Marvel's King

Chapter 124-Peggy Carter

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Royce's remarks did not scare anyone, nor did they solve Hill's problem.

Hill said bluntly: "With all due respect, these will not solve the current problems. S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have enough prestige to control the world. I propose to abandon this operation."

Royce threw the Universe Rubik's Cube to Fury and said: "Continue with your Pegasus plan, I want the entire universe to know that the earth is indeed ready for battle.

Prestige, one war is enough, wait for the invasion.

Rather than watching human civil wars all the time, I hope we can invade other worlds, or be invaded by other worlds."

After speaking, Royce disappeared directly.

Captain America Steve Rogers looked deep and asked Fury: "Who is that person?"

"The most powerful person on earth, I hope you don't have the opportunity to see his horror."


"The Avengers draft? I thought you would not come up with this set of documents."

Fury and Rogers came to Royce's house together and wanted Royce to explain his intentions.

"Oh? It seems that you have known about this a long time ago? I heard Hill say that you once had an idea to talk to me about this. Can you tell me why I gave up in the end?"

Ferry’s question made Royce want to laugh a little, so he said truthfully:

"Because you were not prepared at the time, are you doing it now?"

With that, he set his sights on Rogers.

"Captain, you are not familiar with this world yet, have you met Peggy?"

"Not yet, I'm not ready yet."

Rogers was a little shy when he spoke. It seemed that he was really not ready yet.

But it is true that the lover of the year, the present... alas, fate.

But Royce can still make some changes in this matter. He smiled and said, "Then tell me when you are ready."

"Oh? Why? Do you know Peggy?"

"I don't know him yet, but I should be able to meet soon."

Sharon Carter reluctantly brought Royce to the New York Nursing Home.

"Why are you so bitter? I came to do good deeds."

Sharon didn't believe that Royce could be so kind, and said: "I don't know why, I always feel that your smile scares me. If it weren't for the order of the boss, I would never bring you here."

"Emmm, but I'm here anyway, what do you want to do? Hahaha."

Royce laughed and pushed open a door, inside it was a peaceful old man, who was the legend of S.H.I.E.L.D., Peggy Carter.

She did not fall asleep, and turned her head when she heard the movement.

"Oh, Sharon, did you take your boyfriend to see me?"

Peggy doesn't know Royce, but he knows his niece.

She looked very happy at this time, but Sharon stepped over Royce and said, "No, he is a special advisor of SHIELD and asked me to take him to see you."

The excitement in Peggy's eyes disappeared instantly, returned to calm, and looked at Royce and said, "When does SHIELD have the position of Special Advisor?"

Royce looked at the structure of the ward, and heard Peggy’s question and said: "I didn't have it before, I will be there, Ms. Carter, how are you doing?" Search for

"Fortunately, did you come to me for something? My bad old lady has nothing valuable here."

Peggy’s verbal attack with a gun and a stick made Royce a bit at a loss, and quickly said: "Oh oh, we are also colleagues, there is no need to attack like this? Let me introduce myself, my name is Royce, You may have heard my name."

Peggy has heard the name Royce naturally, and she has seen Royce before. This attitude towards Royce is entirely because he persecuted his niece, and she was a little unhappy.

"Of course I have heard of you. TV is talking about you every day. Some people say that you are the savior of the world. Some people say that you are a new generation of people. Who do you think is you?"

Royce chuckled lightly and said, "Neither, I'm just a person who wants to make all state affairs a family affair."

With that, the power of immortal evolution covered Peggy's body.

The power of evolution caused Peggy's physical condition to regress to the appearance of his youth, and the immortal power prevented the cosmic rules from inhibiting this change.

In almost an instant, Peggy recovered his youthful appearance.

Sharon was stunned. Peggy was still unaware, and continued to say sarcastically: "How can state affairs become family affairs? No country is willing to surrender its sovereignty and interests. This is a hurdle you can never cross. , So please tell me what you are going to do...

Wait a minute, my body."

"Aunt, you...what are you... Royce, did you do it?"

Royce spread his hands and said, "No thanks?"

After a short lag, Peggy appeared panicked, stretched out a trembling finger to Royce and said, "What the hell did you do!"


"Hi...really, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this, except Carrie."

Royce talked with Sharon depressedly as he walked. After experiencing what happened just now, Sharon's face was full of joy and excitement, and he was very soulful when talking to Royce.

"Hey, this is the end that angers an 80-something old lady, hahaha."

"Seriously, how do you think Steve Rogers will react when he sees that the old lover has not changed at all?"

"Emmmm, I should be very scared, but I haven't been in contact with him, hard to say, but I will definitely be very happy.

Sharon seemed to think of the scene when the two reunited, and smirked.

Royce suddenly thought of something, and paused to ask Sharon: "Say your uncle died?"

Sharon rolled her eyes and understood what Royce was worried about. She pretended to be astonished and said, "Oh! What about my uncle! If he knows about this... will he crawl out of the grave?"

Royce was nervous, but...

He bit his posterior molars and said, "Naughty girls won't end well, remember!"

"Hahahaha, slightly~ you still want to beat me and fail?"


After taking over global affairs, S.H.I.E.L.D. has become more and more busy. On the one hand, it has to mediate certain countries that often have frictions, and on the other hand, it has to ensure that it will not launch a war or make one of them too dissatisfied.

Dealing with these things is simply more troublesome than playing with the children, because the leaders of these countries or the speakers are even younger than the children.

But today, S.H.I.E.L.D. ushered in a person who surprised Royce.

"Jane? Why are you here? Have you encountered any problems?"

Jane brought her assistants to S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. They did come to seek help, no, it should be said that Jane came to seek help alone.

"Sol... do you know where he went?"


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