Marvel's King

Chapter 126 What kind of junk technology is Qitarui!

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Loki's idea is very beautiful.

He even imagined that after he reigned over the Nine Realms, he would level Asgard, then backhanded the Zetaris, invaded their fleet, and directed all Asgardians, including his brother, his father, Announcing the fact of his return as the king.

It is a pity that the Qitarians are the bottom of the universe's combat power after all.

The Zitarians, who own the most trash warship in the universe, have been on their way since they embarked on the journey.

Another commander of the legion told Loki: It will take at least a year to reach the earth.

This news amazed Loki, no wonder you can only be the slave troops of Thanos. The warships of the Saka people can pass through the wormhole. Can you not even pass through a wormhole?

Also, what the hell is your mothership?Animal?How many heavy weapons can you put on this thing?How many landing ships can carry?

No heavy weapons?Can't carry landing ships?The landing ships are all aviation triple jumpers?

It's more reliable for me to find Ah San to fight than you bastard!You Qitarians, what kind of junk technology is this!

Loki was mad, but couldn't help it.

Fortunately, the superstar lady gave Loki a good idea.

There are space gems on the earth. If space gems are obtained, then designing an exciter can open enough space wormholes for these Leviathans to pass.

"Then how do I get to the earth?"

"It's okay, I'll take you there."

"Ah!!! Can't let me..."


The flow of time in the universe is not the same. Although Loki in another galaxy feels that a few days have passed, it has been almost nine months on Earth in the Milky Way.

"Royce, there will be a federation tomorrow, are you going to participate?"

Tony walked over with great spirits and spoke to Royce who was watching the construction of the space battleship.

Royce shook his head and said, "It's boring. If you go, you can just watch them or fight with them. Don't go."

"You have evaded five or six times. The group of people are very dissatisfied with you, saying that you have not fulfilled your promise. If you don't go again, I guess Hill will come to you to get angry."

Royce's expression was stagnant, and he took a deep breath and said, "Will you go for me?"

"No, no, you can find someone else, I won't go."

Tony refused repeatedly. He didn't want to be targeted. Those people were so coaxed by Royce that they could not wait to bring the whole world into one family. Even Ah San and Jews, who had always wanted to make trouble, were relied on by them. The tongue of non-badness came over and formed a large group.

As a result, just after they gave away the benefits and gave away, the world economy and technology developed peacefully for more than half a year, they suddenly discovered that they had been shaved by Royce.

Although it seems that the income is much more than eating alone before, how can I feel that I have been cheated.

So they called Royce several times to learn about the progress of space technology research, but Royce has been too lazy to get it, so they mistakenly thought it was an excuse, and now they are angry.

In fact, this incident is completely unnecessary, mainly because Royce is too lazy.

This group of people has been idle at home waiting for Rocky to bring the Zetaru to invade. Although they have become more and more capable, they can’t find anything to do. They don’t even have a decent villain. They are boring. Batch.

But he was too lazy to wrestle with these people, which led to this scene.Reading book nest

Royce thought about it for a long time, and suddenly thought of someone.

"Or, let the captain go?"

"Which team... I agree!"

The two quickly finalized an agreement, and then Sharon relayed the news to Captain Rogers.

"Let me go to the Federation? I haven't been."

Rogers did not refuse, nor did he agree, he was just worried that he would not do well and let the plan fail.

After so long, he slowly understood what Royce did, and was deeply impressed by Royce's ideas.

Human beings really shouldn't fight inward anymore. Even if they want to fight inwardly, it should be when the entire universe is the descendants of mankind, and then there will be a huge internal fight that spreads, and that is spectacular.

But Rogers did not agree with the latter point. He felt that this world would never have war.

He has experienced the horrors of modern warfare. The feeling that the people around you are likely to be killed in a single shot plus you are really weak and desperate.

Therefore, he even did not hesitate to start his old business, giving the American people who angered S.H.I.E.L.D. as subjugation and rebelliousness. Although he didn't adjust this time, he was ashamed.

Sharon looked at the captain hesitantly and said: "Captain, now is not the time for you to think about it. You are waiting very anxiously. This federation is held for this event. If we don't send representatives to participate in this event. I think they will probably break this hard-won peace."

When Rogers heard these words, a sense of responsibility climbed into his heart, and suddenly stood up, standing like a javelin, giving Sharon an extremely reliable feeling.

He said: "If this is the case, then I have no shirk, but please prepare a speech for me so that I won't say anything wrong."

Sharon shook her head slightly and said, "No, whatever you say, it represents the will of SHIELD. Royce asked me to tell you this."

The feeling of being trusted is very comfortable, something Rogers didn't feel from Fury.

A smile suddenly appeared on his tight face, and he said, "Thank him for me."

Sharon rolled her eyes silently, and said, "Can't you two make it clear in person? Aunt Peggy has become younger, aren't you also very happy? You have to make trouble to this point?"

Rogers smiled slightly happily, but shook his head and said, "I was not angry because he made Peggy younger, but because he made his own way.

That incident back then, in the final analysis, was my fault, but it was not me who made up for it. The one more person who filled Peggy's life would not be that important. This is the reason for our anger."

Sharon curled her lips in disdain, and said: "Then you are being called to my aunt again, cut, Royce is right, you are a duplicity and scumbag!"

After speaking, Sharon walked out of Rogers' lounge with her long golden hair, looking so free and handsome from behind.

Rogers shook his head and murmured: "You don't understand, after all, it is regrettable..."

After sighing, Rogers put on the bar coded suit he hadn't worn for a long time, carrying a shield that symbolized his identity, and boarded the plane to the United Nations Building in New York.


"he has gone?"

Royce felt that there was someone around him, no need to look, just feel the breath, knowing it was Sharon Carter, and asked softly.

Sharon stood on the other side of Royce, nodded and said, "Go, just set off."

Royce smiled with satisfaction and said to Tony, "Look, a tool man is still very useful, isn't it?"


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