the nail on the head!"

Rogers is even more confused. This person is going to rule the world?Isn't he a special advisor of SHIELD?Did SHIELD also rebelled?So... since when?Where is Peggy?

Royce naturally couldn't answer all the questions that Rogers had in his head. He just said: "For so many years, mankind has been fighting a civil war, and it's time to develop outside, right?"


"Yes, outside. The outside world is too big."

Royce looked out the window with passion in his voice.


"Don't rush to object, it's not yet that time. I will show you an information first.

This is a world that Royce discovered not long ago. Their name is the Spartan Empire. They are familiar, right?"Three K Novel Network

After Tony made some remarks, he asked Jarvis to release part of the information he had deciphered.

"The Spartan Empire is located in the Shia galaxy, the capital of Spartacus, and its social system is the feudal imperial power system. It rules 27 planets, including Spartacus. It is in the Shia galaxy. The second largest force."

Tony's explanation stunned the members who were angry about the incident that Tony said about the abolition of the parliament and the surrender of the ruling power. This is not Tony's deception!Sia galaxy is what a hanging thing!

If you have an idea, someone will practice it. A somewhat obese Senate stood up and accused: "Tony Stark! If you think that making some sci-fi shorts like this will make us believe your nonsense, that would be a big mistake! You are still far away from taking power!"

Tony laughed and turned off the introduction projection of the Spartan Empire, and walked up to him and said, "Do you think I want the rights of the United States? No, I want the whole world!"

And you have to give it to me!"

Tony's toughness suppressed the Senate. After all, everyone knew that standing behind Tony was the frightening Royce, who was so powerful and dared to do things.

The parliament ended at the President's call to a halt, but the storm brought by Tony has not disappeared.

All powerful families in the United States gather today.

In the past, they were opponents, and they were all in a relationship of smiling at you in front of you and stabbing you in the back.

But today, the pressure forced them to put away their knives and smile.

"It's not ashamed! He thought Stark was the only wise man in America? Abolishing the parliament, he really can think of it!"

"Convene a federation immediately to cancel that Roshzi SHIELD!"

"Let the World Security Council cancel all the privileges of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Take back all their resources! I want to see how long Royce can last without our support!"

"No, it's too obvious. We have to mess up the world. He doesn't have time to take care of us. If he wants to sing, then we will set up the stage for him. It is a wise choice to hold a federation. They go and talk to the rascals themselves!"

"But, what if Royce retaliates? What should we do then?"

"Oh, as long as he has the guts to stir up a financial turmoil all over the world, come on, I hope we make a statement."

"Oh? What statement?"

"It's...huh? Royce? Why are you here!"

The head of a certain family was still expressing his thoughts, and suddenly felt that his voice was wrong, and turned his head to see that the virtual image beside him was indeed Royce.

"Tsk, they are all big shots, why? Are big shots not afraid of death? Stir up the financial turmoil, pick one for me to see?"

Although Royce has concerns in this regard, he also has countermeasures.

However, his threat did calm the scene. Almost 80% of the image disappeared in an instant, leaving only some particularly large ones, or those who were not afraid of Royce's strength.

"What on earth do you want to do? Do you start World War III?"

A white-haired old man who had never spoken rubbed his crutch, his words threatening.

"Don't threaten me with war, as long as I have a thought, this world can be destroyed. You can survive because I don't want you to die, so don't mention these things, which makes people feel funny."

Royce bared his big white teeth, his words were full of disdain, and his eyes throbbed with indifference.

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